Berenger, Richard
, esq. many years gentleman of the horse to his majesty, a man of considerable literary talents, and for his personal accomplishments called, by Dr. Johnson, “the standard of true elegance,” published, in 1771, “The History and Art of Horsemanship,” 2 vols. 4to, illustrated with plates. The history, which occupies | the first volume, displays much research and acquaintance with the classics and with other writers of remote antiquity. Previously to this, Mr. Berenger contributed three excellent papers, No. 79, 156, and 202, to the “World,” and in Dodsley’s collection are a few of his poems, written with ease and elegance. He died in his sixty-second year, Sept. 9, 1782. 1
British Essayists, Preface to the World. Thrale’s Anecdotes, and Boswell’s Life of Johnson.