The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Publication: “De Vita et rebus gestis Mohammedis liber, Arab, et Lat. cum notis,” by Abulfeda, Ishmael historian
Publication: “Systema Jurisprudentiae Medicse,” by Alberti, Michael physician
Born: Allioni, Charles physician
Publication: “Observations introductory to an historical Essay on the Knighthood of the Bath,” by Anstis, John writer
Publication: “De titulis quos S. Evaristus Romania presbyteris distribuit,” by Antonelli, Nicholas Maria count of Pergola
Publication: “Vigneul Marvilliana,” by Argonne, Noel, Called Dom Bonaventure D' was born at Paris in 1634
Publication: “Dissertationes de colore et tinclura comarum et de civitate Romana Apostoli Pauli,” by Arntzenius, John philologist
Publication: “Histoire de la Theriaque,” by Bagard, Charles physician
Publication: “Anti-Baillet” by Baillet, Adrian critic
Publication: “Original Poems, serious and humourous,” by Baker, Henry naturalist
Born: Bakewell, Robert the most successful and celebrated experimental farmer ever known in England
Died: Baldini, John Anthony an Italian count
Publication: “La defence du droit de la compagnie Hollandoise des Indes Orientales, contre les nouvelles pretensions des habitans des Pais Bas Autrichiens, &c.” by Barbeyrac, John was born the 15th of March 1674
Died: Basil, St. surnamed The Great
Publication: “Thesaurus Monumentorum Eccl. et Hist. &c.” by Basnage, James de Franquener
Died: Baune, James De La Jesuit
Publication: “Novi Testarmenti Graeci recte cauteque adornandi prodromus,” by Bengel, John Albert divine
Publication: “Agide re di Sparta,” by Bergalli, Louisa an Italian poetess
Publication: “De Trajano non Optimo,” by Berger, John William was professor of eloquence at Wittemberg
Publication: “De Stephanophoris veterum,” by Berger, John William was professor of eloquence at Wittemberg
Born: Bergius, Bengts a commissary of the bank of Stockholm
Publication: “Delectus argumentorum,” by Bergler, Stephen was born at Hermanstadt
Born: Bever, Thomas scholar
Publication: “Dissertatio historico-catoptrica de speculo Archimedis,” by Bilfinger, George Bernard philosopher
Publication: “Dilucidationes philosophies; de Deo, anima, &c.” by Bilfinger, George Bernard philosopher
Publication: “A treatise on the Spleen and Vapours, or hypochonclriacal and hysterical affections; with three discourses on the nature and cure of the Cholic, Melancholy, and Palsy,” by Blackmore, Sir Richard physician
Publication: “A critical dissertation upon the Spleen,” by Blackmore, Sir Richard physician
Publication: “Just prejudices against the Arian hypothesis,” by Blackmore, Sir Richard physician
Publication: “Histoire physique de la Mer,” by Boerhaave, Herman physician
Publication: “Anatomical works,” by Boerhaave, Herman physician
Died: Bonanni, Philip Jesuit
Publication: “The principal and peculiar notion of a late book, entitled, The religion of nature delineated, considered, and refuted,” by Bott, Thomas clergyman
Born: Bowle, John scholar
Publication: “An instruction to a person newly confirmed, &c.” by Brett, Thomas, Ll. D. divine
Publication: “Elemens de Metaphysique a la portée de tout le monde,” by Buffier, Claude a learned metaphysician
Publication: “Thesaurus monumentorum ecclesiasticorum & historicorum,” by Canisius, Henry the nephew of Peter Canisius
Publication: “Bp. Burnet’s late History charged with great partiality,” by Capel, Arthur eldest son and heir of the preceding
Publication: “Sir Ralph Winwood’s Memorials,” by Carleton, Sir Dudley Lord Dorchester
Died: Catherine, Alexievna a country girl of the name of Martha
Publication: “A Defence of Christianity from the prophecies of the Old Testament, wherein are considered all the objections against this kind of proof advanced in a late Discourse on the Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion,” by Chandler, Edward prelate
Publication: “Diet, de Justice, Police, et Finances,” by Chasles, Gregory De who was born August 17
Died: Chauvin, Stephen clergyman
Born: Clive, Robert son of Richard Clive
Born: Clover, Joseph an ingenious professor of the veterinary art
Publication: “Practical Discourses” by Collier, Jeremy divine
Publication: “Collection of Treatises on the Bath Waters,” by Coryate, Thomas the eccentric son of the preceding
Publication: “De Summa pryedicationis apostolicae, quod Jesus sit Christus,” by Cramer, John Rodolphus divine
Publication: “Compendium Logicrc,” by Crousaz, John Peter De mathematician
Publication: “Reflexions sur Futilite des mathematiques,” by Crousaz, John Peter De mathematician
Born: Darcy, Patrick, Count of a noble and ancient family in Ireland
Publication: “The Life and Piracies of captain Singleton,” by De Foe, Daniel writer
Born: Dyer, Samuel a man of great learning (?–1772)
Born: Ebert, John Arnold who was born at Hamburgh Feb. 8
Publication: “Sermons upon various subjects, preached to young people,” by Evans, John divine (1680–1730)
Died: Fiddes, Richard divine
Publication: “Historia Cœlestis Britannica,” by Flamsteed, John astronomer
Died: Fleury, Claude historian
Publication: “The History of Physic, from the time of Galen to the beginning of the sixteenth century, chiefly with regard to practice: in a discourse written to Dr. Mead.” by Freind, John physician
Died: Gacon, Francis poet
Publication: “The Moral Characters of Theophrastus, translated from the Greek, with notes, and a Critical Essay on Characteristic Writing,” by Gally, Henry divine
Publication: “Dissertatio Inauguralis de solidis humani corporis partibus,” by Gaubius, Jerome David physician
Born: Glass, John son of the above
Publication: “De Perspiratione insensibili,” by Gorter, John De physician
Died: Gouye, Thomas mathematician
Publication: “A Defence of our ancient and modern Historians against the frivolous cavils of a late pretender to. Critical History, in which the false quotations smd unjust inferences of the anonymous author are confuted and exposed in the manner they deserve, la two parts,” by Grey, Zachary divine
