Lindsay, John

, a learned divine, of St. MaryVhall at Oxford, officiated for many years as minister of the nonjuring society in Trinity-chapel, Aldersgate-street, and is said to have been, their last minister. He was also for some time a corrector of the press to Mr. Bowyer the printer. He finished a long and useful life, June 21, 1768, at the age of eighty-two; and was buried in Islington church-yard. Mr. Lindsay published “The Short History of the Regal Succession,” &c. with “Remarks on Whiston’s Scripture Politics,” &c. 1720, 8vo which occurs in the Bodleian Catalogue. His valuable translation of Mason’s “Vindication of the Church of England,1726, (reprinted in 1728,) has a large and elaborate preface, containing “a full and particular Series of the Succession of our Bishops, through the several Reigns since the Reformation,” &c. He dates the second edition from “Islington, 13 Dec. 1727.” In 1747, he published, in the same size, “Two Sermons preached at Court in 1620, by Francis Mason;” which he recommends, “as well for their own intrinsic value, as to make up a complete Collection of that learned Author’s Works.” He had a nephew, who died curate of Waltham abbey, Sept. 17, 1779. 2


Nichols’s Bowyer, in which is a 'portion of his correspondence with Dr. Zachary Grey.