The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Died: Æmilius, Anthony professor of history in the university of Utrecht
Born: Ainsworth, Robert an eminent Grammarian and lexicographer (?–1743)
Died: Albano, Francis painter
Publication: “Theses Theologicæ de ultimo judicio,” by Allix, Peter divine
Publication: “Meditations on every day of the year,” by Andrada, Alphonsus D' writer
Died: Andrada, Francis D' historiographer to Philip III. king of Spain
Died: Argoli, John son of the former
Died: Aromatari, Joseph physician
Died: Asselyn, John painter
Publication: “Memoire pour rhistoire du Cardinal de Richelieu,” by Aubery, Anthony lawyer
Publication: “Histoire de me me ministre,” by Aubery, Anthony lawyer
Publication: “Just vindication of the questioned part of his reading had in the Middle Temple hall, Feb. 24, 1639,” by Bagshaw, Edward a gentleman of a Derbyshire family
Publication: “The rights of the Crown of England, as it is established by law,” by Bagshaw, Edward a gentleman of a Derbyshire family
Publication: “Censura Cleri, against scandalous ministers, not fit to be restored to the church’s livings, in point of prudence, piety, and fame,” by Barnard, John divine (1630–?)
Publication: “Panegyriques des Saints,” by Baron, Vincent a learned father of the Romish church
Publication: “Medicus Microcosmus,” by Becker, Daniel was born at Konigsberg in 1627
Born: Behrens, Conrad Bertold physician
Born: Bertheau, Charles divine
Publication: “Humanitas Theologica,” by Betuleius, Sixtus whose name in German was Birck
Publication: “Boscobel; or the history of his majesty’s escape after the battle of Worcester,” by Blount, Thomas writer
Publication: “Help to Prayer both extempore and by a set form as also to Meditation,” by Bogan, Zachary writer
Died: Borcht, Henry Vander, painter
Died: Bosse, Abraham engraver
Publication: “Opera Omnia,” by Botallus, Leonard physician
Died: Boulanger, John engraver
Publication: “Seraphic Love; or, some motives and incentives to the Love of God, pathetically discoursed of in a letter to a friend,” by Boyle, Robert philosopher
Born: Brandel, Peter painter
Born: Brandt, John the youngest son of Gerard
Publication: “Congratulatory poem on his Majesty, upon his happy arrival in our late discomposed Albion,” by Brathwaite, Richard whom Warton calls one of the minor pastoral poets of the reign of James I. was the second son of Thomas Brathwaite
Died: Breenberg, Bartholomew, Called Bartolomeo painter and engraver
Born: Bretonneau, Francis born at Tours in 1660
Publication: “The Memoirs of the Duke of Rohan or a faithful relation of the most remarkable occurrences iij France, especially those concerning the reformed churches there; from the death of Henry the Great until the peace made with them, in June 1629. Together with divers politic discourses upon several occasions. Written originally in French, by the duke of Rohan, and now Englished by George Bridges, of Lincoln’s-inn, esq.” by Bridges, George translator of the duke de Rohan’s Memoirs
Publication: “Breviate of Lilly’s Latin Grammar, &c.” by Brooksbank, Joseph born in 1612
Publication: “The welltuned Organ; or an exercitation, wherein this question is fully and largely discussed, Whether or no instrumental and organical music be lawful in holy public assemblies? Affirmatur,” by Brooksbank, Joseph born in 1612
Born: Brossard, Sebastian De musician
Publication: “Extract, or Abstract of the lord chancellor Bacon’s Philosophical Theory of Mineral Prosecutions,” by Bushel, Thomas a man once of considerable eminence for his philosophical pursuits
Publication: “Critici Sacri,” by Capellus, Lewis divine
Died: Catz, James pensionary of Holland
Died: Cavedone, Jacob artist
Born: Cheron, Lewis the brother of Elizabeth Cheron
Died: Chifflet, John James physician
Publication: “Ecclesiae Slavonic, &c. brevis historiola,” by Comenius, John Amos divine
Born: Corradini, De Sezza, Peter Marcellinus antiquary
Died: Costar, Peter a bachelor of the Sorbonne
Died: Courten, William the last in the male line of the family that makes the subject of the preceding article
Publication: “Fides ex S. Scripturis demonstrate,” by Daille, John a minister of the church of Paris
Publication: “The History of the Cardinals,” by Doni D'Attichi, Lewis was born in 1596
Publication: “Heroic Stanzas on the late lord Protector,” by Dryden, John poet
Publication: “Gnomologia Homeri,” by Duport, James scholar
Publication: “A guide for the penitent, or, a model drawn up for the help of a devout soul wounded with sin,” by Duppa, Brian bishop
Publication: “The Gentile Sinner, or England’s brave gentleman characterised, in a letter to a friend,” by Ellis, Clement divine
Publication: “Vindicirc de Canonicis,” by Essenius, Andrew divine
Born: Estrees, Victor Marie D' born in 1660
Publication: “A divine antidote against the Plague, contained in Soliloquies and Prayers,” by Featley, John son of John Fairclough
Publication: “De l' de la Peinture, avec plusieurs pieces detachers,” by Felibien, Andrew Sieur des Avaux et de Javerci
Publication: “The Life of the most reverend, learned, and pious Dr. Henry Hammond, who died April 25, 1660,” by Fell, Dr. John divine
Born: Fenner, William divine
Born: Feuillee, Louis a Franciscan friar
Died: Flink, Govert artist
Died: Freinshemius, John a learned classical editor
Publication: “Lactantius,” by Galle, Servatius writer
Publication: “Considerations touching the Liturgy of the Church of England, in reference to his Majesty’s late Declaration, and in order to a happy union in church and state,” by Gauden, John prelate
Publication: “Wit revived; or a new excellent way of Divertisement, digested into most ingenious questions and answers,” by Gayton, Edmund or
Born: Gibert, John Peter LL. D. and D. D. a learned canonist of the same family as the preceding
Born: Grant, Francis lord Cullen
Publication: “Hist. Genealogique de la Maison Royale de Savoie,” by Guichenon, Samuel historian
Publication: “Recherches historiques et chronologiques, concernant l'etablissement et la suite de seuechaux de Beaucaire et de Nimes,” by Guiran, Galliard antiquary
Publication: “Biblia Maxima,” by Haye, John De La a learned Franciscan
Born: Helyot, Peter perhaps Elliot
