Jacquelot, Isaac
, an eminent Protestant divine, and celebrated preacher, was born December 16, 1647, at Vassy, of which place his father was minister. He distinguished himself so much by his studies that he was ordained at the age of twenty-one, and appointed colleague, and assistant to his father. On the revocation of the edict of Nantes, Jacquelot quitted France, and retiring to Heidelberg, received public marks of favour from the electress Palatine. He went afterwards to the Hague, where he gained great reputation by his sermons; and the king of Prussia being in that city, and having heard him preach, desired to have him far his French chaplain at Berlin, and settled a large pension upon him. Jaequelot went into Prussia, 17>02, and died at Berlin, October 15, 1708. His works are, 1. “Traite de l’Existence de Dieu,” Amsterdam, 1697, 4to. 2. “Dissertations sur le Messie,” Hague, 1699, 8vo. 3. Three books against Bayle’s Dictionary; the first entitled ‘“Conformite de la Foi avec la Raison,” 8vothe second, “Examen de la Theologie de M. Bayle,” I2nio; and the third, “Reponse aux Entretiens composes par M. BayLe,” 12mo. 4. “Traitede l’Inspiration des Livres Sacres,” 1715, 8vo, two parts, the first of which is excellent. To these may be added two small pamphlets, entitled, “Avis sur le Tableau du Socinianisme.” This last work occasioned much trouble to Jacquelot from Jurieu, author of the “Tableau du Socinianisme.” He wrote also twenty-eight “Letters” to the French bishops, persuading | them to a mild conduct towards the Calvinists; and published “Sermons,” 2 vols. 12mo. All his works are distinguished by learning and strength of argument, but are thought to be defective in method. 1
Chaufepie.—Niceron, vol. VI. —Moreri. —Dict. Hist.