Hayes, Rutherford Birchard (18221893)

Hayes, Rutherford Birchard, President of the United States, born at Delaware, Ohio; graduated at Kenyon College, Ohio; studied law at Harvard, and started practice at Cincinnati; he served with distinction through the Civil War, entered Congress in 1865, and was thrice governor of Ohio; in 1876 he was elected President in the Republican interest after a protracted and bitterly disputed election; he did much to pacify the South, reform the civil service, advance education, and to bring about resumption of specie payments, measures which greatly restored the prosperity of the country (18221893).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Hayes, Isaac Israel * Hay-Fever
[wait for the fun]
Hawker, Robert Stephen
Hawkesworth, John
Hawkins, Sir John
Hawkins, Sir John
Hawkwood, Sir John
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Haydn, Joseph
Haydon, Benjamin Robert
Hayes, Isaac Israel
Hayes, Rutherford Birchard
Hayley, William
Haym, Rudolf
Haynau, Julius Jakob, Baron von
Hayward, Abraham
Hazlitt, William
Head, Sir Edmund Walker, Bart.
Head, Sir Francis Bond