Albertini, Francis
, an ecclesiastic of Florence, and an able antiquary, flourished in the beginning of the sixteenth century. He published, 1. “De mirabilibus novae etveteris urbis Romae,” a work divided into three books, and dedicated to pope Julius II. Rome, 1505, 4to; reprinted 1510, 1515, 1519, and 1520; and although more able works have been published on the same subject since, this of Albertini still enjoys its reputation. 2. “Tractatus brevis de laudibus Florentias et Saonse,” written in 1509, and added to the third edition of the preceding. 3. In Italian, “Memoriale di molte Statue, e Picture sono mellinclita Cipta di Florentia per mano di Sculptori, et Pictori excellenti moderni, ed antiqui.” Florence, 1510, 4to. 3
Biographie Universelle.—Saxii Onomasticon.