Eysel, John Philip
, a physician and medical writer, was born at Erfurt in 1652, and first educated in the college of that place, and afterwards studied medicine both there and at Jena. He took his doctor’s degree at Erfurt in 1680, and removing soon after into Westphalia, was made physician to the city of Bockem; but on the plague disappearing, which had broke out there, he returned in 1685 to Erfurt, and two years after was appointed professor extraordinary of medicine. In 1693 he was promoted to be professor in ordinary, and obtained at the same time a place in the faculty. In 1694 he exchanged his professorship of pathology for that of anatomy and surgery, to which botany was afterwards united. In 1713 he was presented with the degree of master of arts, and in 1715 admitted a member of the academy of the “Curieux de la Nature.” He died June 80,1717, leaving the following works: 1. “Enchyridion de formulis prescribendis, secundum method um Gaspari Crameri,” Erfurc, 1698, 8vo. 2. “Compendium Anatomicum,” ibid. 1698, 8vo, 1710, 4to. 3. “Compendium Physiologicum,” ibid. 1699, 8vo. 4. “Compendium Chirurgicurn,” ibid. 1714, 8vo. These, with his other works, theses, &c. were collected and published in fol. 1.7 Is, under the title of " Opera Medica et Chirurgica. 2