Sandius, Christopher
, or, Van Den Sand, a Socinian writer, was born at Konigsburg in the year 1644. After becoming an ecclesiastic, he went to Amsterdam, where he died in 1680, aged only thirty-six. He published various works, among which are, 1. “Nucleus Historiae Ecclesiasticae,” 1669, in 2 vols. 8vo, reprinted at Cologne, in 1676: and in London in 1681. 2. “Tractatus de Origine Animae, 167 1.” 3. “Notae et Observationes in G. J. Vossium de Historicis Latinis,” 1677, a work of considerable learning. 4. “Centuria Epigrammatum” 5. “Interpretation es paracloxae IV. Evangeliorum” 6. “Confessio Fidei de Deo Patre, Filio, et Spiritu Saricto, secunduia Scripturam;” “Scriptura Sacrac Trinitatis Revelatrix.” But the only work now much known, which was publibhed after his death, is his “Bibliotheca Anti-Trinitariorum,” Freistadt, 1684, 12mo, containing an account of the lives and writings of Socinian authors, and some tracts giving many particulars of the history of the Polish Socinians. 3