Whitelocke, Bulstrode (16051675)

Whitelocke, Bulstrode, a statesman of the Commonwealth, born in London; studied law at the Middle Temple: sat in the Long Parliament, and was moderate in his zeal for the popular side; at the Restoration his name was included in the Act of Oblivion, but he took no part afterwards in public affairs; left “Memorials” of historical value (16051675).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Whitehaven * Whitgift, John
[wait for the fun]
White, Joseph Blanco
White Horse
White House
White Lady
White Mountains
White Nile
White Sea
Whitefield, George
Whitelocke, Bulstrode
Whitgift, John
Whitman, Walt
Whitney, Eli
Whitney, William Dwight
Whittier, John Greenleaf
Whittington, Sir Richard
Whitworth, Sir Joseph
Whyte-Melville, George John