Publication: “An Appendix by way of Answer to the Critical Historian’s Review,” by Grey, Zachary divine
Died: Harris, Walter physician
Publication: “Lucretius,” by Havercamp, Sigebert a classical editor of considerable fame
Born: Howe, Richard fourth viscount Howe
Publication: “Sacrae antiquitatis monumenta historica, dogmatica, diplomatica,” by Hugo, Charles Louis a voluminous author in Latin and French
Publication: “The Student’s Companion, or reason of the law,” by Jacob, Giles writer
Publication: “Conspectus Therapeiae generalis, &c. Tabnlis 20 methodo Stahliana conscriptus,” by Juncker, Gottlob John physician
Died: Ibbot, Dr. Benjamin writer
Born: Keppel, Augustus a celebrated English admiral
Born: Kippis, Andrew divine
Born: Lacombe De Prezel, Honore brother of the former
Born: Lorry, Anne-Charles physician
Born: Lort, Michael clergyman
Publication: “Enquiry, whether the general practice of virtue tends to the wealth or poverty, benefit or disadvantage, of a people? In which the pleas offered by the author of The Fable of the Bees, for the usefulness of vice and roguery, are considered; with some thoughts concerning a toleration of public stews,” by Mandeville, Bernard De an author of temporary celebrity in the last century for his writings
Publication: “A Stage-coach Journey to Exeter,” by Manley, De La Riviere an English lady
Publication: “Bath Intrigues,” by Manley, De La Riviere an English lady
Publication: “Histoire Physique de la Mer,” by Marsigli, Lewis Ferdinand an Italian
Born: Mason, William divine
Publication: “The Fatal Extravagance, a tragedy, enlarged,” by Mitchell, Joseph was the son of a stone-cutter in North-Britain
Born: Montucla, John Stephen mathematician
Publication: “An Introduction to the Reading of the New Testament, being a translation of that of Mess, de Beausobre and Lenfant, prefixed to their edition of the New Testament,” by Morant, Philip antiquary
Publication: “De pura dictione Latina,” by Morhof, Daniel George a very learned German
Publication: “Tablettes Geographiques,” by Nantigni, Louis Chazot De a celebrated genealogist
Died: Nesbit, Alexander was the youngest son of lord-president Nesbit
Born: Newton, John clergyman
Publication: “A Scheme of Discipline, with Statutes intended to be established by a royal charter for the education of youth in Hert-hall;” by Newton, Richard founder of Hertford college
Publication: “The Voyages of John Ouvington to Surat, and divers parts of Asia and Africa; containing the History of the Revolution in the kingdom of Golconda, and some observations upon Silk- Worms,” by Niceron, John Peter one of the most useful French biographers
Publication: “Religion and Philosophy, a Tale;” by Pack, Richardson writer
Publication: “A Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians,” by Peirce, James an eminent dissenting minister
Publication: “Dissertation on the Council of Constance,” by Petit-Didier, Matthew Benedictine
Publication: “Comm. des observations et consultations surlaContume d'Anjou,” by Pineau, Gabriel Du lawyer
Publication: “Belisarius.” by Quin, James a celebrated actor
Born: Ramler, Charles William poet
Publication: “Medicinal Earths.” by Rivinus, Augustus Qurinus botanist
Died: Rue, Charles De La orator
Born: Scopoli, John Anthony naturalist
Publication: “Memoir on the Natural History of Medicinal Waters,” by Short, Thomas physician
Died: Smith, John divine
Publication: “IterBoreale,” by Stukeley, William antiquary
Publication: “Essay on the Truth of the Christian Religion; wherein its real foundation upon the Old Testament is shown” by Sykes, Arthur Ashley divine
Publication: “Antiquitates Prioratus majoris Malverne,” by Thomas, William born in 1670
Publication: “Ecclesiastical Discipline,” by Thomassin, Lewis divine
Publication: “Arsacidarum impetium, sive regum Parthorum histoiia ad fidem numismatum accommodata,” by Vaillant, John Foi a great medallist
Publication: “UnTraite du Mouvement et de laMesure des Eaux Courantes, &c.” by Varignon, Peter mathematician
Born: Venn, Henry divine
Publication: “Curse philologicae et criticae in omnes libros N. T.” by Wolfe, John Christopher scholar
Publication: “Specimen medicoe Theologicae,” by Alberti, Michael physician
Publication: “Pleasant Musical Companion,” by Aldrich, Henry divine
Died: Alsop, Anthony writer
Died: Ancourt, Florent-Carton D' writer
Publication: “Componimenti poetici delle piu illustri rimatrici d'ogni seculo,” by Andreini, Isabella was born at Padua in 1562
Publication: “Assertio pro unico S. Eucherio Lugdunensi Episcopo. Opus posthumum. Accedit Concilium Regiense sub Rostagno Metrop. Aquensi anni 1285, nunc primo prodit integrum et notis illustratum opera Car. Antelmi designati Episc. Grassens. Praepos. Foroj.” by Antelmi, Joseph antiquary
Publication: “Oratio de delectu scriptorum qui juventuti in scholis prcelegendi sunt,” by Arntzenius, John philologist
Died: Baccalar-Y-Sanna, Don Vincent marquis of St
Born: Ballexserd, N. James citizen of Geneva
Publication: “Componimenti poetici dc-lle piu illustri rimatrici d'ogni secolo,” by Bergalli, Louisa an Italian poetess
Born: Bertram, Philip-Ernest professor of law at Halle
Publication: “Epistola anatomica adJosephum. Puteum Bononiensem,” by Bianchi, John naturalist
Publication: “Discourses on the Gout, Rheumatism, and the King’s Evil,” by Blackmore, Sir Richard physician
Died: Boivin, John professor of Greek in the royal college of Paris
Died: Brady, Dr. Nicholas divine
Born: Bruckner, John divine
Publication: “English acquisitions in Guinea and the East Indies,” by Burton, Robert was a name placed in the titlepages of a numerous set of popular volumes printed about the end of the seventeenth and beginning of the eighteenth century
Born: Casteels, Peter artist
Died: Chaulieu, William Anfreye De was born at Fontenay in Normandy
Died: Clagett, Nicolas was born in May 1654
Publication: “Life and Posthumous Works,” by Claridge, Richard writer
