Naogeorge, Thomas
, a celebrated protestant divine, born in 1511, at Straubingue, in Bavaria, acquired considerable celebrity by his satirical Latin verses against several customs of the catholic church, and died in 1578. His most celebrated poem is entitled “Regnum papisticum,” 1553, and 1559, 8vo. The former is the most rare edition, but not so complete as that of 1559, which sometimes contains two other pieces, the “Sylva Carminum,” and “Sylvula Carminum” “Pamachius Tragedia,” 1538, 8vo “Incendia sive Pyrgopolinices Tragedia,” 1538, 8vo; “Agricultura sacra,” 1551, 8vo; “Hieremias Tragedia,” 1551, 8vo; “Mercator Tragedia,” 1560, 8vo. There are two editions of the French translation of the “Converted Merchant,” 1558, 8vo, and 1561, 12mo, and a third 1591, 12mo, in which is Beza’s “Comedie du Pape malade.” All the above are scarce, and highly prized by collectors. Naogeorge also left commentaries on St. John’s Epistles, and several other works. 3
Moreri.—Dict. Hist.—Saxii Onomast.—Brunet Manuel du Libraire.