Publication: “Poems written by William earl of Pembroke, &c. many of which are answered by way pf repartee by sir Benjamin Rudyard, with other poems written by them occasionally and apart,” by Herbert, William earl of Pembroke (?–1630)
Died: Hersent, Charles divine
Publication: “Historia QuinquArticularis: or a declaration of the Judgment of the Western Churches, and more particularly of the Church of England, in the five controverted points, reproached in these last times by the name of Arminianism. Collected in the way of an Historicall Narration out of the public acts and monuments, and most approved authors of those scverall churches,” by Heylin, Dr. Petek divine
Publication: “A Panegyric to the King,” by Higgons, Sir Thomas son of Dr
Publication: “Exercitationes cliuc, quanun prior de passione hysterica, altera de affectione hypochondnaca,” by Highmore, Nathaniel physician and anatomist
Born: Hoffmann, Frederick physician
Publication: “Marginal Notes on the New Testament,” by Holden, Henry divine
Died: Honthorst, Gerard artist
Publication: “Microcosmus, seu brevis manuductio ad historiam corporis humani, in gratiam discipuloium,” by Hoorne, John Van anatomist
Publication: “Opera Medica,” by Horstius, Gregory physician
Publication: “The fourth book of Virgil translated,” by Howard, Sir Robert writer
Publication: “Statius’s Achilleis translated,” by Howard, Sir Robert writer
Publication: “Elementa Historiae Civilis,” by Howel, Laurence a learned
Died: Howson, John bishop
Born: Jablonski, Daniel-Ernest divine
Publication: “Bentivolio and Urania,” by Ingelo, Nathaniel, D. D. divine
Born: Kennet, White writer
Died: Knox, Capt Robert the son of capt
Born: Lagny, Thomas Fantet De mathematician
Publication: “Epistolae praestantium et eruditorum Virorum, &c.” by Limborch, Pinup a celebrated professor of divinity in Holland
Publication: “Modern Policy compleated, or the public actions and councils, '&c. of General Monk,” by Lloyd, David historian
Died: Lugo, John cardinal
Publication: “Biblia Maxima,” by Lyra, Nicholas De a celebrated Franciscan
Died: Mariales, Xantes Dominican
Publication: “A collection of Letters made by sir Tobie Matthews, kt. with a character of Lucy, countess of Carlisle,” by Matthew, Tobias and a very singular character
Publication: “A Collection of Acts of Parliament, Charters, Trials at Law, and Judges’ Opinions, concerning those Grants to the College of Physicians,” by Merret, Christopher naturalist
Died: Metkerke or Mekerchus
Died: Molina, Lewis born of a noble family at Cuenca
Born: Motteux, Peter Antony a native of France (1660–1718)
Born: Nary, Cornelius divine
Publication: “Mathematical Elements, three parts,” by Newton, John divine (1622–1678)
Publication: “The excellency and lawfulness of the Solemn League and Covenant,” by Nye, Philip an English nonconformist
Publication: “Iliad” by Ogilby, John a very industrious adventurer in literary speculations
Died: Oughtred, William divine
Publication: “Dictionary,” by Oughtred, William divine
Publication: “Secret pour composer en musique par un art nouveau,” by Ouvrard, Rene' a learned French ecclesiastic
Publication: “Le parlement de Bourgogne, avec les armoiries,” by Palliot, Peter historiographer
Publication: “La vraie et parfaite science des Armoiries de Gelliot, avec de plus de 6000 ecussons,” by Palliot, Peter historiographer
Died: Pellegrini, Camillo antiquary
Publication: “An Elegy upon the Death of Gabriel Naude, in 1653.” by Petit, Peter another very learned Frenchman
Publication: “Reflections upon some Persons and Things in Ireland,” by Petty, William a singular instance of an almost universal genius
Publication: “Veritas inconcussa; or King Charles I. no man of blood, but a martyr for his people:” by Philips, Fabian author of several books relating to ancient customs and privileges in England
Died: Polemberg, Cornelius painter
Publication: “Sepultura Veterum,” by Quenstedt, John Andrew divine
Died: Rohan, Henry Duke De peer of France
Died: Rolle, Henry a learned and upright judge
Born: Rudbeck, Olaus was born at Upsal in 1660
Publication: “Vestigi dell' antichita di Roma,” by Sadeler, John the first of a family of distinguished engravers
Publication: “Les He-ires” by St. Pavin, Dennis Sanguin De poet
Born: Sanderson, Robert antiquary
Died: Scarron, Paul writer
Publication: “Clelie,” by Scuderi, Magdeleine De and his superior in talents
Publication: “Almahide, ou PEsclave Reine,” by Scuderi, Magdeleine De and his superior in talents
Publication: “The Anatomy of Secret Sins,” by Sedgwick, Odadiah divine
Publication: “The Parable of the Prodigal,” by Sedgwick, Odadiah divine
Publication: “Hypothesis de Officiis secundum Humanae Rationis Dictata, seu Naturae jus, unde Casus omnes Conscientitc quatenus Notiones a Natura supersunt dijudicari possint,” by Sharroch, Robert clergyman
Born: Sloane, Sir Hans physician (1660–1752)
Publication: “Lettres & Discours sur diverses matieres curieuses,” by Sorbiere, Samuel writer
Born: Stahl, George Ernest a very eminent German chemist
Born: Stanhope, George dean
Publication: “Apology fur the ancient right and power of the Bishops to sit and vote in parliaments,” by Stephens, Jeremy divine
Publication: “Oceana,” by Stubbe, Henry writer
Died: Tacquet, Andrew Jesuit
Publication: “Ductor Dubitantium, or the Rule of Conscience in all her general measures; serving as a great instrument for the determination of cases of conscience,” by Taylor, Jeremy prelate
Died: Varenius, Bernard physician
Died: Venner, Tobias physician
Publication: “A Defence of Arms and Armory,” by Waterhouse, Edward writer
Publication: “The tragedy of Christopher Love at Tower-hill,” by Wild, Robert divine
Publication: “Iter Boreaie, attempting something upon the successful and matchless march of the L Gen. George Monk from Scotland to London,” by Wild, Robert divine
Publication: “The great Antichrist revealed,” by Williams, Griffith bishop
Publication: “Increpatio Bar Jesu, sive Polemica? adsertiones locorum aliquot Sacrse Scripturae ah imposturis perversionum in Catechesi Racoviana,” by Wren, Matthew bishop
Publication: “Philosophic Studiosus,” by Wycherley, William poet (?–1715)
Died: Zouch, Richard an eminent civilian (1590–?)