Publication: “Xenophont. Ephesii Ephesiacorum Libri V. de Amoribus Anthite et Abrocomse,” by Cocchi, Anthony of Florence
Born: Coote, Sir Eyke was the son of Chidley Coote
Born: Cotes, Francis artist
Publication: “De genuina indole fidei Jesum ceu Christum recipientis,” by Cramer, John Rodolphus divine
Died: Craufurd, David, Esq. was born at Drumsoy near Glasgow
Publication: “Memoires pour servir a l‘histoire des troubles arrives en Suisse a I’occasion du Consensus,” by Crousaz, John Peter De mathematician
Publication: “De logic-ce cum physica, et de mathesceos cum utraque, et utriusque cum mathesi reciproco nexu,” by Crousaz, John Peter De mathematician
Publication: “De niente hutnana, &c. dissert, philosophicotheologica,” by Crousaz, John Peter De mathematician
Publication: “Traite d'Algebra,” by Crousaz, John Peter De mathematician
Born: Dalrymple, David antiquary
Publication: “Political History of the Devil,” by De Foe, Daniel writer
Publication: “A System of Magic,” by De Foe, Daniel writer
Born: Deleyue, Alexander one of the French Encyclopaedists
Publication: “Miscellanea Curiosa,” by Derham, William divine
Publication: “Memoires de litterature,” by Desmolets, Peter Nicolas librarian of the house of the oratory in the rue St
Publication: “Philosophical Observations and Experiments of Dr. Robert Hooke,” by Digby, Sir Kenelm philosopher
Publication: “A history of the lateral operation for the stone,” by Douglas, James physician
Died: Dumont, John baron of Carlscroon
Publication: “A volume of Sermons in French,” by Durand, David preacher
Born: Fabricy, Gabriel Dominican
Died: Feller, Joachim Frederic was born at Leipsic
Publication: “Philosophical Works, or a demonstration of the Existence of God, by proofs drawn from Nature,” by Fenelon, Francis De Salignac De La Motte archbishop
Publication: “Observations on Dr. Freind’s History of Physic, &c.” by Freind, John physician
Born: Furneaux, Pmup clergyman
Died: Gabbiani, Antony Domenick artist
Born: Gabrini, Thomas Maria
Born: Gin, Peter Louis Claude writer
Publication: “The principles of religion explained for the instruction of the weak,” by Greene, Thomas prelate
Publication: “Josephus,” by Havercamp, Sigebert a classical editor of considerable fame
Publication: “Notizia de Libri rari nella Lingua Italiana,” by Haym, Nicolas Francis a native of Rome
Born: Howard, John the indefatigable friend of the poor and unfortunate
Born: Hutton, James philosopher
Publication: “A New and Fall Method of settling the Canonical Authority of the New Testament,” by Jones, Jeremiah divine
Born: Jones, William divine
Born: Ingram, Robert divine
Publication: “Euripidis Hecuba, Orestes, & Phcenissæ,” by King, John rector of Chelsea
Publication: “Dean Colet,” by Knight, Samuel, D. D. antiquary
Died: Kolben, Peter traveller
Born: Larcher, Peter Henry scholar
Publication: “Vindication of the Church of England,” by Lindsay, John divine (1686–1768)
Born: Madan, Martin preacher
Publication: “Dictionnaire Geographique, Historique, et Critique,” by Martiniere, Anthony-Augustin Bruzen De La a French author of considerable celebrity about the beginning of the last century
Publication: “The works of Andrew Marvell, esq.” by Marvell, Andrew writer
Born: Mengs, Antony Raphael painter
Publication: “De medicorum apud veteres Romanos degentiiuu coiulitione dissertatio qua, contra viros celeberrimos Jacobutn Sponimn &, Richardum Meadium, servilem atque ignobilem earn fuisse ostenditur,” by Middleton, Conyers divine
Publication: “A Vindication of the Church of England,” by Milbourne, Luke writer
Born: Millot, Claude Francis Xavier historian
Publication: “Osteology, or Treatise on the Anatomy of the Bones,” by Monro, Alexander, M. D. anatomist
Born: Morand, John Francis Clement was born at Paris in April 1726
Publication: “Abrege de Chronologic,” by Newton, Sir Isaac the most splendid genius that has yet adorned human nature (1643–1727)
Publication: “Entretiens de Ciceron sur la nature des Dieux,” by Olivet, Joseph Thoulier D' writer
Died: Palomino, Don Acislo Antonio Y Velasco painter
Born: Paoli, Pascal De a very distinguished character in modern times
Publication: “Reverendi admodum in Christo patris Samuelis Parkeri episcopi de rebus sui temporis commentariorum libri quatuor,” by Parker, Samuel a man of some learning
Born: Pennant, Thomas traveller
Born: Philidor, Andrew musician
Born: Robertson, Joseph divine
Died: Rysbrach, John Michael a very eminent sculptor
Publication: “A Survey of the Roman Antiquities in the Midland Counties in England,” by Salmon, Nathaniel antiquary
Publication: “Homo diluvii testis,” by Scheuchzer, John James naturalist
Died: Schmidt, John Andrew divine
Publication: “Elements of Geometry” by Schmidt, John Andrew divine
Died: Sewell, George poet and physician
Publication: “Dictionary,” by Sewell, William historian
Publication: “New Practice of Physic,” by Shaw, Peter physician
Publication: “Sixty Sermons,” by Smalridge, George prelate
Died: Smith, William divine
Publication: “Sermons” by Terrasson, Andrew the first of a literary family of considerable note in France
Publication: “Winter,” by Thomson, James poet
Publication: “Posthumous Works” by Toland, John writer
Publication: “On Budgel’s Philosopher’s Prayer,” by Trapp, Joseph divine
Born: Tyers, Thomas writer
Publication: “School-Master,” by Upton, James scholar
Died: Valentinus, Michael Bernard writer
Died: Vernon, Thomas lawyer
Born: Weisse, Christian Felix poet
Died: West, Richard lord-chancellor of Ireland
Died: Wharton, Philip, Duke Of was born about 1699
Publication: “Grounds and reasons of the Christian Religion;” by Whiston, William divine (1667–1752)
Died: Whitby, Daniel divine
Born: Wolfe, Major- General James a brave English officer
Publication: “Johannis Confratris et Monachi Glastoniensis Chronica,” by Wood, Anthony antiquary
Died: Abbadie, James divine
Born: Adanson, Michel naturalist
