, an English writer, was the third son of Thomas Argall by Margaret his wife, daughter of John Talkarne
, an English writer, was the third son
of Thomas Argall by Margaret his wife, daughter of John
Talkarne of the county of Cornwall. He was born in London, and entered a student in Christ-church in Oxford towards the latter end of queen Mary’s reign. He took the
degree of master of arts in 1565, and was senior of the act
celebrated the eighteenth of February the same year. Afterwards he applied himself to the study of divinity, and,
having taken holy orders, obtained the living of Halesvvorth
in Suffolk. Being at a feast at Cheston, a mile distant
from that town, he died suddenly at the table, and was
buried at Halesworth, Octobers, 1606. During his stay
at the university, he was a noted disputant, and a great
actor of plays at Christ-church, particularly when the
queen was entertained there in 1566. He was esteemed a
very good scholar, and was so much devoted to his studies
that he lived and died like a philosopher, with a thorough
contempt for the things of this world. He wrote “De
veva Pctnitentia,
” Lond. Introductio ad
artem Dialecticam,
” ibid. very facete and pleasant,
” the author
says of himself, that “whereas God had raised many of
his companions and contemporaries to high dignities in
the church, as Dr. Thomas Bilson to the see of Winchester,
Dr. Martin Heton to that of Ely, Dr. Henry Robinson to
that of Carlisle, Dr. Tobias Mathews to that of Durham,
&c. yet he, an unworthy and poor old man, was still detained in the chains of poverty for his great and innumerable sins, that he might repent with the prodigal son,
and at length by God’s favour obtain salvation.
, an eminent English musician, was the son of Thomas Arne, upholsterer, of Kingstreet, Covent-garden, at
, an eminent English musician, was the son of Thomas Arne, upholsterer, of Kingstreet, Covent-garden, at whose house the Indian kings lodged in the reign of queen Anne, as mentioned in the Spectator, No. 50, and who had been before pleasantly depicted by Addison, in the Tatler, Nos. 155 and 160, as a crazy politician. He sent this son, who was born May 28, 1710, to Eton school, and intended him for the profession of the law; but even at Eton his love for music interrupted his studies and after he left that school, such was his passion for his favourite pursuit, that he used to avail himself of the privilege of a servant, by borrowing a livery, and going into the upper gallei'y of the opera, which was then appropriated to domestics. At home he had contrived to secrete a spinet in his room, upon which, after muffling the strings with a handkerchief, he used to practise in the night while the rest of the family were asleep, His father, who knew nothing of this, bound him to a three years’ clerkship, during which this young votary of Apollo dedicated every moment he could obtain fairly, or otherwise, to the study of music. Besides practising on the spinet, and studying composition, by himself, he contrived to acquire some instructions on the violin, of Festing, a performer of much fame at that time; and upon this instrument he had made so considerable a progress, that soon after he quitted his legal master, his father accidentally calling at a gentleman’s house in the neighbourhood, was astonished to find a large party, and a concert, at which his son played the first fiddle. His father was at first much irritated at this disappointment of his hopes, but was soon prevailed upon to let his son follow the bent of his inclinations; and the young man was no sooner at liberty to play aloud in his father’s house, than he bewitched the whole family. In particular, he cultivated the voice of one of his sisters, who was fond of music, by giving her such instruct tions as enabled her to become a favourite public performer. For her and for a younger brother, who performed the character of the page, he set to music Addison’s opera of Rosamond, which was performed at Lincoln’s Inn Fields, ten nights successively, and with great applause.
, a clergyman in the time of the usurpation, was the son of Thomas Ashton, and born at Teuerdly in Lancashire, in 1631.
, a clergyman in the time of the
usurpation, was the son of Thomas Ashton, and born at
Teuerdly in Lancashire, in 1631. At sixteen years of age,
he was admitted a servitor of Brazen-nose college in Oxford, and took the degree of B. A. February 7, 1650. He
was chosen fellow of his college, and took holy orders.
Mr. Wood tells us, he was a “forward and conceited scholar,
” and “became a malapert preacher in and near
” Being appointed to preach at St. Mary’s, on
Tuesday (a lecture-day) July 25, 1654, he gave so great
effence by a very indecent sermon, that he was in a fair
way of expulsion but, by the intercession of friends, the
matter was compromised yet he was obliged, about two
years after, to quit his fellowship upon some quarrel which
he had with Dr. Greenwood, principal of his house. In
1656, he was intrusted with a commission from the protector to be chaplain to the English forces in the island of
Jersey, but was soon after displaced upon the arrival of a
new governor. After the king’s restoration, he was beneficed somewhere near Hertford in Hertfordshire; where,
Mr. Wood says, “he soon after finished his restless course. 111
He published, 1.
” Blood-thirsty Cyrus unsatisfied with
blood; or, the boundless cruelty of an Anabaptist’s tyranny, manifested in a letter of colonel John Mason, governor of Jersey, 3d Nov. 1659; wherein he exhibits seven
false, ridiculous, and scandalous articles against quartermaster William Swan," &c. London, 1659, in one sheet
4to. 2. “Satan in Samuel’s Mantle, or, the cruelty of
Germany, acted in Jersey; containing the arbitrary, bloody,
and tyrannical proceedings of John Mason, of a baptised
church, commissionated to be a colonel, and sent over into
the island of Jersey, governor, in July 1656, against several
officers and soldiers in that small place,” &c. London, 1659,
in four sheets in 4to.
