White, Gilbert (17201793)

White, Gilbert, English naturalist, born in the village of Selborne, Hants; educated at Oriel College, Oxford, in which he obtained a Fellowship, which he retained all his life; became curate of Selborne, and passed an uneventful life studying the habits of the animals around him, where he “had not only no great men to look on, but not even men, only sparrows and cockchafers; yet has he left us a 'Biography' of these, which, under the title of 'Natural History of Selborne,' still remains valuable to us, which has copied a little sentence or two faithfully from the inspired volume of Nature, and so,” adds Carlyle, “is itself not without inspiration” (17201793).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

White, Sir George Stewart * White, Henry Kirke
[wait for the fun]
Whewell, William
Whichcote, Benjamin
Whistler, James Abbot M'Neill
Whiston, William
Whitby, Daniel
White, Alexander
White, Sir George Stewart
White, Gilbert
White, Henry Kirke
White, Joseph Blanco
White Horse
White House
White Lady
White Mountains
White Nile
White Sea
Whitefield, George