Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry (18021873)

Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry, greatest English animal-painter, born in London, the son of an engraver and writer on art, trained by his father, sketched animals before he was six years old, and exhibited in the Royal Academy before thirteen; in his early years he portrayed simply the form and colour and movement of animal life, but after his twenty-first year he added usually some sentiment or idea; elected A.R.A. in 1826, and R.A. in 1830; he was knighted in 1853; five years later he won a gold medal in Paris; in 1859 he modelled the Trafalgar Square lions; after 1861 he suffered from mental depression, and declined the Presidency of the Royal Academy in 1866 (18021873).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Land's End * Landsturm
[wait for the fun]
Lancelot of the Lake
Land League
Lander, Richard
Landon, Letitia Elizabeth
Landor, Walter Savage
Land's End
Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry
Lane, Edward William
Lanfrey, Pierre
Lang, Andrew
Lange, Friedrich
Lange, Johann Peter
Langhorne, John