Leech, John

Leech, John, English artist, born in London; was educated at the Charterhouse, and a fellow pupil there of Thackeray's; displayed early a turn for caricature; produced a set of illustrations for the “Ingoldsby Legends”; joined the staff of Punch in 1844, and remained a member of it till his death; here he distinguished himself by his cartoons and his humorous illustrations of scenes and characters of English life and society, and showed himself an artist more than a caricaturist; his work was not limited to Punch; he contributed illustrations also to Once a Week, the Illustrated London News, and other publications of the time (1817-1864).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Lee, Samuel * Leeds
[wait for the fun]
Lecky, William Edward Hartpole
Leclaire, Edme-Jean
Le Clerc, John
Leconte de Lisle
Ledru-Rollin, Alexandra Auguste
Lee, Robert Edward
Lee, Robert
Lee, Samuel
Leech, John
Leeds, Thomas Osborne, Duke of
Leeuwenhoek, Anton van
Lefort, François Jacob
Left, The
Le Gallienne, Richard
Legendre, Adrien Marie
Legge, James