Gentilis, Scipio

, brother of Alberic Gentilis, was born in 1565, and went into Germany with his father. He there studied at Tubingen, Wittenberg, and Leyden, and was a pupil of Lipsius. He was profoundly learned in the civil law, of which he was professor at Altorf, and was famous for the clear method in which he taught. He was also eminent for his knowledge in polite literature, and was of very amiable manners. He died in 1616, having been married little more than four years before his death, to a very beautiful lady from Lucca, by whom he left four children. His principal works were on civil law; as, 1. “De jure Publico Populi Romani.” 2. “De Conjurationibus.” 3. “De Donationibus inter Virum et uxorem.” 4. “De bonis Maternis et Secundis nuptiis.” These appeared between 1602 and 1606; but he published also at an earlier period, 5. “Epic Paraphrases of twenty-five of David’s Psalms,1584, in 4to. And, 6. “Tasso’s Jerusalem,” translated into Latin verse, and published in, 1585, 4to. 2


Moreri.—Gen. Dict.—Niceron, vol. XV.