, an eminent English sculptor, descended of an ancient family in Somersetshire, was the son of Thomas Bacon, a cloth-worker in South wark, and born Nov.
, an eminent English sculptor, descended of an ancient family in Somersetshire, was the son of Thomas Bacon, a cloth-worker in South wark, and born Nov. 24, 1740. At the age of fourteen, he was bound apprentice to Mr. Crispe of Bow church-yard, where he was employed in painting on porcelain, and forming the models of shepherds, shepherdesses, and other ornamental pieces for his master’s china manufactory at Lambeth, and such was his skill and industry in this humble employment, that he was at this early age enabled to gratify his filial piety, by supporting his parents from the produce of his labours, although at the expence of 'those enjoyments which children of less affection and thought cannot easily resign. While employed at this manufactory, he had an opportunity of seeing the models of different sculptors which were sent there to be burnt, and from them he improved his own skill in so high a degree, that at no distant period he became a candidate for public premiums, and it appears from the books published annually by the Society for the encouragement of the arts, that, between the years 1763 and 1766 inclusive, the first premiums in those classes, for which he contended, were no less than nine times adjudged to him. The first of these attempts was made in the year 1758, in a small figure of Peace, after the manner of the antique. During his apprenticeship also, he formed a design of making statues in artificial stone, which he afterwards so perfected as to recover the manufactory at Lambeth, now carried on by Mrs. Coade, and which before Mr. Bacon undertook the management of it, had fallen into very low circumstances.
a statesman of some note in the reigns of Henry VIII. Edward VI. and Mary, is said to have been the son of Thomas Baker, a Kentish gentleman, but his pedigree in the'
, a statesman of some note in the reigns of Henry VIII. Edward VI. and Mary, is said to have been the son of Thomas Baker, a Kentish gentleman, but his pedigree in the' college of arms begins with his own name. He was bred to the profession of the laws, and in 1526, when a young man, was sent ambassador to Denmark, in company with Henry Standish, bishop of St. Asaph, according to the fashion of those times, when it was usual to join in foreign negociations, the only two characters which modern policy excludes from such services. At his return he was elected speaker of the house of commons, and was soon after appointed attorney-general, and sworn of the privy council, but gained no farther preferment till 1545, when, having recommended himself to the king by his activity in forwarding a loan in London, and other imposts, he was made chancellor of the exchequer. Henry constituted him an assistant trustee for the minor successor, after whose accession his name is scarcely mentioned in history, except in one instance, which ought not to be forgotten he was the only privy counsellor who steadfastly denied his assent to the last will of that prince, by which Mary and Elizabeth were excluded from inheriting the crown. Sir John married Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Thomas Dinely, and widow of George Barret, who brought him two sons sir Richard (whose grandson was created a baronet) and John and three daughters Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Scott; Cecily, married to the lord treasurer Dorset, and Mary to John Tufton, of Heathfield in Kent. He died in 1558, and was bu ied at Sissingherst in Kent, where he had a fine estate, formerly belonging to the family of De Berham; and a noble mansion built by himself, called Sissingherst Castle, which remained with his posterity till the family became extinct about sixty years since, and has since bowed down its battlements to the unfeeling taste of the present day.
, each residing in their respective seats in the county of Kent, was born in 1571. He was the fourth son of Thomas Boys of Eythorne in that county, esq. hy Christian,
, dean of Canterbury, descended from John de Bosco, who entered England with theConqueror, and allied to a family so opulent and extensive as to be divided into eight branches, each residing in their respective seats in the county of Kent, was born in 1571. He was the fourth son of Thomas Boys of Eythorne in that county, esq. hy Christian, daughter and co-heiress of John Seajles, of Wye, esq. Having most probably received the earlier part of his education at the king’s school in Canterbury, he went to Cambridge in 1586, where he became a scholar of Corpus Christi college, and proceeded to the degree of M. A. in 1593> He was about this time elected to a fellowship of Clare-hall, which is appropriated to a native of Kent.
, an eminent mathematician of the seventeenth century, son of Thomas Brancker, some time bachelor of artsj,in Exeter college,
, an eminent mathematician of the seventeenth century, son of Thomas Brancker, some time bachelor of artsj,in Exeter college, Oxford, was born in Devonshire in 1636, and was admitted batler (and not butler, as some late biographical compilations blunderingly assert), of the said college, Nov. 8, 1652, in the seventeenth year of his age. In 1655, June 15, he took the degree of bachelor of arts, and was elected probationary fellow the 30th of the same month. In 1658, April 22, he took the degree of master of arts, and became a preacher; but after the restoration, refusing to conform to the ceremonies of the church of England, he quitted his fellowship in 1662, and retired to Chester: but not long after, he became reconciled to the service of the church, took orders from a bishop, and was made a minister of Whitegate. He had, however, for some time, enjoyed great opportunity and leisure for pursuing the bent of his genius in the mathematical sciences; and his skill both in the mathematics and chemistry procured him the favour of lord Brereton, who gave him the rectory of Tilston. He was afterward chosen master of the well-endowed school at Macclesfield, in that county, where he spent the remaining years of his life, which was terminated by a short illness in 1676, at 40 years of age; and he was interred in the church at Macclesfield.
