The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Born: Ackermann, John Christian Gottlieb physician
Publication: “Observations Anatomical and Physical,” by Akenside, Mark poet and physician
Publication: “Memoires particuliers pour servir a. l'Histoire de France,” by Angouleme, Charles De Valois Duke D' the natural son of Charles IX. and Maria Touchet
Publication: “Histoire civile et politique de la ville de Reims,” by Anquetil, Lewis-Peter historian
Publication: “Vetus Missale Romanum, proefationibus et notis illustratum,” by Antonelli, Nicholas Maria count of Pergola
Publication: “History of the town of Rochelle, and the country of Aunis,” by Arcere, Louis Etienne priest of the oratory
Publication: “Novissimus Mercurii transitus,” by Audiffredi, John Baptist astronomer
Died: Bachius, John Augustus critic
Publication: “Fabliaux et contes des poetes Franc,ais des 12, 13, 14,et 15 siecles,” by Barbazan, Stephen antiquary
Publication: “Practice of Painting and Perspective made easy,” by Bardwell, Thomas artist
Publication: “An account of a Meteor seen in Rutland,” by Barker, Thomas esq. the descendant of an ancient and respectable family at Lyndon in Rutlandshire
Publication: “Seasonable advice to a careless world,” by Baty, Richard rector of the parish of Kirkandrews upon Esk
Publication: “The <f Memoirs of Madame de Maintenon,” by Beaumelle, Laurence Angliviel De La writer
Publication: “Description topographique et militaire des campagnes de Flandre, depuis 1690 jusqu'en 1694,” by Beaurain, John De an accurate military geographer
Publication: “Les songes d'Epicure,” by Beausobre, Lewis perhaps of the same family with the preceding
Died: Bel, Matthias born at Otsova in Hungary
Died: Benevoli, Anthony surgeon
Publication: “Memoire sur les consequences relatives a la pratique, deduites de la structure des os parietaux,” by Bertin, Exuperius Joseph anatomist
Publication: “Histoire de l'abbaye de Port-royal,” by Besoigne, Jerome a doctor of the Sorbonne
Publication: “La Citadelle coupee,” by Bilfinger, George Bernard philosopher
Publication: “His inquiry into the share which king Charles the First had in the transactions of the earl of Glamorgan.” by Birch, Thomas writer
Publication: “Recherches sur le pouls par raport aux crises,” by Bordeu, Theophilus De was born Feb. 22
Publication: “Treatise on Ships, their construction and motions,” by Bouguer, Peter mathematician
Born: Bourgeois, Sir Francis knight
Died: Broschi, Carlo was born the 24th of January
Publication: “Histoire des Navigations aux Terres Australes,” by Brosses, Charles De writer
Publication: “Bibliotheca historico-sacra, an Historical dictionary of all religions, from the creation of the world to the present times,” by Broughton, Thomas divine
Publication: “Athelstan” by Brown, John writer
Died: Bruhier, John James D' Ablaincourt physician
Publication: “A reply to Dr. Huddesford’s observations relating to the delegates of the press, with a narrative of the proceedings of the proctors with regard to their nomination of a delegate,” by Buckler, Benjamin antiquary
Publication: “A Vindication of Natural Society,” by Burke, Edmund was one of the most distinguished politicians and political writers of the last century
Publication: “A Philosophical Enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful,” by Burke, Edmund was one of the most distinguished politicians and political writers of the last century
Publication: “An account of what passed between Mr. George Thomson of York, and doctor John Burton of that city, physician and manmidwife, at Mr. sheriff Jubb’s entertainment, and the consequences thereon, by Mr. George Thomson,” by Burton, John antiquary
Died: Byng, George lord viscount Torrington
Born: Cabanis, Peter John George physician
Publication: “Abdeker,” by Camus, Antony Le physician
Publication: “Histoire générale du Paraguay,” by Charlevoix, Peter Francis Xavier De Jesuit
Born: Charnock, John writer
Born: Collins, David historian
Died: Concina, Daniel divine
Publication: “Histoire des Empereurs Remains jusqu' a Constantin,” by Crevier, John Baptist Lewis historian
Born: Currie, James physician
Publication: “Treatise on the Gonorrhoea Virulenta,” by Daran, James surgeon
Born: Davis, Henry Edwards son of Mr
Publication: “Assize Sermon on the equal and impartial discharge of Justice,” by Dodwell, William was born at Shottesbrooke
Publication: “I was glad of this,” by Dyer, John poet
Died: Edwards, Bryan historian
Died: Emlyn, Thomas divine
Died: Faber, John is the name of two engravers whose works are held in some estimation among portrait-collectors
Publication: “The Englishman returned from Paris,” by Foote, Samuel esq. called the English Aristophanes
Died: Furstenau, John-Herman physician
Died: Gamaches, Stephen Simon writer
Publication: “Treatise on the use of Sea-voyages in medicine,” by Gilchrist, Ebenezer physician
Died: Goldsmith, Oliver poet
Publication: “History of France,” by Griffet, Henry writer
Publication: “Vie de Pithou,” by Grosley, Peter John antiquary
Publication: “Histoire generale des Huns, des Turcs, des Mogols, et des antres Tartares occidentaux,” by Guignes, Joseph De scholar
Publication: “D. Justiniani Institutionum, Libri quatuor; and a translation of them into English, with notes,” by Harris, George an English civilian
Died: Hebenstreit, John Ernest physician
Publication: “Henckelius in Mineralogia redivivus,” by Henckel, John Frederic an eminent mineralogist
Died: Henley, John ” has furnished the world with memorials 1Memoirs of persons who died in 1711
Died: Heywood, Eliza writer