Publication: “Beauty of Holiness,” by Aben-Melek rabbi
Publication: “Poeti antichi raccolti da Codici manuscriti della Bibliotheca Vaticana e Barberina,” by Allatius, Leo keeper of the Vatican library
Born: Ancourt, Florent-Carton D' writer
Publication: “Fides Catholica, or the doctrine of the Catholic church, &c.” by Annand, William dean
Died: Argues, Gerard Des a geometrician of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Testimonium Flavianum de Christo,” by Arnold, Christopher writer
Publication: “La Pasife,” by Artalis, Joseph poet
Born: Audran, Benoit was the second son of Germain Audran
Publication: “Solatium podagricorum,” by Balde, James poet
Died: Bangius, Thomas doctor and professor of divinity in the university of Copenhagen
Publication: “Memorials of Worthy Persons.” by Barksdale, Clement writer
Publication: “De figuranivis dissertatio,” by Bartholine, Erasmus one of the sons of Caspar
Publication: “Lives of the Regicides,” by Bate, George physician
Born: Bentley, Richard regius professor of divinity
Died: Besler, Michael Robert physician
Publication: “Opus astronomicon,” by Billi, Jacques De Jesuit
Publication: “Complete Gentleman,” by Blount, Thomas writer
Publication: “Apollonii Pergaei conicorum, libri v. vi. & vii. paraphraste Abalphato Aspahanensi nunc primum editi,” by Borelli, John Alphonso mathematician
Publication: “De Tiberio,” by Bosius, John Andrew historian
Publication: “Certain physiological Essays and other Tracts,” by Boyle, Robert philosopher
Born: Brandmuller, Gregory artist
Died: Brebeuf, George De poet
Publication: “Rebels tried and cast, in three Sermons,” by Brooksbank, Joseph born in 1612
Born: Brun, Peter Le a French priest of the oratory
Born: Buffier, Claude a learned metaphysician
Publication: “Pvlartiaiis Epigrammata selecta,” by Busby, Richard the most eminent schoolmaster in his time
Died: Chaloner, James was a commoner of Brazen-nose college in Oxford
Publication: “Scientia metrica & rhythmics; seu tractatus de prosodia Arabica ex authoribus probatissimis eruta,” by Clarke, Samuel celebrated for his skill in oriental learning
Died: Colbert, John Baptist marquis of Segnelai
Publication: “Bibliotheca Augusta,” by Conringius, Hermannus one of the eminent publicists of Germany
Died: Coote, Sir Charles a distinguished military officer in the 17th century
Publication: “The Interest of England in the matter of Religion,” by Corbet, John divine
Born: Croze, Mathuiun Veyssiere La writer
Died: Culpeper, Sir Thomas second son of sir Thomas Culpeper of Hollingbourne
Publication: “De confessione auriculari,” by Daille, John a minister of the church of Paris
Died: Delft, William James painter and engraver
Born: Despohtes, Francis painter
Publication: “Concerning the Vegetation of Plants,” by Digby, Sir Kenelm philosopher
Publication: “Bibl. Juris Canon, veteris,” by Doujat, John scholar
Born: Dubois, Charles Francis a French ecclesiastic of considerable fame
Died: Dupleix, Scipio historian
Publication: “De Assumptis,” by Ecchellensis, Abraham a learned Maronite of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Euthychius vindicatus,” by Ecchellensis, Abraham a learned Maronite of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Homonyma et Synonyma Linguae Latin it- conjuncta et distincta,” by Edmondson, Henry a learned schoolmaster
Publication: “Synopsis controversiarum Theologicarum, et index locorum totius sacrae Scripturoc,” by Essenius, Andrew divine
Died: Ferne, Henry bishop
Died: Fevret, Charles an eminent French civilian
Publication: “Poems,” by Flatman, Thomas poet
Publication: “Anni mirabiles,” by Gilbert, William divine
Publication: “The Vanity of Dogmatizing, or confidence in opinions, manifested in a discourse of the shortness and uncertainty of our knowledge and its causes, with some reflections on Peripateticism, and an apology for philosophy,” by Glanvil, Joseph writer
Publication: “A View of the Admiral’s Jurisdiction,” by Godolphin, John an eminent civilian
Born: Gregory, David and nephew to the inventor of the reflecting telescope
Publication: “De Clinicis, sive Grabatariis veteris Ecclesise:” by Gudius, Marquard critic
Born: Harley, Robert afterwards earl of Oxford and earl Mortimer
Died: Haye, John De La a learned Franciscan
Publication: “A brief Chronicle of the late intestine War in the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c.” by Heath, James historian
Born: Hecquet, Philip physician
Publication: “De Officio boni Principis piique Subditi,” by Henichius, John a learned professor of divinity in the university of llinteln
Publication: “De natura Saturni faciei, ejusque phasibus certa periodoredeuntibus.” by Hevelius, John astronomer
Publication: “Jamaica viewed,” by Hickeringill, Edmund writer
Publication: “Dialogus Physicus, sive de Natura Aeris,” by Hobbes, Thomas philosopher
Publication: “A Letter concerning Mr. White’s Treatise De Medio Animarum statu,” by Holden, Henry divine
Publication: “Praelectiones theologicae,” by Holdsworth, Richard sometimes written Oldsworth (?–1649)
Died: Holstenius, Lucas an ingenious and learned German
Died: Holyday, Barten divine
Publication: “Survey of the World, in ten books, a poem,” by Holyday, Barten divine
Born: Hospital, William-Francis-Antony, Marquis De L' mathematician
Publication: “Etymologicon Orientale, sive Lexicon Harmonicum Heptaglotton,” by Hottinger, John-Henry writer
Born: Howe, Charles the author of a very popular book of “Devout Meditations
Died: Lambecius, Peter writer
Died: Leger, Anthony divine
Publication: “Choice observations on all the kings of England, from the Saxons to the death of Charles I.” by Leigh, Edward writer
Born: Lenfant, James writer
