The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Died: Adam, Nicolas a French grammarian
Publication: “Essai d‘un tableau chronologique des evenements cle la guerre, depuis la pair de Munster, jusqu’a celle de. Hubertsbourg,” by Alvensleben, Philip Charles Count D' statesman
Publication: “Observations on the effects of the Coal Duty,” by Anderson, James writer
Died: Arkwright, Sir Richard an eminent improver on English manufactures
Publication: “Deliciae Poetarum Italorum,” by Balbi, John Dominican
Publication: “Essays on Botany and vegetable Physiology,” by Batsch, Augustus John George Charles a learned contributor to the science of Botany
Publication: “La Mere coupable,” by Beaumarchais, Peter Augustin Caron De writer
Publication: “A letter to a Lady on the subject of early Instruction, partiticularly that of the poor,” by Beddoes, Thomas a gentleman of Welch extraction
Publication: “Observations on the nature of demonstrative evidence, with reflections on Language,” by Beddoes, Thomas a gentleman of Welch extraction
Publication: “Observations on the nature and cure of Calculus, Sea-scurvy, Catarrh, and Fever,” by Beddoes, Thomas a gentleman of Welch extraction
Publication: “Journal de Physique,” by Bernoulli, James who was born at Basil
Publication: “Historical, monumental, and genealogical collections, relative to the county of Gloucester,” by Bigland, Ralph garter principal king at arms
Publication: “A Treatise of Convictions on Penal Statutes; with approved precedents of convictions before justices of the peace, in a variety of cases; particularly under the Game Laws, the Revenue Laws, and the Statutes respecting Manufactures, &c.” by Boscawen, William writer
Publication: “Treatise on the Authenticity of the Scriptures, and the Truth of the Christian Religion,” by Bryant, Jacob one of the most learned English scholars of the eighteenth century
Died: Cerutti, Joseph Anthony Joachim poet
Died: Chabanon, De writer
Publication: “The Rights of a Free People,” by Charnock, John writer
Publication: “Eclogss Physicse” by Cleanthes philosopher
Publication: “Henry.” by Cumberland, Richard writer
Publication: “On Tetanus and Convulsive Disorders,” by Currie, James physician
Publication: “Observations on the more ancient Statutes.” by Dodson, Michael an English barrister
Publication: “Philosophic chimique,” by Fourcroy, Anthony Francis an eminent French chemist
Publication: “An (ironical) apology for Slavery,” by Geddes, Alexander divine
Publication: “The first book of the Iliad of Homer, verbally rendered into English verse; being a specimen of a new translation of that poet; with critical annotations,” by Geddes, Alexander divine
Publication: “L'Avocat du Diable the Devil’s Advocate,” by Geddes, Alexander divine
Publication: “The Holy Bible, translation of, vol. I.” by Geddes, Alexander divine
Publication: “Poems” by Gwilym, David Ap the Ovid of Wales
Publication: “Philosophical Works” by Hemsterhuis, Tiberius one of the most famous critics of his country
Publication: “Anna St. Ives,” by Holcroft, Thomas writer
Died: Jones, William divine
Publication: “Accounts of the ten tribes of Israel being in America, originally published by Manasseh Ben Israel,” by Ingram, Robert divine
Publication: “Dictionnaire des arts, de peinture, sculpture, et gravure,” by Levesque, Peter Charles writer
Died: Linley, John an eminent mnsic professor and organist
Publication: “The Philosopher’s Opera.” by Maclaurin, John, Lord Dreghorn was born at Edinburgh in December 1734
Publication: “A Treatise on the Catarrhous Cough and Vis Vitae.” by Mudge, Thomas an eminent mechanist
Publication: “Harmony.” by Newcome, William prelate
Died: Porson, Richard critic
Publication: “Le Consolateur,” by Reigny, Louis Abel Beffroi commonly called Cousin Jaques
Died: Rodney, George Brydges a celebrated naval commander
Died: Schnebbelie, Jacob was son of a native of Zurich
Died: Sharp, Thomas was born about 1693
Publication: “Life,” by Skelton, Philip clergyman
Publication: “Eclogae,” by Stobæus, John writer
Died: Thorpe, John antiquary
Died: Townson, Thomas divine
Publication: “Discourse on the Evangelical History, from the interment to the ascension of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,” by Townson, Thomas divine
Publication: “Exhortations to loyalty and peace,” by Turner, Daniel a dissenting minister of the baptist persuasion
Publication: “Free thoughts on the spirit of free inquiry in religion,” by Turner, Daniel a dissenting minister of the baptist persuasion
Died: Wilmot, John Eardley lawyer
Publication: “An Inquiry into the Prophetic Character of the Romans, as described in Daniel viii. 23 25.” by Zouch, Thomas divine