The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Died: Aa, Christian Charles Henry Vander divine
Died: Abercromby, Sir Ralph a British officer of great bravery and talents
Publication: “Pleasures of Imagination,” by Akenside, Mark poet and physician
Publication: “On an Universal Character. In two letters to Edward Home, esq.” by Anderson, James writer
Died: Anfossi, Pascal musician
Died: Balguy, Thomas son of the above
Publication: “Botany for ladies and amateurs,” by Batsch, Augustus John George Charles a learned contributor to the science of Botany
Publication: “Memoires a Lerointre de Versailles, ou mes six Epoques,” by Beaumarchais, Peter Augustin Caron De writer
Died: Beurieu, Gaspard Guillard De writer
Publication: “Brown’s elements of Medicine, with a preface and notes,” by Beddoes, Thomas a gentleman of Welch extraction
Publication: “Translation from the Spanish, of Gimbernat’s new method of operating on Femoral Hernia,” by Beddoes, Thomas a gentleman of Welch extraction
Publication: “Outline of a plan for determining the medicinal powers of Factitious Airs,” by Beddoes, Thomas a gentleman of Welch extraction
Died: Berkeley, George, Ll.D. Prebendary Of Canterbury by Anne
Publication: “Acta Litteraria” by Bernard, John Stephen physician
Died: Bichat, Maria-Francis-Xavier physician
Died: Bierkander, Claude naturalist
Died: Brequigny, Lewis George, Oudard De Feudrix a learned member of the French academy
Publication: “Encyclopædia of Mathematics,” by Busch, John George writer
Died: Collinson, Peter botanist
Died: Conway, Henry Seymour statesman
Publication: “The Poor Man’s Friend,” by Dalrymple, Alexander an eminent hydrographer
Publication: “Considerations militaires et politiques sur les Fortifications,” by Darci
Publication: “Vite dei Pittori” by Dati, Charles professor of polite literature at Florence
Died: Demours, Peter physician
Died: Didot, Francis Ambrose an eminent French printer
Died: Ebert, John Arnold who was born at Hamburgh Feb. 8
Died: Ellis, John naturalist
Publication: “A short Essay on the Christian Religion, &c. the whole proposed as a preservative against the pernicious doctrines which have overwhelmed France with misery and desolation. By a sincere friend of mankind, London,” by Eyre, Francis a Roman catholic gentleman of Warkworth castle in Northamptonshire
Publication: “A Letter to the Rev. Mr. Ralph Churton, &c. from Francis Eyre, of Warkworth, esq.” by Eyre, Francis a Roman catholic gentleman of Warkworth castle in Northamptonshire
Died: Farr, Samuel physician
Died: Flexman, Roger, D. D. clergyman
Died: Garnier, John James writer
Publication: “Ode to the Hon. Thomas Pelham, occasioned by his speech in the Irish House of Commons on the Catholic bill,” by Geddes, Alexander divine
Died: Herbert, William antiquary
Publication: “Remarks on the Statement of Dr. Charles Combe,” by Honain an Arabian
Publication: “Life” by Hurd, Richard prelate
Publication: “A Collection of Hymns and Psalms, for public and private Worship,” by Kippis, Andrew divine
Publication: “The secret Journal of a Self-Observer,” by Lavater, John Caspar the celebrated physiognomist
Publication: “Thucydides,” by Levesque, Peter Charles writer
Died: Low, George clergyman
Publication: “A short account of the parish of Waterbeach, in the diocese of Ely, by a late Vicar,” by Masters, Robert antiquary
Publication: “Historia del nuovo Mondo,” by Munoz, John Baptist historian
Died: Owen, Henry divine
Publication: “Recherches philosophiques, 1. surlesGrecs; 2. sur les Arnericains, les Egyptiens, et les Chinois,” by Pauw, Cornelius De a native of Amsterdam
Died: Puy, Louis Du perpetual secretary of the academy of inscriptions and belles lettres
Publication: “The War Elegies of Tyrtseus imitated, and addressed to the people of Great Britain with some Observations on the Life and Poems of TyrtEeus,” by Pye, Henry James poet
Publication: “The Democrat; interspersed with Anecdotes of well-known Characters,” by Pye, Henry James poet
Publication: “Testament d'un electeur de Paris,” by Reigny, Louis Abel Beffroi commonly called Cousin Jaques
Died: Rezzonico, Anthony Joseph, Count scholar
Publication: “Robin Hood; a collection of all the ancient Poems, Songs, affd Ballads, now extant, relative to that celebrated Outlaw. To which are added, Historical Anecdotes of his Life,” by Ritson, Joseph critic
Publication: “A serious exhortation to the Inhabitants of Great Britain, with reference to the approaching Fast,” by Robinson, Thomas divine
Publication: “An address to the Loyal Leicester Volunteer Infantry,” by Robinson, Thomas divine
Publication: “Meidani proverbiorum Arabicorurn pars. Latine vertit et notis illustravit H. A. Scultens. Opus posthumum,” by Schultens, Henry Alp.Ert was born Feb. 15
Died: Scott, George Lewis a learned member of the royal society
Died: Southgate, Richard antiquary
Publication: “Thoughts on the Provincial Corps raised, and now raising, in support of the British constitution at this awful period,” by Throsby, John writer
Publication: “The Monitor, or friendly address to the people of Great Britain,” by Turner, Daniel a dissenting minister of the baptist persuasion
Died: Ulloa, Don Antonio mathematician
Publication: “Two Sermons, preached in the Cathedral Church of Landaff, and a Charge delivered to the Clergy of that Diocese in June 1795,” by Watson, Richard prelate
Died: Zouch, Thomas divine
Publication: “Love and Truth; in two modest and peaceable letters concerning the distempers of the present times. Written from a quiet and conformable citizen of London, to two busie and factious shopkeepers in Coventry; with notes, and a preface by the editor,” by Zouch, Thomas divine
Publication: “Odes on Peace and War, written by many eminent and distinguished persons,” by Zouch, Thomas divine