Publication: “The Proceedings observed in order to, and in the consecration of, the twelve Bishops in St. Patrick’s Church in Dublin, Jan. 27, 1660,” by Loftus, Dudley scholar
Publication: “Liber Psalmorum Davidis ex Armeniaco idiotnate in Latinum traductus,” by Loftus, Dudley scholar
Died: Magni, Valerian a celebrated Capuchin
Publication: “Lnst’s Dominion,” by Marloe, Christopher whom Phillips calls “a kind of second Shakspeare
Died: Mayerne, Sir Theodore De baron of Albone
Died: Mazarin, Julius cardinal
Publication: “A Confession of Faith of the Greek Church,” by Metrophanes Critopylus the patriarch of Alexandria in the seventeenth century
Born: Montague, Charles, Earl Of Halifax poet
Publication: “De jure silentii,” by Morhof, Daniel George a very learned German
Publication: “Complete Lawyer or, a Treatise concerning Tenures and Estates in Lands of Inheritance for Life, and other Hereditaments and Chattels real and personal,” by Noy, William attorney-general in the reign of Charles I. the son of William Noy
Born: Papillon, John was one of a family of engravers on wood
Born: Polignac, Melchior De cardinal
Born: Quien, Michael Le Dominican
Died: Quillet, Claudius writer
Publication: “Aphorisms of State,” by Ralegh, Sir Walter or'Rawlegh
Born: Rapin De Thoyras, Paul historian
Publication: “Apollonius Pergaeus ex versioue Arabica, Latine,” by Ravis, Christian a learned orientalist
Publication: “Resuscitatio,” by Rawley, William divine
Died: Retz, John Francis Paul De Gondi cardinal
Publication: “De existentia Dei,” by Rodon, David a celebrated French professor of philosophy in the seventeenth century
Born: Rollin, Charles writer
Died: St. Amant, Mark-Anthony-Gerard, Sieur De poet
Publication: “God made man, A Tract proving the nativity of our Saviour to be on the 25th of December,” by Selden, John one of the most learned men of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Phoca anatomice spectatus,” by Severinus, Marcus Aurelius physician
Publication: “Tyrocinia mathematica,” by Sinclare, George professor of philosophy in the university of Glasgow in the seventeenth century
Died: Stephens, Anthony the son of Paul
Publication: “I have heard of his great worth and deserts, as well in respect of his learning and orthodox, judgment, as of his most exemplary life and conversation.” by Thomas, William bishop
Born: Tournemine, Rene Joseph De Jesuit
Publication: “La Toscane Francoise,” by Tristan L'Hermite, Francis poet
Publication: “The Power communicated by God to the Prince, and the obedience required of the Subject,” by Tyrrell, James historian
Publication: “Exercitationes de Zoroastre, Hermete, Sanchoniatone,” by Ursinus, Zachary one of the most celebrated Protestant divines of the 16th century
Born: Vallisnieri, Antonio a celebrated professor of physic at Padua
Died: Vignier, Jerome historian
Publication: “L'Antiquite de temps retablie,” by Vossius, Isaac a man of great parts and learning
Publication: “Catalogus librorum in I3ibl. Aul. Magd. Oxon.” by Wilkinson, Henry denominated sometimes Junior
Publication: “Uniformity re-asserted,” by Womock, Lawrence prelate
Publication: “The Solemn League and Covenant arraigned and condemned,” by Womock, Lawrence prelate
Publication: “Letters to sir Edmund Bacon,” by Wotton, Sir Henry an Englishman
Publication: “A practical commentary, or exposition on the hook of Psalms,” by Wright, Abraham divine
Publication: “Theatre of Europe” by Abelin, John Philip historian (?–1646)
Publication: “La Tradition de l'Eglise, touchant la devotion a Sainte Vierge,” by Abelli, Louis was born in the Vexin Francois
Died: Adlzreiter, John of Tottenweiss
Died: Alaymo, Mark Anthony physician
Publication: “De fide hsereticis servanda,” by Alberti, Valentine professor of divinity at Leipsic
Publication: “De visione et scientia Dei De voluntate Dei De reprobatione et praedestinatione,” by Alderete, Bernard a native of Zamora
Publication: “Irenicon” by Amyraut, Moses divine
Born: Anderson, James antiquary
Publication: “Epistolæ selectæ” by Aromatari, Joseph physician
Died: Arrighetti, Philip a native of Florence
Died: Ashe, Simeon a Puritan minister
Publication: “Answers to the objections urged.against Mr. Ashmole’s being made historiographer to the order of the Garter,” by Ashmole, Elias philosopher
Born: Atterbury, Francis bishop
Born: Averani, Joseph was born at Florence the 19th of March 1662
Died: Bagshaw, Edward a gentleman of a Derbyshire family
Died: Baillie, Robert divine
Died: Banck, Lawrence lawyer
Publication: “Scotus Defensus,” by Baro, Bonaventure whose true name was Fitz-Gerald
Publication: “La Francia,” by Baudrand, Michael Anthony a celebrated French geographer
Publication: “He was religious without bigotry, devout without superstition, learned without pedantry, judicious without censoriousness, eloquent without vanity, charitable without ostentation, generous without profusion, friendly without dissimulation, courteous without flattery, prudent without cunning, and humble without meanness.” by Beaumont, Joseph master of Peter-house
Publication: “Institntiones Chymicse, seu manuductio ad pjiilosophiam hermeticam,” by Becher, John Joachim born in 1645
Publication: “Theatrum Sympatheticum,” by Becker, Daniel was born at Konigsberg in 1627
Publication: “Cornelia,” by Berkeley, Sir William a native of London
Publication: “The Laws of Virginia,” by Berkeley, Sir William a native of London
Publication: “Breviarium orbis terrarum,” by Bertius, Peter cosmographer and historiographer to Louis XIII. of France
Publication: “Medicinse cum Philosophia natural i consensus,” by Betts, John physician
Born: Bianchini, Francis astronomer
Died: Billaut, Adam known under the name of Maitre Adam
Died: Boisrobert, François Metel De of the French academy
