Baier, John James
, a celebrated physician, born at
Jena in 1677, practised his art in several towns of Germany; among others, at Nuremberg, Ratisbon, and Altorf.
He was professor at this last-mentioned place, and member
of the Academy des Curieux de la Nature, in 1720. He
was chosen president of it in 1730, and died at Altorf the
14th of July 1735. He was author of, 1. “Thesaurus
Gemmarum affabre sculptarum, coliectus a J. M. ab Ebermayer,” Nuremberg, 1720, folio. 2. “Horti medici acad.
Altorf. Historia,” Altorf, 1727, 4to. 3. A great number of
dissertations or theses, on particular plants, in 4to, from
1710 to 1721. 2
Entry taken from
General Biographical Dictionary,
by Alexander Chalmers, 1812–1817.
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Baier, John James (1677–1735)
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