Scriverius, Peter
, a considerable philologer and poet, was born at Harlem in 1576. He was educated at Harlem and at Leyden, where he read law in his early days, but devoted himself afterwards to a private and studious life, which ended April 30, 1660, in the eighty-fourth year of his age. His works are: “ | Batavia illustrata.” “Batavise comitumq. omnium Historia.” “Miscellanea Philologica.” “Carmina Latina & Belgica.” “Populare Hollandise Chronicon.” “Collectanea Veterum Tragicorum.” He likewise corrected the copyof “Vegetius,” and enlarged and wrote notes upon Aquilius’s <c Chronicon Geldricum" and was the author or editor of various other works, classical and historical. 1