, whom Warton calls one of the minor pastoral poets of the reign of James I. was the second son of Thomas Brathwaite, of Warcop, near Appleby, in Westmoreland,
, whom
Warton calls one of the minor pastoral poets of the reign
of James I. was the second son of Thomas Brathwaite, of
Warcop, near Appleby, in Westmoreland, descended of
a respectable family. He was born in 1588, and at the
age of sixteen became a commoner of Oriel-college, Oxford, being matriculated as a gentleman’s son, and a native
of Westmoreland. While he continued in that college,
which was at least three years, Wood informs us, that
“he avoided as much as he could the rough paths of logic
and philosophy, and traced those smooth ones of poetry
and Roman history, in which, at length, he did excel.
He afterwards removed to Cambridge, where he spent
some time “for the sake of dead and living authors,
and then going into the north, his father gave him the
estate of Barnside, where he lived many years, having a
commission in the militia, and being appointed deputylieutenant in the county of Westmoreland, and a justice
of peace. In his latter days he removed to Appleton, near
Richmond, in Yorkshire, where he died May 4, 1673,
and was buried in the parish church of Catterick, near
that place, leaving behind him, says Wood, the character
of a “well-bred gentleman, and a good neighbour.
Wood has enumerated as his publications: 1. “Golden
Fleece, with other poems,
” Lond. The
Poet’s Willow, or the passionate shepherd,
” ibid. The Prodigal’s Tears, or his farewell to vanity,
” The Scholar’s Medley, or an intermixt discourse upon historical and poetical relations,
” Essays upon the Five Senses,
Nature’s Embassy, or the
wild man’s measures, danced naked by twelve Satyrs,
Time’s curtain
drawn: divers poems,
” The English
” The English
” Discourse of Detraction,
” The Arcadian
Princess, or the triumph of justice,
” Survey of History, or a nursery for gentry; a discourse historical and poetical,
” A spiritual
Spicery, containing sundry sweet tractates of devotion
and piety,
” Mercurius Britannicus,
or the English intelligencer,
” a tragi-comedy, acted at
Paris, and a satire upon the republicans, 16-H, second
edit. 4to. 15. “Time’s Treasury, or Academy for the
accomplishment of the English gentry in arguments of
discourse, habit, fashion, &c.
” Congratulatory poem on his Majesty, upon his happy
arrival in our late discomposed Albion,
” Regicidium,
” a tragi-comedy, Panedone, or health from Helicon,
” The
description of a Good Wife, or a rare one among women,
Arcadian Princess.
” It appears to us, that in his poetry, as
in his prose, he excels’most as a painter of manners, a subject which he had studied all his life, and of which he
delivered some of the earliest precepts. His style, however, must still render his works more acceptable to the
curious, than to the common reader.
, the son of Thomas Brereton, esq. of the county Palatine of Chester,
, the son of Thomas Brereton, esq. of the county Palatine of Chester, was born in 1715. He received his education partly at Westminster-school, on the foundation, and partly at Trinity college, Cambridge, and, on the death of his father, inherited the ancient family estates in the above-mentioned county, and in Flintshire. In 1738, Mr, Brereton was called to the bar, and in 1746 became recorder of Liverpool, which office he filled with great impartiality and dignity during fifty-two years. In 1796, on his proposing to resign, the corporation requested him to retain his situation, and appointed a person to discharge its active duties.
an eminent English divine and controversial writer, the son of Thomas Brett, gent. of Spring-grove, in the parish of Wye,
an eminent English divine and controversial writer, the son of Thomas Brett, gent. of Spring-grove, in the parish of Wye, in Kent, by Letitia, his wife, the daughter and heir of John Boys, esq. of Bettishanger, near Sandwich, in that county, was born at the seat of the latter, 3d Sept. 1667. His father disliking the situation of the old house at Wye, where his ancestors had lived for many generations, rebuilt it in a more commodious place, near a small grove of trees and a pleasant spring of water in the same parish, from whence he gave it the name of Spring-grove. He came and settled there in 1674, and sent his son to its grammar-school; the master of which was then John Paris, A. M. but he dying about three years after, was succeeded by Samuel Pratt, under whose instruction the youth remained until 1684.
justice of the common pleas in the reign of queen Mary, and author of several books in the law, was son of Thomas Brooke of Claverly in Shropshire, by Margaret his
, lord chief justice
of the common pleas in the reign of queen Mary, and
author of several books in the law, was son of Thomas
Brooke of Claverly in Shropshire, by Margaret his wife,
daughter of Hugh Grosvenor of Farmot in that county.
He was born at Claverly, and studied in the university of
Oxford, which was of great advantage to him when he
studied the law in the Middle Temple, according to Mr.