Publication: “Periculum criticum in quo loca quædam cum V. ac N. T. tum Hesychii et aliorum, illustrantur, vindicantur, emendantur,” by Alberti, John professor of Divinity in the university of Leyden
Died: Aler, Paul Jesuit
Publication: “Opere inedite di Ludovico Castelvetro,” by Argellati, Philip an Italian printer
Publication: “Botanicou Parisiense,” by Aubriet, Claude painter
Publication: “Horti medici acad. Altorf. Historia,” by Baier, John James physician
Born: Barrington, The Hon. Daines was born in 1727
Born: Beaumelle, Laurence Angliviel De La writer
Publication: “Trias casuum memorabilium medicorum,” by Behrens, Conrad Bertold physician
Born: Belloi, Peter Lawrence Buyrette Du of the French academy
Born: Berthoud, Ferdinand an eminent French marine clock-maker
Publication: “Epistolas Anatomicse duse,” by Bianchi, John Baptist anatomist
Publication: “A Latin translation of Hughes’s Ode to the Creator.” by Birch, Thomas writer
Publication: “Dissertations on a Dropsy, a Tympany, the Jaundice, the Stone, and the Diabetes,” by Blackmore, Sir Richard physician
Born: Blondel, James Augustus physician
Publication: “Botanicon Parisiense,” by Boerhaave, Herman physician
Publication: “Miscellaneous Tracts.” by Bowyer, William the most learned English printer of whom we have any account (?–1777)
Publication: “Practical Discourses concerning the four elements, as they relate to the growth of plants,” by Bradley, Richard writer
Publication: “Ecclesiastes of Erasmus.” by Bray, Thomas divine
Died: Bretonnier, Bartholomew Joseph advocate of the parliament of Paris
Publication: “Institutiones Historiae Philosophicae,” by Brucker, John James the learned author of the “History of Philosophy
Publication: “Opuscula Medico botanica,” by Bruckman, Francis Ernest botanist
Publication: “Miscellanea Sacra,” by Buddeus, John Francis divine
Publication: “Phsedrus,” by Burman, Peter philologist
Publication: “Abridged system of Mathematics,” by Castel, Lewis Bertrand philosopher
Born: Castello, Gabriel Lancelot antiquary
Publication: “Courtier,” by Castiglione, Balthazar an eminent Italian nobleman
Publication: “Reflections on the Conduct of the Modern Deists, in their late writings against Christianity,” by Chandler, Samuel an eminent dissenting minister
Born: Chapone, Hester an ingenious English lady
Born: Cipriani, John Baptist artist
Publication: “Medicinae laudatio in Gymnasio Pisis habita,” by Cocchi, Anthony of Florence
Publication: “Defence of the doctrine of the Resurrection of the same Body,” by Cockburn, Catharine a lady much distinguished by her literary accomplishments
Born: Commerson, Philibert doctor of physic
Publication: “Positiones theolog. ex pastorali instructione sancti Pauli ad Titum data,” by Cramer, John Rodolphus divine
Died: Croft, William musician
Publication: “De legibus,” by Davies, John critic
Publication: “History of the Devil.” by De Foe, Daniel writer
Publication: “Nouvelles dccouvertes en medicine,” by Desault, Peter physician
Publication: “Summer” by Dodington, George Bubb Lord Melcombe
Publication: “Imitations tirees du Latin de Jean Bonnefons, avec autres amours et melanges poetiques,” by Durant not Durand
Died: Eyben, Hulderie lawyer
Born: Falk, John Peter one of the scientific travellers
Publication: “The Resurrection of the same numerical body, and its re-union to the same soul; against Mr. Locke’s notion of personality and identity.” by Felton, Henry divine
Died: Folkes, Martin antiquary
Publication: “Elements of the Geometry of Infinites,” by Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier De the son of Frangois le Bovier de Fonienelle
Publication: “The duty of Public Worship proved, to which are added directions for a devout behaviour therein, drawn chiefly from the holy scriptures and the liturgy of the church of England; and an account of the method of the Common Prayer, by way of question and answer.” by Fox, Francis clergyman
Publication: “Adami de Domersham Hist, de rebus gestis Glastonensibus,” by Fox, John divine
Born: Frisi, Paul mathematician
Publication: “Introductio ad prudentiam; or directions, counsels and cautions, tending to prudent management of affairs of common life,” by Fuller, Thomas physician
Born: Gainsborough, Thomas artist
Publication: “Beggar’s Opera;” by Gay, John poet
Born: Gebelin, Anthony Court De writer
Publication: “De Secretione humorum in sanguine,” by Gorter, John De physician
Publication: “De Respirationis mechanismo et usu genuino,” by Hamberger, George Edward professor of chemistry and of the practice of medicine in the university of Jena
Publication: “Elementa Physices, methodo Mathematica in usum auditorum conscripta,” by Hamberger, George Edward professor of chemistry and of the practice of medicine in the university of Jena
Publication: “Account of his Life and Writings,” by Hammond, Anthony, Esq. descended from a family long situated at Somersham-place
Publication: “Series numismatum antiquorum Henr. Adriani a Mark,” by Havercamp, Sigebert a classical editor of considerable fame
Publication: “Historical and Critical Remarks,” by Higgons, Bevil younger son of sir Thomas
Publication: “Fœdera,” by Holmes, George antiquary (?–1749)
Died: Hooper, Dr. George divine
Died: Hoste, Paul born May 19
Died: Jenkin, Robert divine
Born: Jenkinson, Charles earl of Liverpool
Born: Jerningham, Edward poet
Died: Leng, John prelate
Publication: “Continuation,” by Lewis, John antiquary
Died: Martelli, Peter James poet
Publication: “A treatise on the Religion of the ancient Gauls,” by Martin, James Benedictine
Publication: “Commentarium in mutilum Campanioe Atnphitheatri titulum, aliasque nonnullas Inscriptiones,” by Mazochi, Alexius Symmachus antiquary
Died: Menzikoff, Alexander was a prince of the Russian empire
Publication: “The Translation of the Notes of Mess, de Beausobre and Lenfant on St. Matthew’s Gospel,” by Morant, Philip antiquary
Born: Murphy, Arthur writer
Publication: “An Ode to the Queen, on the happy accession of their Majesties to the Crown,” by Newcomb, Thomas son of a worthy clergy
