Grillparzer, Franz (17911872)

Grillparzer, Franz, popular Austrian dramatist, born at Vienna; studied law and then entered the Civil Service, in which he remained from 1813 to 1856; his first notable drama was the tragedy “Die Ahnfrau,” the motif of which is an extreme fatalism; “Sappho,” “Das goldene Vliess,” and many others followed, all of which are marked by dramatic power and lyric grace; he stands in the front rank of Austrian poets (17911872).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Griffin * Grimaldi, Joseph
[wait for the fun]
Grévy, François, Paul Jules
Grey, Charles, first Earl
Grey, Charles, 2nd Earl
Grey, Sir George
Grey, Lady Jane
Grey Friars
Grieg, Edoard
Grierson, Sir Robert, of Lag
Griesbach, Johann Jacob
Grillparzer, Franz
Grimaldi, Joseph
Grimm, Baron
Grimm, Jacob Ludwig
Grimm, Wilhelm Karl
Grimm's Law
Grindal, Edmund