Wood, though Mr. Stow, in his Annals under the year
1552, says he was of Gray’s-inn. By his prodigous application and judgment he became the greatest lawyer of his
time. In 1542 he was elected autumn or summer reader
of the Middle Temple, and in Lent, 1550, he was chosen
double reader. In 1552 he was by 'writ called to be serj ear* at law; and in 1553, which was the first of queen
Mary’s reign, he was appointed lord chief justice of the
common pleas, and not of the king’s bench, as some have
affirmed; and about that time he received the honour of
knighthood from the queen, in whose reign he was highly
^valued for his profound skill in the law, and his integrity in
all points relating to the profession of it. Mr. Wood mentions a manuscript in the Ashmolean library at Oxford,
which informs us, that he had likewise been common serjeant and recorder of the city of London, and speaker of
the house of commons; and that he died as he was visiting
his friends in the country, September 5, 1558, and was interred in the chancel of Claverly church, with a monument erected to him. In his last will, proved October 12
the same year, he remembers the church and poor of Putney near London. He left his posterity a good estate at
Madeley in Shropshire, and at one or two places in Suffolk. He wrote “La Graunde Abridgement,
” which contains, according to Mr. Wood, an abstract of the Yearbooks to the reign of queen Mary; and Nicolson, in his
“English Historical Library,
” tells us, that in this work
he followed the example of Nicholas Statham, one of the
barons of the exchequer in the time of Edward IV. who
t abridged the larger arguments and tedious reports of
the Year-books into a short system under proper heads and
common places to the reign of king Henry VI.; and that
our author, sir Robert Brooke, made in his “Graunde
” an alphabetical abstract of all the choice
matters in our law, as contained in such commentaries, records, readings, &c. and that this work is a general epitome
of all that could be had upon the several heads’ there treated
upon. It has had several editions, particularly in London
in a small folio, 1573, 1576, 1586, &c. amongst which editions, says Nicolson, (as it commonly fares with the authors of that professsion) the eldest are still reckoned the best.
He collected likewise the most remarkable cases adjudged
in.*the court of common pleas from the sixth year of king
Henry VIII. to the fourth of queen Mary, which book is
entitled “Ascuns novelCases, c.
” and frequently printed,
particularly at London, A Reading on the Statute of Limitations
32 Henry VIII. cap. 2,
” London, 1647, 8vo. Mr. Wood
supposes that it had been printed likewise before that
, an ingenious English poet, was the son of Thomas Browne of Tavistock in Devonshire, gent, who, according
, an ingenious English poet, was
the son of Thomas Browne of Tavistock in Devonshire,
gent, who, according to Prince, in his Worthies of Devon,
was most probably a descendant from the knightly family
of Browne of Brownes-Ilash in the parish of Langtree near
Great Torrington in Devonshire. His son was born in
1590, and became a student of Exeter college, Oxford,
about the beginning of the reign of James I. After making
a great progress in classical and polite literature, he removed to the Inner Temple, where his attention to the
study of the law was frequently interrupted by his devotion to the muses. In his twenty -third year (1613) he
published, in folio, the first part of his “Britannia’s Pastorals,
” which, according to the custom of the time, was
ushered into the world with so many poetical eulogies,
that he appears to have secured, at a very early age, the
friendship and favour of the most celebrated of his contemporaries, among whom we find the names of Selden
and Drayton. To these he afterwards added Davies of
Hereford, Ben Jonson, and others. That he wrote some
of these pastorals before he had attained his twentieth year,
has been conjectured from a passage in Book I. Song V.;
but there is sufficient internal evidence, independent of
these lines, that much of tham was the offspring of a juvenile fancy. In the following year, he published in 8vo,
“The Shepherd’s Pipe,
” in seven eclogues. In the fourth
of these he laments the death of his friend Mr. Thomas
Manwood, under the name of Philarete, the precursor, as
some critics assert, of Milton’s Lycidas.
, duke of Ormond, an eminent statesman, the son of Thomas Butler, esq. a branch of the Ormond family, was born
, duke of Ormond, an eminent statesman, the son of Thomas Butler, esq. a branch of the Ormond family, was born at Newcastle house, in Clerkenwell, 1610. Oh the decease of Thomas, earl, of Ormond, his grandfather Sir Walter Butler, of Kilcash, assumed the title, and his father was styled by courtesy viscount Thurles. After the death of his father, in 1619, who left a widow and seven children in embarrassed circumstances, this title devolved upon him. In 1620 he was sent over to England by his mother, and educated partly at a school at Finchtey, in Middlesex, but king James claiming the wardship of him, he was put under the tuition of. archbishop Abbot, who instilled in him that love for the protestant religion which he afterwards displayed on so many occasions. On the death of king James he was taken home by his grandfather the carl of Ormond; and in 1629 he married his cousin, lady Elizabeth Preston, a match which terminated some disputes that had long been agitated between the families. In 1630 he purchased a troop of horse in Ireland, and two years after succeeded, by the death of his grandfather, to the earldom of Ormond. During the earl of Stratford’s viceroyalty in Ireland, his talents were much noticed by that nobleman, who predicted his future fame. On the commencement of the rebellion in Ireland in 1641, he was appointed lieutenant-generaJ and commander in chief of an army of only 3000 men, but with this inconsiderable force, and a few additional troops raised by himself, he resisted the progress of the rebels, and in 1642 dislodged them from the Naes near Dublin, raised the blockade of Drogheda, and routed them at Kiirush. His exertions, however, being impeded by the jealousies of the lords justices and of the lord lieutenant, the king, that he might act without controui, gave him an independent commission under the great seal, and created him marquis of Ormond. In 1643 he obtained a considerable victory with a very inferior force over the rebels under the command of the Irish general Preston, but for want of suitable encouragement, he was under a necessity of concluding a cessation of hostilities, for which measure he was much blamed in England; though he availed himself of it by sending over troops to the assistance of the king, who was then at war with the parliament. His majesty, however, duly appreciating his services, appointed him lord lieutenant of Ireland, in the room of the earl of Leicester, in the beginning of the year 1644; but in the exercise of this office, he had to contend both with the rebellious spirit of the old Irish, and the machinations of the English parliament, and after maintaining an unsuccessful struggle for three years, he was, in 1647, obliged to sign a treaty with the parliament’s commissioners, and to come over to England, where he waited on 'the king at Hampton-court, and obtained his majesty’s full approbation of all his proceedings; but in the hazardous state of public affairs he thought it most prudent to provide for his own safety by embarking for France.