Publication: “Theatrum Sympatheticum,” by Borel, Peter physician
Publication: “De Patronis quatuor nationum universitatis Parisiensis,” by Boulai, Cæsar Egasse De historian
Publication: “The Irish colours displayed; in a reply of an English Protestant to a letter of an Irish Roman catholic,” by Boyle, Roger earl of Orrery
Publication: “An answer to a scandalous letter lately printed, and subscribed by Peter Walsh, procurator for the secular and regular popish priests of Ireland, entitled A letter desiring a just and merciful regard of the Roman catholics of Ireland, given about the end of October 1660, to the then marquis, now duke of Ormond, and the second time lord lieutenant of that kingdom. By the right honourable the earl of Orrery, &c. being a full discovery of the treachery of the Irish rebels since the beginning of the rebellion there, necessary to be considered by all adventurers, and other persons estated in that kingdom,” by Boyle, Roger earl of Orrery
Publication: “Sceptical Chemist,” by Boyle, Robert philosopher
Publication: “Orations of divers sorts, accommodated to divers places,” by Cavendish, Margaret duchess of Newcastle
Publication: “Plays,” by Cavendish, Margaret duchess of Newcastle
Publication: “Septem illustrium virorum poemata,” by Cesarini, Virginio scholar
Publication: “Treatise on Fiefs,” by Chantereau-Le-Febure, Louis antiquary
Publication: “History of embanking and drayning of divers terms and marshes, &c.” by Cole, Charles Nalson lawyer
Died: Cole, William botanist
Publication: “A non est inventus returned to Mr. Edward Bagshaw’s enquiry and vainly boasted discovery of weakness in the Grounds of the Church’s Infallibility,” by Cressey, Hugh-Paulin writer
Died: Daly, Daniel an Irishman by birth
Died: Dickson, David divine
Publication: “Temple of the Muses,” by Diepenbeck, Abraham Van artist
Died: Donne, John divine and poet
Publication: “Wild Gallant.” by Dryden, John poet
Died: Dugard, William an eminent school-master and learned man
Died: Duppa, Brian bishop
Publication: “A View of the Government and public Worship of God in the reformed churches of England, as it is established by the act of uniformity,” by Durel, John divine
Died: Fabert, Abraham an eminent French officer
Publication: “T. Fuller’s Triana; or three-fold Romanza of Mariana, Paduana, and Sabina,” by Fuller, Thomas divine
Born: Gastrell, Francis bishop
Publication: “A Discourse of artificial Beauty in point of Conscience between two Ladies,” by Gauden, John prelate
Publication: “Poem upon Mr. Jacob Bobart’s Yew-men of the Guards to the Physic garden, &c.” by Gayton, Edmund or
Born: Gibert, Balthasar scholar
Publication: “De Stylometricis,” by Goldman, Nicholas mathematician
Publication: “L'homme sans passions, selon les sentimens de Seneque,” by Grand, Anthony Le a Franciscan friar
Publication: “A view and correction of the Common Prayer,” by Gunning, Peter bishop
Publication: “The Paschal or Lent Fast, Apostolical and perpetual,” by Gunning, Peter bishop
Publication: “M. T. Ciceronis vita, ex optimis quibusque scriptoribus delibata,” by Harmar, John scholar
Publication: “Elegy on Dr. Sanderson, bishop of Lincoln,” by Heath, James historian
Born: Henry, Matthew an eminent dissenting teacher
Publication: “Mercurius in sole visus.” by Hevelius, John astronomer
Died: Heylin, Dr. Petek divine
Publication: “Problemata Physica, una cum magnitudine circuli,” by Hobbes, Thomas philosopher
Born: Holmes, George antiquary (?–1749)
Born: Hone, George Paul lawyer
Publication: “Des Cartes’s Philosophy,” by Hooke, Robert mathematician
Publication: “Works,” by Hooker, Richard divine
Born: Hudson, Dr. John critic
Born: Johnson, John divine
Publication: “Doxoscopiae Physicae Minores, sive Isagoge Physica Doxoscopica.” by Jungius, Joachim mathematician
Publication: “Some considerations upon the Act of Uniformity; with an expedient for the satisfaction of the clergy within the province of Canterbury. By a Servant of the God of peace,” by Juxon, William prelate
Died: Launay, Peter De writer
Died: Lawes, Henry musician
Publication: “Theatrum Historicum,” by Lee, Samuel divine
Publication: “Memento,” by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim writer
Died: Ley, John a voluminous polemic in the seventeenth century
Died: Lower, Sir William, Knt. was a noted cavalier in the reign of king Charles I
Born: Mieris, William called the Young Mieris
Publication: “Vindication of himself from Mr. Baxter’s Calumny,” by Morley, Dr. George bishop
Publication: “Answer to Father Cressy’s Letter;” by Morley, Dr. George bishop
Publication: “A perpetual Diary, or Almanac,” by Newton, John divine (1622–1678)
Publication: “Horologmm Thaumaticum duplex,” by Pardies, Ignatius Gaston mathematician
Died: Pascal, Blaise mathematician
Publication: “A Treatise of Taxes and Contribution,” by Petty, William a singular instance of an almost universal genius
Publication: “Tractatus de Affectuum Pilorum et Unguium,” by Plempius, Vopiscus Fortunatus physician
Born: Pritz, John George (1662–1732)
Publication: “De Atomis,” by Rodon, David a celebrated French professor of philosophy in the seventeenth century
Publication: “Disputatio realis de ente reali,” by Rodon, David a celebrated French professor of philosophy in the seventeenth century
Died: Sanderson, Dr. Robert
Publication: “Judicia (seu Legum Censurae) de variis Incontinentioe speciebus.” by Sharroch, Robert clergyman
Publication: “Diatriba de Chaldaicis Paraphrastis,” by Smith, Thomas divine
Died: Stainer, Richard a brave naval officer in the seventeenth century
Publication: “De electione et reprobatione,” by Sterne, John physician
