Snell, Rodolph
, a Dutch philosopher, was born at Oudewarde in 1547, and in his youth studied the learned languages and medicine at various seminaries, at Cologne, Heidelberg, Marpurg, Pisa, and Rome. He afterwards taught mathematics at Leyden for thirty-four years, and had entered about a year on the professorship of Hebrew, when he died in 1613. ix. His works are, 1. “Commentarius in dialecticam Petri Rami.; 2.” De praxi logica,“1595, 4to. 3.” Ethica methodo Ramea conscripta,“1597, 8vo. 4.” Rameae philosophise syntagma,“1596, 8vo. 5.” Explicationes in arithmeticam Rami,“1596, 8vo. 6.” Prelectiones in geometriam Ran“8vo. 7.” Apollonius Batavus, seu resuscitata Apoilonii Pergei geometria,“Leyden, 1597, 4to. 8. Commentarius in rhetoricam Talsei,” 1617, 8vo. 9. “Annotationes in ethicam, physicam, sphaeram Cornelii Valerii,” 1596, 8vo. 2