, brother to Richard, hereafter mentioned, and second son of Thomas Carew, esq. and Elizabeth his wife, was probably born
, brother to Richard, hereafter mentioned, and second son of Thomas Carew, esq. and Elizabeth his wife, was probably born at his father’s seat at East Anthony, but in what particular year we are not able to ascertain. He was educated in the university of Oxford, after which he studied law in the inns of court, and then set out on his travels. On his return to his native country he was called to the bar, and after some time was appointed secretary to sir Christopher Hatton, lord chancellor of England, by the especial recommendation of queen Elizabeth, who gave him a pro thonotary ship in the chancery, and conferred upon him the honour of knighthood. In 1597, being then a master in chancery, he was sent ambassador to the king of Poland. In the next rei.gn, he was one of the commissioners for treating with the Scotch concerning an union between the two kingdoms; after which he was appointed ambassador to the court of France, where he continued from the latter end of the year 1605 till 1609. During his residence in that country, he was regarded by the French ministers as being too partial to the Spanish interest, but probably ttoeir disgust to him might arise from his not being very tractable in some points of his negotiation, and particularly in the demand of the debts due to the king his master. Whatever might be, his political principles, it is certain, that he sought the conversation of men of letters; and formed an intimacy with Thuanus, to whom he communicated an account of the transactions in Poland, whilst he was employed there, which was of great service to that admirable author in drawing up the 12lst book of his History. After sir George Caret’s return from France, he was advanced to the post of master of the court of wards, which honourable situation he did not long live to enjoy; for it appears from a letter written by Thuanus to Camden, in the spring of the year 1613, that he was then lately deceased. In this letter, Thuanus laments his death as a great misfortune to himself; for he considered sir George’s friendship not only as a personal honour, but as very useful in his work, and especially in removing the calumnies and misrepresentations which might be raised of him in the court of England. Sir George Carew married Thomasine, daughter of sir Francis Godolphin, great grandfather of the lord treasurer Godolphin, and had by her two sons and three daughters. Francis, the elder son, was created knight of the bath at the coronation of king Charles the First, and Attended the earl of Denbigh in the expedition for the relief of ilochelle, where he acquired great reputation by his courage and conduct; but, being seized with a fit of sickness in his voyage homeward, he died in the Isle of Wight, on the 4th of June, 1628, at the age of twenty-seven.
the Survey of Cornwal, and brother of the preceding sir George Carew, the ambassador, was the eldest son of Thomas Carew, of Mast Anthony, esq. by Elizabeth Edgecombe,
, author of the Survey of Cornwal,
and brother of the preceding sir George Carew, the ambassador, was the eldest son of Thomas Carew, of Mast
Anthony, esq. by Elizabeth Edgecombe, daughter of Richard Edgecombe, of Edgecombe, esq. both in the same
county, and was born in 1555. When very young, he
became a gentleman commoner of Christ Church college,
Oxford; and at fourteen years of age had the honour of
disputing, extempore, with the afterwards famous sir Philip
Sydney, in the presence of the earls of Leicester, Warwick, and other nobility. After spending three years at
the university, he removed to the Middle Temple, where
he also resided three years, and then travelled into France,
and applied himself so diligently to the acquisition of the
French language, that by reading and conversation he
gained a complete knowledge of it in three quarters of a
year. Not long after his return to England he married, in
1577, Juliana Arundel, of Trerice. In 1581, Mr. Carew
was made justice of the peace, and in 1586 was appointed
high sheriff of the county of Cornwal; about which time
he was, likewise, queen’s deputy for the militia. In 1589
he was elected a member of the college of antiquaries, a
distinction to which he was entitled by his literary abilities
and pursuits. What particularly engaged his attention
was his native county, his “Survey
” of which was published
in quarto, at London, in Survey
” must have been greatly diminished.
Mr. Gough remarks, that the history and monuments of
this county were faintly touched by Mr. Carew; but it is
added, that he was a person extremely capable of describing them, if the infancy of those studies at that time had
afforded him light and materials. Another work of our
author was a translation from the Italian, but originally
written by Huarte in Spanish, entitled “The Examination
of Men’s Wits. In which, by discovering the variety of
natures, is shewed for what profession each one is apt, and
how far he shall profit therein.
” This was published at
London in 1504, and afterwards in 1604; and, thouo-h.
