Marloe, Christopher
, whom Phillips calls “a kind of second Shakspeare,” was born, as Mr. Elfis conjectures with great probability, about 1562. There is no account extant of his family, but it is well known, says Baker, that he was of Bene’t college, in the university of Cambridge, where he took the degree of B. A. 1543, and M. A. 1597; he, however, quitted the academic life, and went on the stage, where he became one of the most distinguished tragic poets of the age. Thomas Heywood styles him the “best of poets;” and Draytoa also has bestowed a high panegyric on him, in the “Censure of the Poets,” in these lines
"Next Marioe bathed in Thespian spring,
Had in him those brave transl unary things.
That your first poeta hud his raptures were
All air and tire, which made his verses clear
For that fine madness still he did retain,
Which rightly should possess a poet’s brain."
Nichols’s Bowyer with the addition of some ms particulars and judicious remarks by James H. Markland, esq. F. S. A. of the Temple, a relation of the Critic, obligingly communicated to the Editor. A large proportion of the original letters of Hr. Mark and in in this gentleman’s possession, and Dr. Biirnej hu hkium MM Ut it-able number.
His tragedies, says Warton, manifest traces of a just dramatic conception, but they abound with tedious and uninteresting scenes, or with such extravagancies as proceeded from a want of judgment, and those barbarous ideas of the times, over which it was the peculiar gift of Shakspeare’s genius alone to triumph and predominate. As a poet, there is one composition preserved in the collection called “England’s Helicon,” and often reprinted, which entitles him to the highest praise. It is that entitled “The Passionate Shepherd to his Love,” beginning “Come live with me, and be my love.” We can remember the revival of this beautiful pastoral about forty years ago, with some pleasing music, which made it the fashion of every theatre, concert, and private party. Sir Walter Raleigh wrote a reply to this piece.
Marloe’s tragical death is thus related by Wood: “This Marloe, we are told, presuming upon his own little wit, thought proper to practise the most Epicurean indulgence, | and openly professed Atheism. He denied God our Saviour; he blasphemed the adorable Trinity; and, as it was reported, wrote several discourses against it, affirming our Saviour to be a deceiver, the sacred Scriptures to contain nothing but idle stories, and all religion to be a device of policy and priestcraft. But Marloe came to a very untimely end, as some have remarked, in consequence of his execrable blasphemies. It happened, that he fell deeply in love with a low girl, and had for his rival a fellow in livery, who looked more like a pimp than a lover. Marloe, fired with jealousy, and having some reason to believe that his mistress granted the fellow favours, rushed upon him to stab him with his dagger: but the footman being quick, avoided the stroke, and catching hold of Marloe' s wrist, stabbed him with his own weapon; and notwithstanding all the assistance of the surgery, he soon after died of the wound, before the year 1593.”
Marloe has found an apologist in Warton ,*
Warton is often led to remarks of the above kind from his dislike of the puritans; but Marloe has found an apologist in Dr. Berkenhout of a more congenial kind. “Marloe,” says this unprejudiced biographer, “seems to have dared to reason on matters of religion than which nothing could be a greater crime, in the opinion of those who did not dare to think for themselves. Posterity will hardly believe that there ever was a time when freethinking was deemed criminal. His blaspheming the Trinity, and calling Moses a conjuror, were dreadful crimes in the eyes of Anthony Wood, who was himself no conjuror, and on whose authority bishop Tanner calls poor Marloe athehta et blasphemus korrendus.” Berkenhout’s “Biograpbia Literaria,” which is disgraced by many such sentiments as these.
Anbrey says that his antagonist was Ben Jonson. Surely more authority is necessary for such an assertion. See, however, our account of Jonson, vol. XIX. p. 142,
Warton’s Hist, of Poetry. Biog. Dram. Phillips’s Theatrum, by sir E. Brydges. Bibliographer, vols. II. and III. Ellis’s Specimens.