John of Leyden (15091536)

John of Leyden, originally a tailor; attained great power as an orator; joined the Anabaptists, and in 1534 established at Münster, in Westphalia, a society based on communistic and polygamic principles; but the bishop of Münster interfered, and next year John was put to death with great cruelty (15091536).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

John O' Groat's House * John of Salisbusy
[wait for the fun]
John, Epistles of
John, Knights of St.
John, Prester
John, St.
John, The Gospel according to
John Bull
John of Gaunt
John O' Groat's House
John of Leyden
John of Salisbusy
John the Baptist
John the Good
John's Eve, St.
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Samuel
Johnston, Alexander Keith
Johnston, James Finlay Weir