, orHAGUENBOT (John), a celebrated German physician, was born at Zwickaw in Saxony in 1500. His preceptor made him change his name of Haguenbot, or Haubut, to that of Cornarius, but such changes were frequently voluntary. In his twentieth year, he taught grammar and explained the Greek and Latin poets and orators to his scholars, and two years after was admitted licentiate in medicine. He found fault with most of the remedies provided by the apothecaries; and observing, that the greatest part of the physicians taught their pupils only what is to be found in Avicenna, Rasis, and the other Arabian physicians, he carefully sought for the writings of the best physicians of Greece, and employed about fifteen years in translating them into Latin, especially the works of Hippocrates, Aetius, Eginetes, and a part of those of Galen. Meanwhile he practised physic with reputation at Zwickaw, Francfort, Marpurg, Nordhausen, and Jena, where he died of an apoplexy, March 16, 1558. He also wrote some medical treatises; published editions of some poems of the ancients on medicine and botany; and translated some of the works of the fathers, particularly those of Basil, and a part of those of Epiphanius. His translations are now little consulted, but they undoubtedly contributed to lessen the difficulties of his successors in the same branch of useful labour. 2
Waller. —Moreri, and —Dict. Hist. in Haguenbot.