Roberts, David (17961864)

Roberts, David, painter, born in Edinburgh; began as a house-painter; became a scene-painter; studied artistic drawing, and devoted himself to architectural painting, his first pictures being of Rouen and Amiens cathedrals; visiting Spain he published a collection of Spanish sketches, and after a tour in the East published in 1842 a magnificently-illustrated volume entitled the “Holy Land, Syria, Idumæa, Arabia, Egypt, and Nubia;” a great number of his pictures are ecclesiastical interiors (17961864).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Robert the Devil * Roberts, Lord
[wait for the fun]
Roaring Forties
Rob Roy
Robben Island
Robbia, Luca Delia
Robert I
Robert II.
Robert III.
Robert the Devil
Roberts, David
Roberts, Lord
Robertson, Frederick William
Robertson, Joseph
Robertson, Thomas William
Robertson, William
Robespierre, Maximilien
Robin Hood
Robins, Benjamin
Robinson, Edward
Robinson, Henry Crabb