Grimm, Baron (17231807)

Grimm, Baron, a German littérateur and critic, born at Ratisbon; a man of versatile powers and vast attainments; settled in Paris and became acquainted with Rousseau and the leading Encyclopédists and Madame d'Epinay; on the breaking out of the Revolution he retired to the court of Gotha and afterwards to that of Catharine II. of Russia, who made him her minister at Hamburg; his correspondence is full of interest, and abounds in piquant literary criticism (17231807).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Grimaldi, Joseph * Grimm, Jacob Ludwig
[wait for the fun]
Grey, Charles, 2nd Earl
Grey, Sir George
Grey, Lady Jane
Grey Friars
Grieg, Edoard
Grierson, Sir Robert, of Lag
Griesbach, Johann Jacob
Grillparzer, Franz
Grimaldi, Joseph
Grimm, Baron
Grimm, Jacob Ludwig
Grimm, Wilhelm Karl
Grimm's Law
Grindal, Edmund
Griqualand, West and East