Events noted in 1797

The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.

1796 1798


Died: Addison, Joseph son of Dr (16721719)

Publication: “Dizionario universale critico enciclopedico della lingua Italiana,” by Alberti Di Villanova, Francis D' author of the best French and Italian

Died: Alxinger, John Baptist D' poet

Publication: “A practical treatise on draining Bogs and swampy grounds; with cursory remarks on the originality of Ellungton’s mode of Draining,” by Anderson, James writer

Publication: “Precis de l'Histoire unirerselle,” by Anquetil, Lewis-Peter historian

Died: Aquino De Chateau Lyon, Peter Louis and a bachelor of medicine

Died: Arntzenius, John Henry son of John Arntzenius

Died: Auvergne, Antoine D' composer

Died: Azara, Don Joseph Nicolas D' statesman

Died: Bernstorf, John Hartwig Ernest, Count minister of state in Denmark

Publication: “State of the Poor,” by Boucher, Jonathan clergyman

Publication: “The military history of prince Frederic Augustus of Brunswick-Lunebourg, &c.” by Brunswick-Oels, Frederick Augustus, Duke Of a general of infantry in the Prussian army

Died: Bulkley, Charles a protestant dissenting minister

Publication: “Dudegrede certitude delamedecine,” by Cabanis, Peter John George physician

Died: Cadogan, William physician

Died: Cowley, Hannah writer

Publication: “Days of Yore, a Drama.” by Cumberland, Richard writer

Publication: “A Fragment on the India Trade, written in 1791,” by Dalrymple, Alexander an eminent hydrographer

Died: Deleyue, Alexander one of the French Encyclopaedists

Died: Dodsley, Robert poet

Died: Formey, John Henry Samuel writer

Publication: “The Battle of B(a)ng(o)r; or the Church’s triumph a comic-heroic poerh,” by Geddes, Alexander divine

Died: Giorgi, Augustine Anthony an Italian ecclesiastic of considerable learning

Died: Hamilton, Gavin painter

Died: Hodges, William painter

Publication: “Voyage of Nearchus,” by Horsley, Samuel prelate

Died: Howe, Richard fourth viscount Howe

Publication: “Moral Tales in verse,” by Hull, Thomas writer

Publication: “Memoirs of the Family of Cavendish,” by Kennet, White writer

Died: Macklin, Charles the oldest actor

Died: Milner, Joseph divine

Died: Poissonnier, Peter Isaac physician

Publication: “Family Secrets,” by Pratt, Samuel Jackson poet (17491814)

Publication: “A Letter to the British Soldiers,” by Pratt, Samuel Jackson poet (17491814)

Publication: “Observations on the state of the Body and Mind in Old Age.” by Rush, Benjamin physician

Died: Sedaine, Michael John writer

Publication: “Thoroton’s History of Nottinghamshire, re-published with large additions, and embellished with picturesque and select views of seats of the nobility and gentry, towns, villages, churches, and ruins,” by Throsby, John writer

Died: Toaldo, Joseph a learned Italian meteorologist

Publication: “Babylon in the Revelation of St. John, as signifying the city of Rome, considered with reference to the claims of the Roman Church,” by Townson, Thomas divine

Publication: “Common sense, or the plain man’s answer to the question, whether Christianity be a religion worthy of our choice?” by Turner, Daniel a dissenting minister of the baptist persuasion

Died: Walmesley, Charles R (?–1721)

Publication: “Pope’s Works;” by Warton, Joseph scholar (17221800)