Publication: “Observations on a Series of Electrical experiments, by Dr. Hoadly and Mr. Wilson, F. R. S.” by Hoadly, Benjamin bishop
Publication: “A discourse on the establishment of a national and constitutional Force in England,” by Jenkinson, Charles earl of Liverpool
Publication: “Meditations upon various important subjects,” by Jenks, Benjamin divine
Publication: “Sermons,” by Jerusalem, John-Frederick William divine
Born: Jones, Thomas an eminent and learned tutor of the university of Cambridge
Publication: “The Helvetiad,” by Keate, George writer
Publication: “Farther Observations,” by Kennedy, John, M. D. a native of Scotland
Publication: “Elementa Trigonometric,” by Lecchi, John Anthony a learned Italian mathe. matician
Died: Lieberkuhn, John-Nathaniel anatomist
Publication: “The Prater, by Nicholas Babble, esq.” by Long, Edward author of a valuable History of Jamaica
Died: Lussan, Margaret De writer
Publication: “Les Annales Romaines,” by Macquer, Philip lawyer
Publication: “Audi alteram partem; or a further vindication of Mr. Thomas Ruddiman’s edition of the great Buchanan’s works,” by Man, James a schoolmaster of considerable learning
Died: Marsais, Cæsar Chesneau Du a French grammarian of high reputation
Publication: “Institutiones linguae Turcicae,” by Meninski, Franciscus A Mesgnien a most celebrated German orientalist
Publication: “Prayers for a time of Earthquakes and violent Floods,” by Merrick, James divine and poet
Publication: “Histoire de la reception du Concile de Trente dans les etats catholiques,” by Mignot, Stephen a learned French canonist
Publication: “Considerations sur la Marine Militaire de France,” by Montesquieu, Charles De Secondat, Baron Of writer
Publication: “Lettre sur la qustlite des Eaux de Luxeuil en Tranche Comte,” by Morand, John Francis Clement was born at Paris in April 1726
Died: Murray, William, Earl Of Mansfield lawyer
Publication: “Essay on the origin of Human Knowledge,” by Nugent, Thomas writer
Publication: “Discours Pathetique” by Oliveyra, Francis Xavier De knight
Publication: “A Series of Dissertations on some elegant and very raluable Anglo-Saxon Remains,” by Pegge, Samuel antiquary
Publication: “Polygeni Strategematum libri octo, Justo Vulteio interprete, Pancratius Maasvicius recensuit, Isaaci Casauboni nee non suas notas adjecit.” by Polyænus is the name of many eminent personages recorded in ancient writers
Publication: “A Treatise on Ruptures,” by Pott, Percival surgeon (1713–1788)
Publication: “An Account of a particular kind of Rupture, frequently attendant upon new-born Children, and sometimes met with in Adults,” by Pott, Percival surgeon (1713–1788)
Died: Ramsay, Allan one of the extraordinary instances of the power of uncultivated genius
Publication: “A British Philippic, inscribed to the right hon. the earl of Granville,” by Reed, Joseph writer
Publication: “A Methodical Synopsis of Mineral Waters, comprehending the most celebrated Medicinal waters, both cold and hot, of Great Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, and Italy, and several other parts of the world, wherein their several impregnating minerals being previously described, and their characteristics investigated, each water is reduced to its proper genus; and besides the particular analysis, the virtues, uses, and abuses of the water are described, in a method entirely new. Interspersed with tables, tending to throw a light upon this intricate subject; and abstracts of the principal authors who have treated of mineral waters; and the accounts dispersed in the acts of most of the learned societies in Europe, are collected and properly digested,” by Rutty, John writer
Publication: “Treatise on Fluxions,” by Saunderson, Nicolas an illustrious professor of the mathematics in the university of Cambridge
Publication: “Archiepiscoporum Mediolanensium Series critico-chronologica,” by Saxi historian
Born: Schomberg, Alexander Crowcher clergyman (?–1792)
Publication: “Euclid’s Elements,” by Simson, Robert mathematician
Publication: “Power,” by Smart, Christopher poet
Publication: “Compendium of Voyages,” by Smollett, To Bias historian
Publication: “Critical Review,” by Smollett, To Bias historian
Publication: “Essays of the Philosophical Society of Edinburgh,” by Stewart, Matthew mathematician
Publication: “A Charge delivered at the ordination of Mr. Smithson.” by Taylor, John a learned dissenting teacher
Publication: “Vocabolorio Italiano e Latino del P. Mandosio accrescinto e corretto” by Tiraboschi, Jerome one of the most valuable Italian writers of the last century
Died: Vertue, George antiquary
Died: Viner, Charles an eminent benefactor to the study of law
Born: Wakefield, Gilbert critic
Publication: “A Sermon preached before his grace Charles duke of Marlborough president, and the Governors of the Hospital for the small-pox and for inoculation, at the parish church of St. Andrew, Holborn, on Thursday, April the 24th, 1755,” by Warburton, William prelate
Died: Watson, David known chiefly as a translator of Horace
Publication: “A Letter to the Clergy of the Church, known by the name of Unitas Fratrum, or Moravians, concerning a remarkable book of hymns used in their congregations, pointing out several inconsistencies and absurdities in the said book,” by Watson, John historian
Publication: “The Country Gentleman’s advice to his Son;” by Weston, Stephen bishop (?–1742)
Publication: “An edition of the Works of Ben. Jonson, with notes,” by Whalley, Peter critic
Died: Wilkes, Richard antiquary
Publication: “History of Art.” by Winkelman, Abbe John antiquary
Publication: “Notes on the walls of antient Rome,” by Wray, Daniel a man of taste and learning