Bellin, Nicholas
, geographical engineer of the marine, and member of the royal society of London, was born
at Paris in 1703, and died the 21st of March 1772. He
had a singular knowledge in his art, which he employed
| with great industry. He published, under the title of “< Hy-f
drpgraphie Frangoise,” a series of marine charts, to the
number of -fourscore. 2. “Essais geographiques sur les
isles Britanniques,” 1763, in 4to. 3. “Essais sur le Guyane,” 1757, 4to. 4-.“Le petit Atlas Maritime,” 4 vols.
4to. 5. “Le Neptune Frangais,” 1753, fol. and some
other works very imperfectly catalogued in our authority. 1
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Entry taken from
General Biographical Dictionary,
by Alexander Chalmers, 1812–1817.
This text has been generated using commercial OCR software,
and there are still many problems; it is slowly getting better
over time.
The text was scanned and OCRd several times, and
a majority version of each line of text was chosen.
Please don't reuse the content
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at fromoldbooks dot org first (mention the colour of your socks in the subject line of the mail),
because I am still working on fixing errors.
· ·
Bellin, Nicholas (1703–1772)
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