Gracian, Baltasar
, a celebrated Spanish Jesuit, was born at Catalaiud, formerly Bilbilis. He taught the belles-lettres, philosophy, and theology, in his society, preached during some years, and was rector of the college at Tarragona, where he died December 6, 1658, leaving a considerable number of works in Spanish, published at Madrid in 1664, but which are not much suited to the present taste, 2 vols. 4to. The chief of those that have been translated into French are, “Le Heros,” by P. de Courbeville, a Jesuit, Rotterdam, 1729, 12mo; “Reflexions politiques sur les plus grands princes, et particulierement sur Ferdinand le Catholique,” by M. de Silhouette, Amsterdam, 1731, 12mo, translated also by P. de Courbeville, under the title of “Le Politique Dom. Ferdinand le Catholique,” Paris, 1732, 12mo, with notes. “L’Homme Universel,” by P. de Courbeville, 12 mo. “L’Homme detrompe, ou le Criticon,” by Maunoy, 3 vols. 12mo. “L’Hornme de Cour,” by Amelot de la H^oussaye, with notes, 12mo. P. de Courbeville has likewise translated it, with the title of “Maximes de Balthasar Gracian, avee des Reponsesaux Critiques de L’Homme Universe!,” Paris, 1730, 12mo. His “Manual on the Art of Prudence,” was published in English, in 1694, 8vo. 2