Richard Carew’s name is prefixed to it, has been principally ascribed by some persons to his father. According
to Wood, Mr. Carevv wrote also “The true and ready way
to learn the Latin Tongue,
” in answer to a query, whether
the ordinary method of teaching the Latin by the rules of
grammar, be the best mode of instructing youths in that
language? This tract t is involved in Mr. Samuel Hartlib’s
book upon the same subject, and with the same title. It
is certain that Mr. Carew was a gentleman of considerable
abilities and literature,and that he was held in great estimation by some of the most eminent scholars of his time. He
was particularly intimate with sir Henry Spelman, who
extols him for his ingenuity, virtue, and learning. Amongst
his neighbours he was celebrated as the most excellent
manager of bees in Cornwall. He died Nov. 6, 1620, and
was buried with his ancestors, in the church of St. Anthony,
where a splendid monument, with a large inscription, in
Latin, was erected to his memory. In an epigram written upon him he was styled “another Livy, another
Maro, another Papinian,
” epithets somewhat too high fot
his real merit. An English translation of “Godfrey of
” from Tasso, by him, was published in
, a learned bishop in the seventeenth century, son of Guy, second son of Thomas Carleton, of Carleton-hall, in Cumberland, was born
, a learned bishop in the seventeenth century, son of Guy, second son of Thomas Carleton, of Carleton-hall, in Cumberland, was born at Norham,
in Northumberland, of whose important castle his father
was then governor. By the care of the eminent Bernard
Giipin, he was educated in grammar-learning and when
tit for the university, sent by the same generous person to
Edmund-hall in Oxford, in the beginning of the year
1576, and was by him chiefly maintained in his studies.
On the 12th of February 1579-80, he took his degree of
B. A. at the completing of which, he exceeded all that
performed their exercises at that time. The same year
he was elected probationer fellow of Merton-college, and
remained in that society above five years before he proceeded in his faculty, not taking the degree of M. A. till
June the 14th, 1585. While he remained in college, he
was esteemed a great orator and poet, and in process of
time became a better disputant in divinity, than he had before been in philosophy. What preferments he had, is not
mentioned, nor does it appear that he was possessed of anv
dignity in the church till he became a bishop. After
having continued many years in the university, and taken,
the degree of B. D. May 16, 1594, and that of Doctor,
December 1, 1613, he was advanced to the bishopric of
Landaff, to which he was confirmed July 11, 1613, and
consecrated at Lambeth the next day. The same year he
was sent by king James T. with three other English divine*,
Dr. Hail, afterwards bishop of Exeter, Dr. Davenant, afterwards bishop of Salisbury, and Dr. Ward, master of
Sidney-college, Cambridge, and one from Scotland, Dr.
W T alter Balcanqual, afterwards dean of Durham, to the
synod of Dort; where he stood up in favour of episcopacy,
and behaved so well in every respect to the credit of our
nation, that after his return he was, upon the translation,
of Dr. Harsnet to Norwich, elected to succeed him in
the see of Chichester, September 8, 16 19, and confirmed
the 20th of the same month. He departed this life in May
1628, and was buried the 27th of that month in the choir
of his cathedral church at Chichester, near the altar. He
was a person uf solid judgment, and of various reading;
well versed in the fathers and schoolmen; wanting nothing
that could render him a complete divine; a bitter enemy
to the Papists, and in the point of Predestination a rigid
Calvinist. “I have loved him,
” says Mr. Camden, “for
his excellent proficiency in divinity, and other polite parts
of learning.
” Echard and Fuller also characterize him in
very high terms.
orn at Pitchers Ocul in that county, February 10, 1657. His father was Mr. Warncomb Carpenter, sixth son of Thomas Carpenter, esq, of the Homme or Holme, in the parish
, baron of Killaghy in the kingdom of Ireland, descended from an ancient and good family in Herefordshire, was born at Pitchers Ocul in that county, February 10, 1657. His father was Mr. Warncomb Carpenter, sixth son of Thomas Carpenter, esq, of the Homme or Holme, in the parish of Dilwyn in Herefordshire. His mother was daughter to Mr. Taylor of the same county, and widow to Mr. John Hill, by whom she had one son. George lord Carpenter was the youngest of seven children, whom his father left at his death, and was educated at a private school in the country. In 1672 he went into the third troop of guards as a private gentleman, and was afterwards appointed quarter-master to the regiment of horse commanded by the earl of Peterborough, and went through the several posts of cornet, lieutenant, captain, &c. till he was advanced to that of lieutenant-colonel of the regiment, in which commission he continued thirteen years, though the regiment was almost coastantly in service. In 1693 he married Alice, daughter of William lord viscount Charlemont, who having a considerable jointure from her first husband James Margetson, esq. by the sale of part of it for her life he was enabled to purchase the regiment of dragoons which he commanded till his death. He served in all the first wars in Ireland and Flanders, and the last in Spain, with unblemished honour and reputation, and distinguished himself to great advantage by his courage, conduct, and humanity. At the unfortunate battle of Almanza in Spain he commanded the rear, and brought up the last squadron in the retreat, which saved the baggage of the army. At the battle of Almenara he was wounded, but received the compliments of Charles then king of Spain, and afterwards emperor of Germany, for his conduct in the engagement. He was again desperately wounded in defending the breach at Britmega against the whole French and Spanish army, where they "were at last taken prisoners. In 1705 he was made a brigadier-general; in 1708 major-general; and in 1710 lieutenant-general. In 1714 he was chosen member of parliament for Whitchurch in Hampshire; and the year following was appointed envoy extraordinary and plenipotentiary to the emperor, whose personal regard and esteem he had gained while he served under that prince in Spain. But the rebellion breaking out that year, he was sent into the North, where he not only prevented the rebels from seizing Newcastle, and marching into Yorkshire, but having overtaken them at Preston, where they were invested by major-general Wills, he, by altering the disposition which that general had made, cut off entirely both their escape and their receiving any supplies, which immediately reduced them to a capitulation. In the beginning of February 1715-16 he sent a challenge to general Wills, but they were prevented from fighting by the interposition of the dukes of Marlborough and Montague. In 1716 he was appointed governor of 'Minorca, and commander in chief of his majesty’s forces in Scotland; and in 1719 was created baron Carpenter of Killaghy in the kingdom of Ireland. In 1722 he was chosen member of parliament for the city of Westminster, and upon all occasions voted for what he thought to be the real good of his country, without any regard to party. In October 1731 being near seventy-four years of age, he began to labour under the failure of appetite, and having had a fall, by which his teeth were loosened on that side which had not been wounded, he was capable of taking but little nourishment, which together with old age, and a decay of nature, put an end to his life February 10, 1731-2. He was interred near his beloved wife in the chancel of the parish church of Owselbury in Hampshire, where a monument of marble was erected to his memory by his son, the late lord Carpenter, who was the only issue he left.
