Events noted in 1752

The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.

1751 1753


Publication: “Essay on Hume’s Essay on Miracles,” by Adams, William master of Pembroke College

Died: Alberoni, Julius statesman

Publication: “Letters on the state of Religion and the Sciences in Great Britain,” by Alberti, George William preacher

Died: Albinus, Bernard Siegfried and one of the most celebrated anatomists of modern times

Publication: “Essais d'une nouvelle theorie du Mouvement des Fluides,” by Alembert, John Le Rond D' philosopher

Publication: “Index Medicamentorum simplicium triplex,” by Alston, Charles botanist

Publication: “Lettres sur les homines cel bres dans les sciences,” by Aquino De Chateau Lyon, Peter Louis and a bachelor of medicine

Died: Ashton, Charles one of the most learned critics of his age

Publication: “A particular account of the emperor of China’s gardens near Pekin, in a letter from father Attiret, a French missionary, now employed by that emperor to paint the apartments in those gardens, to his friend at Paris,” by Attiret, John Denis Jesuit

Publication: “Code penal,” by Averdy, Clement Charles De L' statesman

Publication: “Les Amours de Tempe,” by Auvergne, Antoine D' composer

Publication: “Essai sur la peinture, la sculpture, et Parchitecture,” by Bachaumont, Louis Petit De writer

Publication: “Memoirs of British Ladies, who have been celebrated for their writings or skill in the learned languages, arts, and sciences,” by Ballard, George antiquary

Publication: “An essay towards a rationale of the literal doctrine of Original Sin, &c.” by Bate, James was born at Bocton Malherb in Kent in 1703

Born: Beauchamps, Joseph a member of the national Institute of France

Publication: “Cyclus, sive de anno magno solis, luna?, stellarum consideratio, ad incrementum doctrinse propheticre atque astronomies accommodata,” by Bengel, John Albert divine

Publication: “Libri Manuscript! et irnpressi, collati curn Manuscriptis ex Bibliotheca Jo. Gul. de Berger,” by Berger, John William was professor of eloquence at Wittemberg

Publication: “Farther thoughts on Tar Water,” by Berkeley, George prelate

Died: Bernard, John Frederic bookseller

Died: Berti, Alexander Pompey a learned Italian

Born: Bertin, Anthony poet

Publication: “Memoires sur la Structure interieure de la Terre,” by Bertrand, Elias writer

Publication: “Discorso supra il vitto Pitagorico,” by Bianchi, John naturalist

Publication: “Demonstratio historiae ecclesiasticse quadripartitae monumentis ad fidem temporum et gestorum,” by Bianchini, Joseph priest of the oratory of St

Publication: “Fabulosa de septem dormientibus historia,” by Bidermann, John Theophilus writer

Publication: “DearteObliviscendi,” by Bidermann, John Theophilus writer

Publication: “Progres des Allemands dans les belles-lettres,” by Bielfeld, James Frederick Baron De was born at Hamburgh March 31

Publication: “Evangelium secundum Marcum ex versione Arabica, &c.” by Bode, Christopher Augustus a learned professor of the university of Helmstadt

Publication: “Noachide,” by Bodmer, John James writer

Publication: “Observationum Anatomicarum fasciculus primus,” by Boehmer, Justin Henning lawyer

Publication: “Dissertationes sacrae,” by Boerner, Christian Frederick professor of theology at Leipsic

Publication: “Commentaries of the Royal Society of Gottingen” by Borda, John Charles mathematician

Born: Boscawen, William writer

Publication: “Memoires pour servir a l'histoire des homines illustres de Provence,” by Bougerel, Joseph a French biographer

Publication: “Treatise on Navigation and Pilotage,” by Bouguer, Peter mathematician

Publication: “Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Swift,” by Bowyer, William the most learned English printer of whom we have any account (?–1777)

Publication: “Tracts.” by Bowyer, William the most learned English printer of whom we have any account (?–1777)

Publication: “Histoire des Revolutions de Genes,” by Brequigny, Lewis George, Oudard De Feudrix a learned member of the French academy