Publication: “A System of the World,” by Newton, Sir Isaac the most splendid genius that has yet adorned human nature (1643–1727)
Publication: “Ethica Christiana” by Ostervald, John Frederick one of the most celebrated Swiss divines of the latter age
Died: Pattison, William poet
Publication: “A Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistle to the, Hebrews,” by Peirce, James an eminent dissenting minister
Publication: “Dissertation sur une Nouvelle Methode de faire l'Operation de la Cataracte,” by Petit, Francis Pourfour Du physician
Publication: “Miscellany,” by Pitt, Christopher poet
Publication: “Money’s the Mistress” by Quin, James a celebrated actor
Publication: “Scheme;” by Rogers, Dr. John divine
Publication: “Decameron” by Rolli, Paul Antonio a learned Italian
Born: Sanders, Robert writer
Publication: “Discours sur la Methode de Franco, et sur celle de M. Rau touchant l'Operation de la Taille,” by Senac, John physician
Died: Sergardi, Louis an eminent satirist
Publication: “Dispensatory of the College of Physicians of Edinburgh,” by Shaw, Peter physician
Died: Spinckes, Nathaniel divine
Publication: “Twelve Sermons, on several occasions,” by Stanhope, George dean
Born: Sumorokof, Alexander denominated the founder of the Russian theatre
Publication: “Summer,” by Thomson, James poet
Publication: “Synopsis Stirpium Hibernicarum alphabetice dispositarum, sive Commentatio de Plantis indigenis, praesertim Dubliniensibus, instituta” by Threlkeld, Caleb historian
Born: Turgot, Anne-Robert-James a French minister of state
Publication: “Botanicon Parisiense,” by Vaillant, Sebastian botanist
Publication: “La Vie et les Sentimens de Lucilio Vanini,” by Vanini writer
Born: Verschuring, Henry painter
Died: Wells, Edward divine
Born: Wilkes, John a very singular political character in the early part of the present reign
Publication: “Commentarium nosologicum morbos epidemicos et aeris variationes in urbe Eboracensi, locisque vicinis, ab anno 1715 ad anni 1725 finem grassantes complectens,” by Wintringham, Clifton physician
Publication: “Cyropaedia,” by Xenophon philosopher
Born: Adam, Robert architect
Publication: “Scriptores rerum Germanicarum et Saxonic.” by Alberic historian
Died: Alemand, Louis-Augustine writer
Born: Ali Bey an adventurer
Born: Aliamet, James engraver
Died: Arntzenius, John philologist
Publication: “De nuptiis inter fratrem et sororem,” by Arntzenius, John philologist
Publication: “Oratio de causis corrupts Eloquentise,” by Arntzenius, John philologist
Born: Bage, Robert writer
Publication: “Traite sur la morale des peres,” by Barbeyrac, John was born the 15th of March 1674
Born: Barret, George painter
Publication: “Notes on the Surgery of Nuck,” by Bassius, Henry anatomist
Born: Beaume', Antony an eminent French chemist
Born: Beurieu, Gaspard Guillard De writer
Publication: “Vulgate Psalms,” by Bellenger, Francis doctor of the Sorbonne
Born: Bencivenni, Joseph writer
Died: Benoit, Elias the son of a Calvinist
Born: Benvenuti, Joseph surgeon
Publication: “LaTeba,” by Bergalli, Louisa an Italian poetess
Publication: “The general history of the Highways in all parts of the world, particularly in Great Britain.” by Bergier, Nicolas
Publication: “Hesperi et Phosphori nova phenomena, sive observationes circa planetam Veneris,” by Bianchini, Francis astronomer
Publication: “Bilfingeri et Holmanni epistolae de barmonia praestabilita,” by Bilfinger, George Bernard philosopher
Born: Black, Joseph one of the most eminent chemical philosophers of the last century
Publication: “Natural Theology, or moral Duties considered apart from positive: with some observations on the desirableness and necessity of a supernatural revelation,” by Blackmore, Sir Richard physician
Died: Blackwell, Thomas writer
Publication: “Pharmaco-Botanologia,” by Blair, Patrick botanist
Publication: “Architecture moderne,” by Blondel, James Francis and a man of abilities
Publication: “A List of all Dictionaries, Portuguese, Castilian, Italian, French, and Latin,” by Bluteau, Dom Raphael a Theatine
Publication: “Atrocis, rarissimique morbi historia altera,” by Boerhaave, Herman physician
Born: Bordenave, Toussaint regius professor and director of the academy of surgery
Born: Boulton, Matthew who justly ought to be classed among public benefactors
Publication: “Dictiona-ium Botanicum,” by Bradley, Richard writer
Publication: “Appendix to the Synopsis.” by Brewer, Samuel botanist
Publication: “The progress, extent, and limits of the human understanding,” by Browne, Peter a native of Ireland
Publication: “Archæologiæ philosophicæ,” by Burnet, Dr. Thomas writer
Born: Busch, John George writer
Publication: “Poetae rei Venaticae,” by Calpurnius poet
Died: Campbell, George divine
Publication: “Of accelerated motions by living forces,” by Camus, Charles Stephen Lewis mathematician
Publication: “Universal system of Mathematics,” by Castel, Lewis Bertrand philosopher
Died: Chamberlen, Hugh an eminent man-midwife
Publication: “A Vindication of the Defence of Christianity, from the prophecies of the Old Testament,” by Chandler, Edward prelate
Publication: “A Vindication of the Antiquity and Authority of Daniel’s Prophecies,” by Chandler, Samuel an eminent dissenting minister
Publication: “Bibliotheque raisonnee des Ouvrages des Savans,” by Chapelle, Armand De La minister of the Walloon church at the Hague
Born: Chappe D'Auteroche, John astronomer
Born: Cook, James an eminent navigator
Died: Creed, Elizabeth a very amiable and ingenious lady
Died: Crenius, Thomas a native of the marche of Brandenburg
Died: Daniel, Garriel a very ingenious and learned Frenchman
Born: Delius, Christopehr Traugott a learned German mineralogist
Publication: “Les Passions de l‘Ame. Le Monde, ou traite de la lumiere. Edition augmented d’un discours sur le mouvement local et sur la fie v re, sur* les principes du mema auteur,” by Des Cartes, Rene philosopher
Publication: “Rapin of Gardens,” by Disney, John divine
Died: Dorsane, Anthony divine
