Johnston, Alexander Keith (18041871)

Johnston, Alexander Keith, cartographer, born at Kirkhill, Midlothian; was an engraver by trade, and devoted himself with singular success to the preparation of atlases; the “National Atlas” was published in 1843, and the “Royal Atlas of Geography” (1861) was the finest till then produced; he also executed atlases physical, geological, and astronomical, and constructed the first physical globe; honours were showered upon him by home and foreign geographical societies; he died at Ben Rhydding (18041871).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Johnson, Samuel * Johnston, James Finlay Weir
[wait for the fun]
John Bull
John of Gaunt
John O' Groat's House
John of Leyden
John of Salisbusy
John the Baptist
John the Good
John's Eve, St.
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Samuel
Johnston, Alexander Keith
Johnston, James Finlay Weir
Joinville, Jean, Sire de
Jokai Maurice
Jonathan, Brother
Jones, Ebenezer
Jones, Edward Burne