Reves, James De
, or Revius, a learned Dutch divine, the son of a burgomaster of Deventer, was born in 1586, and educated at Amsterdam, Leyden, and Franeker. In 1610 he travelled into France for farther improvement, and resided two years at Saumur, Rochelle, and Orleans. Having taken orders, he was, in 1641, chosen principal and first professor of the theological college of the states of Holland and West Friesland at Leyden. He died at Leyden in 1658, at the age of 72. His works are very numerous; the principal are, “Belgicarum Ecclesiasticarum Doctrina et Ordo,” &c.; “Historia Pontificum Romanorum contracta, et ad Annum 1632 continuata;” “Daventriae illustrate, sive Historiae Urbis Daventriensis,” Lib. vi. 1651, 4to. He also published an improved edition of “The Book of Psalms,” in Dutch verse, by Peter Dathsenus, and he was concerned in revising the Dutch yersion of the Old Testament, which was printed at Leyden in 1637. 2
Niceron, vol. XXX. —Foppen Bibl. Belg.—Moreri.