Born: Durell, David divine
Born: Dussaulx, John writer
Publication: “Logica? disciplines rudimenta,” by Facciolati, James orator
Born: Fawcett, Sir William, K.B. a brave English officer
Born: Gaillard, Gabriel Henry historian
Born: Gentleman, Francis writer
Born: Gerard, Alexander divine
Publication: “I never so much as once ueard him drop a single hint, in all our conversations, directly or indirectly, concerning the article of baptism.” by Gill, John divine
Born: Goldsmith, Oliver poet
Publication: “Chronology,” by Granet, Francis deacon of the church of Aix
Born: Hamilton, William Gerard statesman
Publication: “A hriel enquiry relating to the right of his majesty’s Chapel Royal, and the privileges of his servants within the Tower, in a Memorial addressed to the rignt hon. the lord viscount Lonsdale, constable of his majesty’s Tower of London,” by Haynes, Hopton a strenuous advocate for Socinianism
Born: Heber, Reginald clergyman
Publication: “On the indecency of men-midwives, and the obligation of women to nurse their own children,” by Hecquet, Philip physician
Publication: “Syntagma Pathologico-therapeuticum,” by Hoffman, John Maurice son of the former by his first wife
Publication: “Diana de Castro, ou le faux Yncas,” by Huet, Peter Daniel bishop
Born: Hull, Thomas writer
Publication: “Parker’s Bibliotheca Bibiica,” by Hunt, Thomas a learned Hebraist
Publication: “De Benedictione patriarchs Jacobi, conjecturae,” by Hunt, Thomas a learned Hebraist
Born: Hunter, John younger brother of Dr
Publication: “London Journal,” by Hutcheson, Dr. Francis philosopher
Publication: “Aristides,” by Jebb, Samuel, M. D. a native of Nottingham (1694–?)
Died: Imhoff, John a very famous genealogist
Died: Kennet, White writer
Born: Koenig, Dr. John Gerard botanist
Born: Kynaston, John son of Humphry Kynaston
Publication: “Remarquessur le Gin-Seng,” by Lafitau, Joseph Francis writer
Born: Lambert, John Henry astronomer
Died: Lauriere, Eusebius James De lawyer
Publication: “G. G. Leibnitzii Principia Philosophise more geometrico demonstrate,” by Leibnitz, Godfrey William De mathematician
Died: Maclaurin, Coun mathematician
Publication: “Degli Anfiteatri,” by Maffei, Francis Scipio writer
Publication: “Supplementum Acaciarum,” by Maffei, Francis Scipio writer
Publication: “Lettre a M. I'abbe Bignon, sur la nature des Vaisseaux.” by Mairan, John James D'Ortous De philosopher
Died: Masclef, Francis a French theologian
Died: Mather, Dr. Cotton son to the preceding Increase Mather
Publication: “Abrege de THistoire, & de la morale de PAncien Testament,” by Mesenguy, Francis Philip divine
Born: Monckton, Hon. Robert great grandson of the preceding
Died: Monnoye, Bernard De La poet
Died: Montesquieu, Charles De Secondat, Baron Of writer
Publication: “The Cruelties and Persecutions of the Romish Church displayed, &c.” by Morant, Philip antiquary
Died: Morin, Stephen a learned French protestant
Publication: “Optical Lectures,” by Newton, Sir Isaac the most splendid genius that has yet adorned human nature (1643–1727)
Publication: “The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms amended,” by Newton, Sir Isaac the most splendid genius that has yet adorned human nature (1643–1727)
Publication: “Speculum Britanniae, a topographical and historical description of Cornwall,” by Norden, John an industrious topographer
Born: Oeder, George Christian botanist
Born: Orme, Robert historian
Died: Pack, Richardson writer
Born: Parkhurst, John divine
Born: Paterson, Samuel a gentleman who deserves honourable notice in the literary history of his country
Publication: “An essay in favour of giving the Eucharist to Children,” by Peirce, James an eminent dissenting minister
Publication: “Fifteen Sermons, and a Scripture Catechism,” by Peirce, James an eminent dissenting minister
Born: Percy, Thomas prelate
Died: Petit-Didier, Matthew Benedictine
Died: Petit-Pied, Nicholas and a celebrated doctor of the Sorbonne
Born: Piccini, Nicholas musician
Died: Place, Francis a man of taste in various pursuits
Died: Pontas, John a celebrated casuist
Died: Quien De La Neufville, James Le de la Neufville
Died: Reyneau, Charles-Rene commonly called Father Reyneau
Publication: “Present State of the Republic of Letters,” by Robins, Benjamin mathematician (?–1751)
Publication: “Explicatio Catecheseos Heidelbergensis,” by Roell, Hermann-Alexander divine
Publication: “Exegesis in Psalmum Ixxxix.” by Roell, Hermann-Alexander divine
Publication: “Friendship in Death, in twenty letters from the dead to the living,” by Rowe, Elizabeth an English lady
Born: Roy, Julian David Le antiquary
Born: Russel, George a man of learning and ingenuity
Publication: “A History of the United Provinces from 1609, to the conclusion of the peace of Munster in 1648,” by Sallengre, Albert Henry De writer
Publication: “The History of Hertfordshire, describing the county and its ancient monuments, particularly the Roman, with the characters of those that have been the chief possessors of the lands, and an account of the most memorable occurrences,” by Salmon, Nathaniel antiquary
Publication: “De Helvetii aeribus, aquis, locis, specimen,” by Scheuchzer, John James naturalist
Publication: “Thesaurus antiquitatum Teutonicarum,” by Schilter, John an eminent jurist
Publication: “Complete systern of Optics,” by Smith, Robert the very learned successor of Bentley as master of Trinity college
Publication: “Lexicon, sive Thesaurus Ecclesiastic us Patrum Graeconm):” by Suicer, John Gaspard divine
Died: Thomas, Christian philosopher
Publication: “Spring,” by Thomson, James poet
Died: Todd, Hugh divine
Publication: “Prologue and Epilogue for Mr.Hemmings’s Scholars at Thistleworth,” by Trapp, Joseph divine
Died: Upton, James scholar
Died: Wall, William the able defender of infant-baptism
Publication: “A List of the Nobility and Gentry of the counties of Middlesex, Essex, and Hertford, who have subscribed, and ordered their coats of arms to be inscribed on a new map of those counties, which is now making by John Warburton, esq.” by Warburton, John antiquary
