Gorter, John De
, a physician, was born in 1689 t at Eukhuysen, and after having been a disciple of the celebrated Boerhaave, became a distinguished teacher of medicine at Harderwick, in consequence of which he wa elected a member of the academies of Petersburg, Rome, and Haerlem, and obtained the title of physician to Elizabeth, empress of all the Russias. He died Sept. II, 1762. He was the author of several works, which are written with excellent method, and contain many interesting and original observations, relating to physiological and practical subjects, as well as to the practice of the ancients. The principal are, 1. “De Perspiratione insensibili,” Leyden and Padua, 1725, 4to, often reprinted. 2. “De Secretione humorum in sanguine,” ibid. 1727. 3. “Madicinae Compendium,” 1731—1737, 2 vols. 4to. 4. “Exercitationes quatuor medicse,” Amst. 1737, 4to, &c. His son, David de Gorter, professor of physic and botany in the Dutch university of Harderwick, was author of several local Floras of that neighbourhood, and of Elementa Botanica. He died in 1783, aged sixty-six. 2