Zegedin, Stephen De
, an eminent Lutheran divine, was born in 1505, at Zegedin, a city of Lower Hungary; his family name was Kis. He studied under Luther and Melancthon, at Wittemberg; taught and preached Lutheranism afterwards, in several cities in Hungary, and was taken prisoner by the Turks, who used him with great cruelty. Having recovered his liberty, he officiated as minister at Buda, and in many other places. He died at Reven, in Hungary, May 2, 1572, aged sixty-seven, leaving, “Speculum Roman. Pontificum Historicum,” 1602, 8vo. “Assertio de Trinitate,” 1573, 8vo. “Tabulae Analyticae in Prophetas, Psalmos, et Novum Testamentum,” 1592, folio a work very highly recommended for its utility by father Simon. 1
Melchior Adam. Freheri Theatrum.