
Johnstone, a Renfrewshire manufacturing town, on the Black Cart, 3½ m. W. of Paisley; has flax, cotton, paper, and iron industries.

Population (circa 1900) given as 10,000.

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Johnston, James Finlay Weir * Johnstown
[wait for the fun]
John O' Groat's House
John of Leyden
John of Salisbusy
John the Baptist
John the Good
John's Eve, St.
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Samuel
Johnston, Alexander Keith
Johnston, James Finlay Weir
Joinville, Jean, Sire de
Jokai Maurice
Jonathan, Brother
Jones, Ebenezer
Jones, Edward Burne
Jones, Ernest
Jones, Henry Arthur


Johnstone in Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase & Fable

Links here from Chalmers

Dalrymple, Alexander
Faccio, Nicolas Of Duilier
Gregory, John
Johnstone, James
Lyttelton, George
Macpherson, James
Mickle, William Julius
Moore, Sir John
Orton, Job