Publication: “Vies dfes anciens orateurs Grecs,” by Brequigny, Lewis George, Oudard De Feudrix a learned member of the French academy

Born: Brown, John artist

Born: Buat-Nancay, Louis Gabriel Du chevalier and count of Nanay

Publication: “Discourses on several subjects,” by Bulkley, Charles a protestant dissenting minister

Publication: “De apostolica ecclesise Gallicanae origiue,” by Bullet, John Baptist writer

Publication: “The Dialogue between a member of parliament and his servant,” by Cambridge, Richard Owen writer

Publication: “A Vade Mecum: or companion for the unmarried ladies: wherein are laid down some examples whereby to direct them in the choice of husbands,” by Campbell, John an eminent historical

Publication: “A particular but melancholy account of the great hardships, difficulties, and miseries, that those unhappy and much to be pitied creatures, the common women of the town, are plunged into at this juncture,” by Campbell, John an eminent historical

Publication: “A full and particular description of the Highlands of Scotland,” by Campbell, John an eminent historical

Publication: “The case of the publicans, both in town and country, laid open,” by Campbell, John an eminent historical

Publication: “Theologie de Tecriture S. ou la Science da Salut, comprise dans une ample collection de passages du V. & N. Testament,” by Chais, Charles divine

Publication: “A Commentary on the book of lob, in which is inserted the Hebrew text, and English translation with a paraphrase from the third verse of the third chapter, where it is supposed the metre begins, to the seventh verse of the forty-second chapter, where it ends,” by Chappelow, Leonard scholar

Born: Chatterton, Thomas poet

Died: Chicoyneau, Francis counsellor of state

Publication: “Oracle of St.,Foix” by Cibber, Susanna Maria and for several years the best actress in England

Publication: “A Vindication of the Histories of the Old and New Testament; in answer to the Objections of the late Lord Bolingbroke; in two letters to a young nobleman,” by Clayton, Robert bishop

Publication: “Historical Collections of the Noble Families of Cavendish, Holies, Vere, Harley, and Ogle,” by Collins, Arthur antiquary

Died: Coventry, Francis the eldest son of Thomas Coventry

Publication: “A treatise of Optics,” by Courtivron, Gaspard Le Compassed De Crequi, Marquis De chevalier de Saint-Louis

Publication: “A Speech at the installation of the bishop of Durham,” by Cowper, Spencer was the second son of the lord high chancellor Cowper

Died: Coypel, Charles Antony was admitted into the academy of painting in his twentieth year

Died: Cramer, Gabriel mathematician

Died: Croxall, Dr. Samuel was the son of Samuel Croxall

Publication: “Sermon on St. Paul’s Wish,” by Dodwell, William was born at Shottesbrooke

Died: Duker, Charles Andrew an eminent classical editor

Publication: “Tacitus,” by Ernesti, John Augustus was born at Tacnnstadt in Thuringia

Born: Filangieri, Gaetano writer

Publication: “Critical, historical, and political miscellanies; remarks on various authors, Potter, Seeker, Sherlock, &c.” by Flexman, Roger, D. D. clergyman

Died: Folard, Charles an eminent French officer and author

Publication: “Taste, a comedy,” by Foote, Samuel esq. called the English Aristophanes

Publication: “L'art de Tonnelier,” by Fougeroux De Bondaroy, Augustus Dennis a learned Frenchman

Died: Freind, John physician

Publication: “Oratorum ac Rhetorum Graecorum, quibus statuse honoris causa positse fuerunt, decas,” by Freytag, Frederic Gotthilf historian

Publication: “Adparatus litterarius, ubi libri partim antiqui partim rari recensentur,” by Freytag, Frederic Gotthilf historian

Publication: “De Musivis, vel pictoriae Mosaicse artis origine, progressu, &c.” by Furietti, Joseph Alexander antiquary

Died: Fuzelier, Lewis a native of Paris

Publication: “A Dissertation on the 20th proposition of the first book of Euclid,” by Gabrini, Thomas Maria

