Basnage, Henry
, de Beauval, brother to the preceding, was born at Roan, in 1659, 'and, like his father, became an advocate of the parliament of Normandy. On the revocation of the edict of Nantes, he took refuge in. Holland, where he published a very liberal and sensible work, entitled, “Traite de la Tolerance,” 1684, 12mo. When Bayle discontinued his “Republic of Letters,” Basnage commenced a similar literary journal, entitled “Histoire des ouvrages des.Savans,” in Sept. 1687, and concluded it in June 1709, in all 24 vols. 12mo, written with great impartiality, and containing many valuable analyses and extracts from books. He also published an improved edition of Furetiere’s dictionary, 3 vols. fol. The “Dictionnaire Universel,” printed at Trevoux, in 1704, 3 vols. fol. is an exact copy of the preceding, but without the least notice of either Furetiere or Basnage. Our author died at the Hague, in 1710. 2
Dict. Hist. Gen. Dict.