Born: Warton, Thomas historian
Publication: “The Characters of the Times,” by Welsted, Leonard poet
Born: Witchell, George astronomer
Died: Woodward, John philosopher
Publication: “The Legal Judicature in Chancery stated,” by Yorke, Philip, Earl Of Hardwicke lawyer (?–1764)
Born: Addington, Stephen clergyman
Publication: “Irtiov, sive ex veteris monumenti Isiaci descriptione Isidis Delubrum reseratum,” by Ainsworth, Robert an eminent Grammarian and lexicographer (?–1743)
Born: Asch, George Thomas Baron D' physician
Died: Avrillon, John Baptist Elias a French Franciscan of the order called* Minimes
Publication: “Succincta Notitia Scriptorum rerum Brunsvicensium ac Luneburgensium, cum recensione legum atque constitutionurn terrarum Brunsvico-Luneburgica'rum,” by Baring, Daniel Eberhard was born in 1690 in Hildesheim
Died: Baron, Michael an eminent French player
Born: Barrington, Hon. Samuel and fifth son of the first lord viscount Harrington
Publication: “La Science des ingenieurs,” by Belidor, Bernard Forest De a member of the academies of sciences of Paris and Berlin
Died: Benbow, John a brave English admiral
Publication: “La Tebaidadi Stazio tradotto in verso sciolto da Seivaggio Porpora,” by Bentivoglio, Cornelius of Arragon
Died: Bianchini, Francis astronomer
Died: Blackmore, Sir Richard physician
Publication: “Oratio quain habuit cum botanicam et chemicam professionem publice poneret,” by Boerhaave, Herman physician
Publication: “A Pattern for Young Students in the University, set forth in the Life of Mr. Ambrose Bonwicke, some time scholar of St. John’s College, Cambridge,” by Bonwicke, Ambrose clergyman
Died: Boonen, Arnold painter
Publication: “Optical treatise on the Gradation of Light,” by Bouguer, Peter mathematician
Died: Boyer, Abel writer
Publication: “Essay on the confusion of languages,” by Brett, Thomas, Ll. D. divine
Publication: “Memoirs of the Arts and Sciences,” by Brumoy, Peter writer
Born: Brunck, Richard Francis Frederick critic
Born: Buchan, William writer
Died: Buddeus, John Francis divine
Publication: “Provoked Husband” by Carey, Henry composer
Born: Catherine Ii. late empress of Russia (?–1796)
Died: Caylus, Anne Claude Philip De Tubiere De Grimoakd De Pestels De Levis, Count De a very celebrated amateur and patron of the arts
Publication: “Histoire generale des auteurs sacres et ecclesiastiques,” by Cellier, Remi a voluminous French biographer
Publication: “Anatomy.” by Cheselden, William anatomist
Publication: “Bibliotheque des Auteurs cites dans le Dictionnaire cle llichelet,” by Clerc, Sebastian Le engraver
Died: Comte, Lewis Le Jesuit
Died: Congreve, William poet
Born: Cracherode, Clayton Mordaunt an eminent benefactor to the taste
Publication: “De nonnullis Antichrist! characteribus,” by Cramer, John Rodolphus divine
Publication: “Select Novels,” by Croxall, Dr. Samuel was the son of Samuel Croxall
Publication: “Select Novels,” by Croxall, Dr. Samuel was the son of Samuel Croxall
Born: Cunningham, John poet
Born: Denis, Michael bibliographer
Born: Deshais, John Baptist Hf.Nry painter
Publication: “Letters” by Desmaiseaux, Peter a fellow of the royal society of London
Died: Devaux, John surgeon
Publication: “To Mr. Anthony Bacon, an Apologie of the Earle of Essexe, against those which falselie and maliciouslie take him to be the only hindrance of the peace and quiet of his countrie.” by Devereux, Robert earl of Essex
Born: Dewailly, Charles architect
Publication: “Dedicated to lord King, lord high chancellor,” by Disney, John divine
Publication: “Cotnmentatio de honoratissimo ordine militari de Balneo,” by Dithmar, Justus Christopher professor of the law of nature and nations
Born: Dodd, Dr. William divine
Publication: “An account of Mortifications, and of the surprizing effects of the bark in putting a stop to their progress,” by Douglas, James physician
Publication: “Hist, militaire du prince Eugene de Savoie, du prince et due de Marlborough, &c.” by Dumont, John baron of Carlscroon
Publication: “Hist, naturelle del‘Oretde l’Argent,” by Durand, David preacher
Born: Dutens, Lewis a gentleman of considerable literary and political knowledge
Publication: “Amcenitates Philologicae,” by Falster, Christian critic (1690–1752)
Died: Finch, Daniel second earl of Nottingham
Died: Fischer, John Andrew physician
Publication: “Partium Corporis himiani Solidarum Conspectus Anatomico-Mechanicus,” by Fizes, Anthony physician
Born: Forster, John Reinhold naturalist (?–1798)
Died: Franceschini, Marc Antonio painter
Born: Garnier, John James writer
Died: Goetze, George Henry a learned and zealous Lutheran
Born: Gordon, William divine
Publication: “Le Heros,” by Gracian, Baltasar Jesuit
Died: Graves, Richard divine
Died: Hahn, Simon Frederic ayoungrnan of extraordinary talents
Publication: “A free and impartial Study of the Holy Scriptures recommended, being notes on some peculiar texts, with discourses and observations,” by Hallet, Joseph clergyman
Publication: “Disputatio de Venaesectione, quatenus motum sanguinis mutat,” by Hamberger, George Edward professor of chemistry and of the practice of medicine in the university of Jena
Born: Hamilton, Hugh bishop
Died: Hardouin, John Jesuit
Born: Harwood, Edward clergyman
Publication: “Eutropius,” by Havercamp, Sigebert a classical editor of considerable fame
Died: Hildesley, Mark prelate
Died: Honorius De Sancta Maria whose proper name was Blaize Vauzelle
Died: Houdry, Vincent Jesuit
Publication: “Select Collection of Novels and Histories,” by Hughes, Jabez was the younger brother of Mr
Publication: “Joannis Caii Britanni de Canibus Britannicis liber unus; de variorum Animalium & Stirpium, &c. liber unus; de Libris propriis liber unus; de Pronunciatione Græcæ & Latinæ Linguæ, cum scriptione nova, libellus; ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recogniti; à S. Jebb, M. D.” by Jebb, Samuel, M. D. a native of Nottingham (1694–?)