Died: Geinoz, Francis member of the academy of inscriptions and belles lettres

Publication: “On the Virtues,” by Gemistus, George philosopher

Publication: “Recherches pour Fhistoire du Droit Francois,” by Grosley, Peter John antiquary

Publication: “Various critical Remarks on the Classics,” by Gruner, John Frederick divine

Publication: “Sur les Refus des Sacremens,” by Gueret, Gabriel writer

Publication: “Moral Poems” by Hagedorn, Frederic poet

Publication: “Bibliothecae.” by Haller, Albert De one of the most eminent physicians and philosophers of the eighteenth century

Publication: “Notre sive Lectiones ad Tragicorum Graecorum veterum, JEschyli, &c.” by Heath, Benjamin lawyer

Publication: “De Oflicio mectici poema, dedicated to cardinal Quirini,” by Heerkens, Gerard Nicholas a native of Groningen

Publication: “Select Decisions of the Court of Session,” by Home, Henry usually called Lord Kames

Born: Homer, Henry scholar

Publication: “A Letter to the Author of a Further Inquiry,” by Hurd, Richard prelate

Born: Lamanon, Robert Paul a member of the academy of sciences at Paris

Publication: “Arithmetica universalis Jsaaci Newton, sive de compositione, et resolutione arithmetica perpetuis commentariis illustrata et aucta,” by Lecchi, John Anthony a learned Italian mathe. matician

Publication: “The Memoirs of Harriot Stuart,” by Lennox, Charlotte a lady long distinguished for her genius and literary merit

Publication: “Explication de plusieurs figures sur le mechanisme de la grossesse, et de Paccouchement,” by Levret, Andrew surgeon

Died: Lowman, Moses clergyman

Publication: “Thoughts on the Doctrine of Scripture concerning Sin,” by Michaelis, John David critic

Publication: “Memorial of E. W. Montague, esq. written by himself, in French, and published lately at Paris, against Abraham Payba, a Jew by birth, who assumed the fictitious name of James Roberts. Translated into English from an authentick copy sent from Paris,” by Montague, Edward Wortley only son of the preceding lady Mary

Publication: “Histoire de la Maladie singuliere, et de Pexamen d'une femme devenue en peu de terns contrefaite par un ramollissement general des os,” by Morand, John Francis Clement was born at Paris in April 1726

Publication: “Nouvelle description des grottes d'Arcy,” by Morand, John Francis Clement was born at Paris in April 1726

Publication: “Remarks on some Conjectures, &c. shewing the improbability of the notion therein advanced, that the arguments produced in support of it are inconclusive or irrelative to the pointin question,” by North, George antiquary

Publication: “Principles of Politic Law,” by Nugent, Thomas writer

Died: Oudin, Francis Jesuit

Publication: “Philosophical Observations on the analogy between the Propagation of Animals and that of Vegetables,” by Parsons, James physician

Died: Pearce, Zachary prelate

Died: Reboulet, Simon a native of Avignon

Publication: “Inquiry into the origin of our ideas of beauty and virtue.” by Reid, Thomas divine

Born: Ritson, Joseph critic

Publication: “Life” by Saxe, Maurice, Count Of a celebrated commander

Died: Stackhouse, Thomas divine

Died: Terrasson, Gaspard was born October 5

Died: Theodore Of Mopsuestia bishop

Publication: “Continuation of Explanatory Notes on the Four Gospels,” by Trapp, Joseph divine

Publication: “Librorum Botanicorum libri duo, quorum prior recentiores quosdam, posterior plerosque antiques ad annum 1550 usque excuses recenset,” by Trew, Christopher James naturalist

Publication: “the eighth Isthmian of Pindar, in English,” by Tyrwhitt, Thomas one of the most eminent scholars and critics of the last century

Publication: “Adventurer,” by Warton, Joseph scholar (17221800)

Publication: “Essay on the virtues of Lime-water and Soap in the cure of the stone,” by Whytt, Robert physician

Publication: “Vetasta Monumenta.” by Willis, Browne antiquary

Publication: “Monita et praecepta medica,” by Wintringham, Clifton physician

Publication: “Letters,” by Zeno, Apostolo poet