Publication: “there are many things in it, which, if he were to write again, he would not say; some, which shew his youth, and want of due consideration; others, which he yielded too far, in hopes of gaining the dissenting parties to the church of England.” by Stillingfleet, Edward one of the most learned prelates of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Just Weights and Measures; that is, the present State of Religion weighed in the Balance, and measured by the Standard of the Sanctuary,” by Thorndike, Herbert divine
Publication: “Upon the advantages of an early piety,” by Tillotson, John archbishop
Publication: “Les Corses Francoise,” by Tristan L'Hermite, Francis poet
Publication: “Logica Apodeictica, sive Tractatus brevis et dilucidus de demonstratione; cum dissertatiuncula Gassendi eodem pertinente,” by Tully, Thomas divine
Publication: “An Epistle General to the mystical body of Christ on earth, the church universal in Babylon, who are pilgrims and strangers on the earth, desiring and seeking after the heavenly country,” by Vane, Sir Henry and one of the most turbulent enthusiasts which the rebellion produced
Publication: “The Face of the Times; whereby is briefly discovered, by several prophetical Scriptures, from the beginning of Genesis to the end of the Revelation, the rise, progress, and issue, of the enmity and contest between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent, to the final breaking of the serpent’s head, to the total and irrecoverable ruin of the monarchies of this world,” by Vane, Sir Henry and one of the most turbulent enthusiasts which the rebellion produced
Publication: “Sermons” by Vines, Richard divine
Publication: “A brief account of ancient Church Government,” by Walker, Obadiah divine
Publication: “Dictionarium Minus; a compendious Dictionary English-Latin, and Latin- English,” by Wase, Christopher a man of considerable learning
Born: Wesley, Samuel divine
Publication: “A poem on the imprisonment of Mr. Edmund Calamy in Newgate,” by Wild, Robert divine
Publication: “Poetry, Sonnets, &c.” by Abriani, Paul of Vincenza
Publication: “L‘Arte Poetica d’Horatio, tradotta in versi sciolti,” by Abriani, Paul of Vincenza
Born: Adam, James a French translator of some note
Publication: “Procopii Historic Arcana, Gr. et Lat. Nic. Alernanno interprete, cum ejus et Maltreti notis,” by Alemanni, Nicholas antiquary
Died: Ambrose, Isaac a noted presbyterian teacher in the times of the usurpation
Born: Amontons, William an ingenious French mechanic
Publication: “Tribunianus Belgicus,” by Anselme, Antony of Antwerp (1588–?)
Publication: “Gestus Eucharisticus, concerning the Gesture to be used at the receiving the Sacrament,” by Ashwell, George rector of Hanwell
Died: Balde, James poet
Born: Bedford, Hilkiah of Sibsey
Born: Benedictus, Peter a celebrated Maronite
Publication: “L‘Achille in Sciro’;” by Bentivoglio, Hyppolitus of Arragon
Died: Berigard, Claude Guillermet, Slgnor De was born at Moulins in 1578
Publication: “Introductio ad Medicinam indigenam,” by Beverwick, John De in Latin Beverovicius
Publication: “Villebrequin,” by Billaut, Adam known under the name of Maitre Adam
Publication: “Civitates et admirandae Italiae,” by Blaeu, William an eminent printer
Publication: “De Jure Galliae in Lotharingiam,” by Boecler, John Henry critic
Publication: “De Divina Psalmodia, deque variis ritibus omnium ecclesiarum in psallendis Divinis Officiis,” by Bona, John cardinal
Died: Bourdeilles, Claude De grand-nephew of the former
Publication: “Experiments and considerations upon Colours; to which was added a letter, containing observations on a diamond that shines in the dark,” by Boyle, Robert philosopher
Publication: “Considerations upon the style of the Holy Scriptures,” by Boyle, Robert philosopher
Died: Brun, Lawrence Le Jesuit
Publication: “Grsecae Grammaticae Rudimenta,” by Busby, Richard the most eminent schoolmaster in his time
Born: Byng, George lord viscount Torrington
Died: Calprenede, Walter De Costes writer
Publication: “History of Italy,” by Carey, Henry earl of Monmouth
Publication: “Cabala, or Scrinia sacra,” by Carleton, Sir Dudley Lord Dorchester
Born: Carre', Lewis was born in 1663
Publication: “The Question to whom it belonged anciently to preach? And whether all priests might or did? Discussed out of antiquity. Occasioned by the late directions concerning preachers,” by Casaubon, Meric was born at Geneva
Publication: “Philosophical and Physical Opinions,” by Cavendish, Margaret duchess of Newcastle
Born: Chauveau, Rene son of the foregoing
Died: Clagett, Nicholas
Publication: “Occasional Reflections on several subjects,” by Collings, John divine
Born: Crescimbeni, John Mario poet
Publication: “Roman Catholic Doctrines no Novelties; or, an answer to Dr. Pierce’s court-sermon, miscalled The primitive rule of Reformation,” by Cressey, Hugh-Paulin writer
Born: Crousaz, John Peter De mathematician
Publication: “Lettera di Timauro Antiate a Filaleti, della vera storia della Cicloide, e della famosissima esperienza dell' argento vivo,” by Dati, Charles professor of polite literature at Florence
Born: De Foe, Daniel writer
Publication: “The ancient method and manner of holding Parliaments in England,” by Elsynge, Henry an English gentleman
Born: Emlyn, Thomas divine
Born: Eschenbach, Andrew Christian divine
Publication: “His Moral Theology,” by Escobar, Anthony surnamed of Mendoza
Born: Eugene, Francis prince of Savoy
Born: Eyben, Hulderie lawyer
Born: Fabricius, Francis professor of divinity in the university of Leipsic
Publication: “Defence of Bill Credit.” by Ford, Sir John an ingenious gentleman of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Disputatio Medico-philosophica de Formarum origine,” by Freitag, John physician
Publication: “Prophecies concerning the Return of Popery,” by Gauden, John prelate
