
Griffin or Griffon, a chimerical fabulous animal with the body and legs of a lion in symbol of strength, with the wings and beak of an eagle in symbol of swiftness, with the ears of a horse in symbol of watchfulness, and instead of a mane the fin of a fish; figures among heraldic symbols with the significance here indicated.

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Griesbach, Johann Jacob * Grillparzer, Franz
[wait for the fun]
Gréville, Henry
Grévy, François, Paul Jules
Grey, Charles, first Earl
Grey, Charles, 2nd Earl
Grey, Sir George
Grey, Lady Jane
Grey Friars
Grieg, Edoard
Grierson, Sir Robert, of Lag
Griesbach, Johann Jacob
Grillparzer, Franz
Grimaldi, Joseph
Grimm, Baron
Grimm, Jacob Ludwig
Grimm, Wilhelm Karl
Grimm's Law
Grindal, Edmund


Griffin in Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase & Fable

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Abercrombie, John
Biddle, John
Goldsmith, Oliver
Mapletoft, John
Quin, James