Alberti Di Villanova, Francis D'
, author of the best French and Italian, and Italian and French Dictionary we have, was born at Nice, 1737. The success of the first three editions of this work encouraged him to publish a fourth, enlarged and corrected, Marseilles, 1796, 2 vols. 4to. His “Dizionario universale critico enciclopedico della lingua Italiana,” printed at Lucca, 1797, is much esteemed, and to foreigners may supply the place of the dictionary de la Crusca. Alberti was employed on a new edition, when he died at Lucca in 1800. The abbé Francis Federighi, his assistant in the work, was requested to complete it, and it was accordingly published in 1803, Lucca, 6 vols. 4to. 2
Ibid.—Dict. Hist.orique.