Grosley, Peter John
, a French antiquary and polite writer, was born at Troyes Nov. 18, 1718, and was educated in the profession of the law, but a decided turn for literary pursuits interrupted his legal studies, and induced him, in search of knowledge, to travel twice into Italy, twice into England, and once into Holland, besides passing a considerable part of every year at Paris, where he was received into the best company, but would never settle. His disposition appears to have been amiable and liberal, as when yet a youth he gave up a legacy of 40,000 livres in favour of his sister. At his own expence, too, he undertook to embellish the saloon of the town house of his native city, Troyes, with marble busts of the eminent natives of that city, executed by Vasse, the king’s sculptor; and the first put up were those of Pithou, le Comte, Passerat, Girardon, and Mignard. He died in that city, Nov. 4, 1785, being then an associate of the academy of | inscriptions and belles lettres, and a member of our royal society. His principal works are, 1. “Recherches pour Fhistoire du Droit Francois,” Paris, 1752, 12mo, a work highly esteemed. 2. “Vie de Pithou,” ibid. 1756, 2 vols. J2mo. 3. “Observations de deux gentil-hommes Stiedou sur l’Italie,” 1774, 4 vols. 12mo, a very lively work, and full of interesting anecdotes. 4. “Londres,” 1770, 3 vols. 12mo, of which nearly the same may be s;iid, although allowances must be made for the mistakes into which a foreigner is very liable to fall. It was translated in 1772, by Dr. Nugent, 2 vols. 8vo. 5. “Essais historiques sur la Champagne.” 6. “Ephemerides Troyennes,” continued for several years, and containing papers relative to the history of Troyes. He had also a part in the “Memoires de Pacademie de Troyes,” and in the last translation of Davila; and was an useful contributor to the “Journal Encyclopedique,” from 1771 to 17S5, and to the “Dictionnaire Historique.” A Life, written by himself, and some posthumous pieces, have been lately published, 1
Dict. Hist.orique. Nugent’s Preface.