Born: Gendron, Claude Deshais a celebrated doctor of physic of the faculty at Montpellier
Born: Germon, Bartholomew Jesuit
Publication: “Parnassus medicinalis illustratus” by Gesner, Conrad scholar
Publication: “Optica promota,” by Gregory, James the first of an eminent family of learned men in Scotland
Publication: “Thuanus resthufcus, sive sylloge, e. cum Francisci Guicciardini paralipomenis,” by Guicciardini, Francis historian
Publication: “Sylloge disputation ujn theologicarum etphilologicarum,” by Hackspan, Theodore divine
Publication: “Flagellum or, the Life and Death, Birth and Burial, of Oliver Cromwell, the late usurper,” by Heath, James historian
Publication: “A new book of loyal English Martyrs and Confessors, who have endured the pains and terrors of death, arraignment, &c. for the maintenance of the just and legal government of these kingdoms both in church and state,” by Heath, James historian
Publication: “De cultu creaturarum &, imaginufn dissert.” by Henichius, John a learned professor of divinity in the university of llinteln
Publication: “An Account of the Revolutions of Siam in 1647,” by Herbert, Thomas an eminent person of the Pembroke family
Publication: “Mjcrotechne, id est, brevissima Chirurgiae Methoclus,” by Hoorne, John Van anatomist
Died: Juxon, William prelate
Born: King, Dn. William writer
Publication: “Polygraphia,” by Kircher, Athanasius mathematician
Born: Labat, John Baptist traveller
Born: Lanzoni, Joseph physician
Publication: “The Countess of Bridgwater’s Ghost, &c.” by Lloyd, David historian
Born: Lobineau, Guy Alexis Benedictine
Publication: “Oratio funebris habita post exuvias nuperi Rev. jbatris Joan. (Bramhall) archiepiscopi Armacbani,” by Loftus, Dudley scholar
Publication: “Aretino, or serious Romance,” by Mackenzie, Sir George writer
Born: Massillon, John Baptist preacher
Born: Mather, Dr. Cotton son to the preceding Increase Mather
Born: Matti, Don Emmanuel poet
Publication: “Epistola apologetica & parasnetica ad Thcologum quendara Belgam scripta,” by Morley, Dr. George bishop
Born: Ostervald, John Frederick one of the most celebrated Swiss divines of the latter age
Publication: “Familiae Romans ex antiquis numismatibus ah urbe condita ad tempera D. Augusti,” by Patin, Charles antiquary
Born: Pellegrin, Simon Joseph an abbe
Publication: “Tenenda non Tollenda: or, the Necessity of preserving Tenures in Capite, and by KnightVservice, which, according to their first institution, were, and are yet, a 'great part of the salus populi, &c, 1660,” by Philips, Fabian author of several books relating to ancient customs and privileges in England
Died: Raynaud, Theophilus Jesuit
Publication: “Venezia descritta,” by Sansovino, Francis historian
Publication: “Exercitationes variae,” by Schoockius, Martin writer
Born: Smalridge, George prelate
Publication: “At the restoration he was ejected from Cressedge, but neither Wood nor Calamy have ascertained when he died. The former says” by Smith, Samuel one of the most popular writers of pious tracts in the seventeenth century
Publication: “The Slighted Maid” by Stapleton, Sir Robert poet
Born: Stepney, George poet and statesman
Publication: “Discourse on Confirmation” by Taylor, Jeremy prelate
Publication: “History of Gavelkind, with the etymology thereof; containing also an assertion, that our English laws are, for the most part, those that were used by vthe ancient Brytains, notwithstanding the several conquests of the Romans, Saxons, Danes, and Normans. With some observations and remarks upon many especial occurrences of British and English history. To which is added, a short history of William the conqueror, written in Latin by an anonymous author in the time of Henry I.” by Taylor, Silas antiquary
Publication: “Traité de I'exposiiioii. du Saint Sacrement de PAutel,” by Thiers, John Baptist a learned doctor of the Sorbonne
Publication: “A brief account of some expressions in St. Athanasius’s creed,” by Towerson, Gabriel divine
Born: Trimnell, Charles bishop
Publication: “Naples Francoise,” by Tristan L'Hermite, Francis poet
Publication: “Lucas Vanuden pinx. inv. et fee.” by Vanuden, Lucas painter
Publication: “De Septuaginta Interpretibus, eorumque translatione & chronologia Dissertationes;” by Vossius, Isaac a man of great parts and learning
Born: Walsh, William critic
Publication: “Romish Doctrines not from the beginning: or a Reply to what S. C. (Serenus Cressy), a Roman catholick, hath returned to Dr. Pierce’s Sermon preached before his Majesty at Whitehall, Feb. 1, 1662, in vindication of our Church against the novelties of Rome,” by Whitby, Daniel divine
Born: Wilson, Thomas bishop
Publication: “An Antidote to cure the Calamities of their trembling for fear of the Arke,” by Womock, Lawrence prelate
Publication: “Cabala, or Scrinia sacra,” by Wotton, Sir Henry an Englishman
Publication: “A poem, being an Essay on the present ruins of St. Paul’s cathedral,” by Wright, Abraham divine
Died: Aagard, Christian poet
Born: Alberoni, Julius statesman
Publication: “A call to Archippus,” by Allein, Joseph divine
Publication: “Reports of many principal Cases argued and adjudged in the time of queen Elizabeth, in the Common Bench,” by Anderson, Sir Edmund a younger brother of a good family
Died: Andoque, Peter and not Androque
Publication: “Original and growth of Printing in England,” by Atkyns, Richard a typographical author
Publication: “Paris, 1669, and 1684, 8vo, the last the best edition. 3.” by Baluze, Stephen writer
Publication: “Cursus Philosophicus,” by Baro, Bonaventure whose true name was Fitz-Gerald
Publication: “Institutiones GhymictE prodromye,” by Becher, John Joachim born in 1645
Died: Bega, Cornelius artist