, an English divine, was the son of Thomas Carte, a clothier at Coventry, where he was born.
, an English divine, was the son of
Thomas Carte, a clothier at Coventry, where he was born.
October 21, 1652, or 1653, and in the free-school of which
place he received his grammatical education. He was afterwards removed to Magdalen college, Oxford, where he
took his degree of B. A. 1672; and M. A. 1675. After he
entered into holy orders he had several preferments, the
chief of which were, a prebend in the cathedral church of
Litchfield, the rectory of Eastwell in Leicestershire, and,
last of all, the vicarage of St. Martin’s, in the town of Leicester. It has been supposed that he resigned his preferments
at the accession of king George the First, and that at one
time he assisted the celebrated Jeremiah Collier, in preaching to a nonjuring congregation in Broad-street, London;
but this belongs to his son. It is certain that Mr. Samuel
Carte spent the latter part of his life on his living at Leicester, where he died on the 16th of April, 1740, in the eightyseventh year of his age. A high, and, we doubt not, a
just character is given of him, in an inscription to his memory in the chancel of St. Martin’s church. He published
two sermons, and “Tabula Chronologica Archiepiscopatuum
et Episcopatuum in Anglia et Wallia, Ortus, Divisiories,
TransUuiones, &c. breviter exhibens; una cum Indice alphabetioo Nominum, quibus apucl Authores insigniuntur,
folio, without date. Part of a letter of his on a tesselated
pavement at Leicester is in Phil. Trans. No. 331, and his
account of Leicester is in the Bib]. Top. Britannica. Those
eminent antiquaries, Dr. Willis and Mr. Stukeley, acknowledged his assistance and correspondence.
, queen of England, and fifth wife of Henry VIII. was daughter of lord Edmund Howard (third son of Thomas duke of Norfolk, and grandson of John first duke of
, queen of England, and fifth wife of Henry VIII. was daughter of lord Edmund Howard (third son of Thomas duke of Norfolk, and grandson of John first duke of Norfolk), by Joyce, daughter of sir Richard Culpepper, of Holingbourne in Kent, knight. Her mother dying while she was young, she was educated under the care of her grandmother, the duchess dowager of Norfolk; and when she grew up, the charms of her person soon captivated the affections of Henry VIII, who, upon his divorce from Anne of Cleves, married her, and shewed her publicly as queen, Aug. 8, 1540, But this marriage proved of the utmost prejudice to the cause of the reformation, which had begun to spread itself in the kingdom. ' The queen being absolutely guided by the counsels of the duke of Norfolk, her uncle, and Gardiner bishop of Winchester, used all the power she had over the king to support the credit of the enemies of the protestants, In the summer of 1541, she attended his majesty to York, to meet his nephew the king of Scotland, who had promised to give him an interview in that city, but was diverted by his clergy, and a message from the court of France, from that resolution; and during that progress she gained so entire an ascendant over the king’s heart, that at his return to London, on All-Saints day, when he received the sacrament, he gave public thanks to God for the happiness which he enjoyed by her means and desired his confessor, the bishop of Lincoln, to join with him in the like thanksgiving. But this proved a very short-lived satisfaction, for the jiext clay, archbishop Cranmer came to him with information that the queen had been unfaithful to his bed. By the advice of the lord chancellor and other privy counsellors, the archbishop wrote the particulars on a paper, which he delivered to the king, being at a loss how to open so delicate a matter in conversation. When the king read it, he was much confounded, and his attachment to the queen made him at first consider the story as a forgery, but having full proof, the persons with whom the queen Jiad been guilty, Dierham and Mannoch, two of the duchess dowager of Norfolk’s domestics, were apprehended, and not only confessed what was laid to their charge, but revealed some other circumstances, which placed the guilt of the queen in a most heinous light. The report of this struck the king so forcibly, that he lamented his misfortune with a flood of tears. The archbishop and some other counsellors were sent to examine the queen, who at first denied every thing, but finding that her crime was known, confessed all, and subscribed the paper. It appeared likewise, that she had intended to continue in that scandalous course of life; for as she had brought Dierham into her service, she had also retained one of the women, who had formerly been privy to their familiarities, to attend upon her in her bed-chamber; and while the king was at Lincoln, by the lady Rochford’s means, one Culpepper was brought to her at eleven at night, and stayed with her till four next morning; and at his departure received from her a gold chain. Culpepper being examined, confessed the crime: for which he, with Dierham, suffered death on the 1 Oth of December.
