Leconte de Lisle (18201894)

Leconte de Lisle, a French poet, a Creole, born in the Isle of Bourbon, author of “Poésies Barbares” and “Poésies Antiques,” and translator of Homer, Sophocles, Theocrates, and other classics; his translations are wonderfully faithful to the originals (18201894).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Le Clerc, John * Lectern
[wait for the fun]
Lear, Edward
Leather Stocking, Natty
Leathes, Stanley
Le Brun, Charles
Lechler, Gotthard Victor
Lecky, William Edward Hartpole
Leclaire, Edme-Jean
Le Clerc, John
Leconte de Lisle
Ledru-Rollin, Alexandra Auguste
Lee, Robert Edward
Lee, Robert
Lee, Samuel
Leech, John
Leeds, Thomas Osborne, Duke of
Leeuwenhoek, Anton van