Publication: “Exercitationes ethicae, ceconomicge, politicae,” by Berckringer, Daniel who was born
Born: Bernier, Nicholas composer
Born: Bertin, Nicholas painter
Died: Bonnell, James a man celebrated for piety and virtue
Publication: “Exercitatio historica de Clinicis Ecclesiae Teteris,” by Bosius, John Andrew historian
Publication: “Recueil des oeuvres diverses,” by Brebeuf, George De poet
Died: Buxtorf, John was born at Basil
Publication: “Histoire de Cambray et du Cambresis,” by Carpentier, John Le a native of Abscons in Ostrevant
Publication: “Philosophical Letters or Modest Reflections upon some opinions in Natural Philosophy, maintained by several famous and learned authors of this age, expressed by way of letters,” by Cavendish, Margaret duchess of Newcastle
Born: Chamberlen, Hugh an eminent man-midwife
Publication: “Nine Sermons on occasional subjects,” by Chillingworth, William divine
Died: Coulon, Lewis historian
Publication: “De auctoritate verbi divini in Hebraico codice,” by Crinesius, Christopher a learned Bohemian
Publication: “De ratione motus musculorum,” by Croune, William physician
Publication: “Adversus Latinorurn traditionem de cultus religiosi objecto, disputatio,” by Daille, John a minister of the church of Paris
Publication: “Horie Subseciva?, or a treatise shewing the original, grounds, reasons, and provocations, necessitating our sanguinary Laws against Papists, made in the days of queen Elizabeth,” by Denton, William the youngest son of sir T
Died: Despierres, John Benedictine
Publication: “O ratio de reducenda ad Medicinam Chirurgia;” by Diemerbroeck, Isbrand, De was born at Montfort
Died: Doni D'Attichi, Lewis was born in 1596
Died: Ecchellensis, Abraham a learned Maronite of the seventeenth century
Publication: “A parallel of the antient architecture with the modern, in a collection of ten principal authors who have written upon the five orders, viz. Palladio and Scammozzi, Serlio and Vignola D. Barbaro and Cataneo L. B. Alberti and Viola, Bullant and De Lorme compared with one another. The three Greek orders, Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian, comprise the first part of this treatise, and the two Latin, Tuscan and Composite, the latter written in French by Roland Freart, sieur de Chambray made English for the benefit, of builders to which is added, an account of architects and architecture^ in an historical and etymological explanation of certain terms, particularly affected by architects; with Leon Baptista Alberti’s treatise of statues,” by Evelyn, John philosopher (?–1706)
Publication: “Kalendarium Hortense, or the gardener’s almanac, directing what he is to do monthly throughout the year, and what fruits and flowers are in prime,” by Evelyn, John philosopher (?–1706)
Born: Faccio, Nicolas Of Duilier a man of considerable learning
Died: Fermat, Peter mathematician
Born: Ficoroni, Francis a famous Roman medallist
Publication: “Semiotice, sive de signis medicis Tractatus,” by Fienus, Thomas physician
Born: Glanvil, John war born at Broad Hinton in 1664
Born: Gotti, Vincent Lewis cardinal
Died: Gracian, Baltasar Jesuit
Born: Gravina, John Vincent scholar
Died: Gryphius, Andrew was born at Glogaw in 1616
Died: Guichenon, Samuel historian
Born: Harrington, James lawyer
Born: Heritier, Marie Jeanne L' de Villandon
Born: Hopkins, Charles was born at Exeter
Publication: “Concerning the surrender of Dunkirk, thiit it was done upon good Grounds,” by Ho Well, James writer
Born: Janssens, Honorius Victor artist
Born: Lang, John Michael divine
Born: Leslie, Charles writer
Died: Lippi, Fra. Filippo painter
Died: Littleton, Dwaud lord keeper of the great seal of England in the reign of Charles I. was descended
Publication: “The Speech of James duke of Ormond, made in a parliament at Dublin, Sept. 17, 1662, translated into the Italian,” by Loftus, Dudley scholar
Born: Lucas, Paul traveller
Publication: “Sylloge Observationnm Medico-chirurgicarum rariorum,” by Marchetti, Peter De physician
Publication: “Diogenes Laertius Graece et Latine cum commentario,” by Menage, Giles called
Died: Mothe Le Vayer, Francis De La writer
Died: Perrot, Nicolas sieur d'Ablancourt
Publication: “Commentary” by Persius, Aulus Flaccus one of the three great Roman satirists
Born: Petit, Francis Pourfour Du physician
Publication: “Loimographia, sive, Tractatus de Peste,” by Plempius, Vopiscus Fortunatus physician
Publication: “De Magia naturali,” by Porta, Johnbaptista a Neapolitan gentleman
Born: Prior, Matthew poet
Publication: “Freres Ennemis,” by Racine, John poet
Publication: “Versio nova in caput quartum Geneseos,” by Ravis, Christian a learned orientalist
Died: Rodon, David a celebrated French professor of philosophy in the seventeenth century
Died: Sanderus, Anthony antiquary
Publication: “Technica curiosa,” by Schott, Gaspar Jesuit
Publication: “The Step-mother,” by Stapleton, Sir Robert poet
Publication: “A rational account of the grounds of the Protestant Religion; being a vindication of the lord archbishop of Canterbury’s relation of a conference,” by Stillingfleet, Edward one of the most learned prelates of the seventeenth century
Publication: “On the wisdom of being religious;” by Tillotson, John archbishop
Publication: “De Ecclesiarum Germanicarum origine et progressu,” by Ursinus, Zachary one of the most celebrated Protestant divines of the 16th century
Born: Vaniere, James Jesuit
Publication: “Venerabilis Bedae epistolae duae, necnon vitae abbatum Wiremuthensium etGerwiensium, &c.” by Ware, James antiquary
Born: Wharton, Henry divine
Publication: “The persecution and oppression of John Bale, and Griffith Williams, bishops of Ossory,” by Williams, Griffith bishop
Publication: “Cerebri Anatome,” by Willis, Thomas physician