Born: Jebb, Sir Richard, Bart. was born in 1729 at Stratford in Essex
Died: Kahler, Wicand writer
Died: King, Da. William archbishop
Died: Languet, John Joseph a doctor of the Sorbonne
Born: Lassala, Manuel a Spanish Ex-jesuit
Born: Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim writer
Died: Loubere, Simon De La poet
Publication: “Museum Veronense,” by Maffei, Francis Scipio writer
Publication: “De annuls Inerrantium Stellarum aberrationibus,” by Manfredi, Eustachio astronomer
Died: Maraldi, James Philip astronomer
Publication: “Les veritables Principes de la Grammaire,” by Marsais, Cæsar Chesneau Du a French grammarian of high reputation
Died: Marshall, Nathanael preacher
Born: Mendelsohn, Moses writer
Publication: “Semiramide riconosciuta.” by Metastasio, Peter poet
Publication: “Nova Plantarum Genera,” by Micheli, Peter Anthony botanist
Publication: “He seems to have been a poet of the third rate he has seldom reached the sublime his humour, in which he more succeeded, is not strong enough to last his versification holds a statd of mediocrity he possessed but little invention and if he was not a bad rhimester, he cannot be denominated a fine poet, for there are but few marks of genius in his writings.” by Mitchell, Joseph was the son of a stone-cutter in North-Britain
Publication: “Les Monumens de la monarchic Francoise, avec les fig. de chaque regne, que Pinjure du temps a epargnees,” by Montfaucon, Bernard De Benedictine
Died: Murphy, Arthur writer
Publication: “Epitome Elementorum Pbysico-mathematicorum,” by Musschenbroeck, Peter De mathematician
Publication: “Physicx, experimentales, et geometries Dissertationes: ut et Ephemerides meteorologicae Utrajectenses,” by Musschenbroeck, Peter De mathematician
Died: Naudé, Philip mathematician
Born: Newcome, William prelate
Publication: “Lectiones Opticse,” by Newton, Sir Isaac the most splendid genius that has yet adorned human nature (1643–1727)
Publication: “The Weekly Medley,” by Ozell, John writer
Born: Panzer, George Wolfgang Francis bibliographer
Publication: “An abridgment of the Ecclesiastic Histories of Eusebius, Socrates, Sozornen, and Theotloret,” by Parker, Samuel a man of some learning
Born: Parsons, Philip divine
Publication: “The History of the Stamford Bull-running.” by Peck, Francis antiquary
Publication: “Lettre dans laquelle il est démontré que la Crystailin est fort pres de l‘Uvee, et ou Ton rapporte de nouvelles preuves de i’Operation de la Cataracte,” by Petit, Francis Pourfour Du physician
Publication: “Lettres contenant des Reflexions sur ce que M. Hecquet, M. D. a fait imprimer touchant les Maladies des Yeux,” by Petit, Francis Pourfour Du physician
Publication: “Dunciad” by Pope, Alexander the most elegant and popular of all English poets
Publication: “Night,” by Ralph, James writer
Died: Reeves, William divine
Died: Rogers, Dr. John divine
Publication: “Letters Moral and Entertaining” by Rowe, Elizabeth an English lady
Publication: “A funeral Oration for Antonio Magliabecchi,” by Salvini, Antonio Maria a learned Italian
Born: Sancho, Ignatius an extraordinary Negro
Publication: “The Wanderer, a moral Poem,” by Savage, Richard an eminent instance of the uselessuess and insignificancy of knowledge
Publication: “De Studiis Mediolanensium Antiquis et Novis,” by Saxi historian
Publication: “The Trial of the Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus,” by Sherlock, Thomas bishop
Publication: “Idee generate du Government Chinois,” by Silhouette, Stephen De writer
Publication: “A Vindication of our Saviour’s miracles; in which Mr. Woolston’s Discourses on them are particularly examined; his pretended authority of the fathers against the truth of the literal sense are set in a just light; and his objections, in point of reason, answered,” by Smalbroke, Richard bishop
Died: Smalridge, George prelate
Born: Southgate, Richard antiquary
Born: Spallanzani, Lazarus naturalist
Publication: “A complete body of Divinity,” by Stackhouse, Thomas divine
Died: Templeman, Peter the son of an eminent attorney at Dorchester in the county of Dorset
Publication: “Sophonisba,” by Thomson, James poet
Born: Volkof, Feodor the Garrick of Russia
Publication: “Nova plantarucn genera,” by Watson, Sir William eminent for his skill in botany and electricity
Publication: “Regiae Mat. Bibl. Geographica & Chronologica,” by Yriarte, Juan De writer