Lang, John Michael
, an able Protestant divine, was born March 9, 1664, at Ezelwangen, in the duchy of $ultzbach. He was extremely well skilled in the oriental languages, and appointed professor of divinity at Altorf; but having made himself enemies there, quitted his office, and settled at Prentzlow, where he died June 20, 1731. His works most held in estimation are, “Philologia Barbaro-Grseca,” Noribergse, 1708, 4to; ^ Dissertationes Botanico-TheologiceD,“Altorfii, 1705, 4to, and several Treatises in Latin, on the Mahometan religion, and the Koran,” De Fabulis Mohamedicis," 1697, 4to. 2
Bibliotheque Germanique, vol. XXIII.—Moreri.