, second son of Thomas Cavendish of Cavendish, in Suffolk, clerk of the pipe
, second son of Thomas Cavendish of Cavendish, in Suffolk, clerk of the pipe in the reign of Henry VIII. was born about 1505. He received a liberal education, and had settled upon him, by his father, certain lands in Suffolk. Cardinal Wolsey, who was a native of Suffolk, took him into his splendid i'an;ily, which consisted of one earl, nine barons, and several hundred knights, gentlemen, and inferior officers. He served the Cardinal as gentleman usher, and was admitted into more intimacy with him than any other servant, and therefore would not desert him in his fall; but was one of the few who stuck close to him when he had neither office nor salary to bestow. This singular fidelity^ joined to his abilities, recommended him to his sovereign, who received him into his own family and service. In 1540 he was appointed one of the auditors of the court of augmentation, and soon after obtained a grant of several lordships in the county of Hertford. In 1546 he was made treasurer of the chamber to his majesty, had the honour of knighthood conferred on him, and was soon after sworn of the privy council. He continued to enjoy both these honours during eleven years; in which time his estate was much increased by grants from Edward VI. in seven different counties; nor does it appear that he was in less credit or favour with queen Mary, under whose reign he died in 1557. He married three wives. His third and last, who survived him, was the widow of Robert Barley, esq. and justly considered as one of the most famous women of her time. She was the daughter of John Hard wick, of Hard wick, in Derbyshire, by Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas Leeke, of Lousland in the same county, esq. and in process of time became coheiress of his fortune, by the death of her brother without children. When she was scarce fourteen, she was married to Robert Barley, of Barley, in Derbyshire, esq. a young* gentleman of a large estate, all which he settled absolutely upon her on their marriage; and by his death without issue she came into possession of it in 1532. After remaining a widow about twelve years she married Cavendish, by whom she had Henry Cavendish, esq, who was possessed of considerable estates in Derbyshire, but settled at Tutbury in Staffordshire; William Cavendish the first earl of Devonshire; and Charles Cavendish settled at Welbeck in Nottinghamshire, father of William baron Ogle and duke of Newcastle; and three daughters: Frances, who married sir Henry Pierpoint of Holm Pierpoint, in the county of Nottingham, from whom the dukes of Kingston are descended; Elizabeth, who espoused Charles Stuart earl of Lenox, younger brother to the father of James I.; and Mary. After the death of sir William Cavendish, this lady consenting to become a third time a wife, married sir William St. Lowe, captain of the guard to queen Elizabeth, who had a large estate in Gloucestershire; which in articles of marriage she took care should be settled on her and her own heirs, in default of issue; and accordingly, having no child by him, she lived to enjoy his whole estate, excluding as well his brothers who were heirs male, as his own female issue by a former lady. In this third widowhood the charms of her wit and beauty captivated the then greatest subject of the realm, George Talbot, earl of Shrewsbury, whom she brought to terms of honour and advantage to herself and children; for he not only yielded to a considerable jointure, but to an union of families, by taking Mary her youngest daughter to be the wife of Gilbert his second son, and afterwards his heir; and giving the lady Grace, his youngest daughter, to Henry her eldest son. Nov. 18, 1590, she was a fourth time left, and to death continued, a widow. A change of condition that perhaps never fell to any one woman to be four times a happy wife to rise by every husband into greater wealth and higher honours to havein unanimous issue by one husband only to have all those children live, and honourably disposed of in her lifetime and, after all, to live seventeen years a widow in absolute power and plenty .
, an English poet, the son of Thomas Cawthorn, upholsterer and cabinet-maker in Sheffield,
, an English poet, the son of
Thomas Cawthorn, upholsterer and cabinet-maker in
Sheffield, by Mary, daughter of Mr. Edward Laughton, of
Gainsborough, was born at Sheffield Nov. 4, 17 J 9. His
early inclination to letters, joined to a sprightly turn and
quick apprehension, induced his parents to send him to the
grammar-school of Sheffield, then superintended by the
rev. Mr. Robinson. Here he made a considerable proficiency in classical learning, and became so soon ambitious
of literary fame as to attempt a periodical paper, entitled
“The Tea Table,
” but was discouraged by his father, who
probably thought that he was too young for an observer of
men and manners, and too ignorant of the world to become
its adviser. In 1735, Mr. Cawthorn was removed to the
grammar-school at Kirkby Lonsdale in Westmoreland,
where he made his first poetical attempts, several of which
are said -to be still extant in his hand-writing: three of
these were admitted into the edition of his works published
in 1771; but one of them proved to be a production of
Mr. Christopher Pitt. In 1736, however, he published at
Sheffield, a poem entitled “The Perjured Lover,
” formed
on a lesser poem which he wrote about that time, on the
popular story of Inkle and Yarico. This has been consigned to oblivion. In the same year he appears to have
been employed as an assistant under the rev. Mr. Christian of liotheram. In 1758 he was matriculated of Clarehall, Cambridge, but his name is not to be found among the
graduates, nor can we learn how long he pursued his academical studies. When promoted to the school of Tunbridge, he had obtained the degree of M. A. probably from
some northern university.
, celebrated for his skill in oriental learning, was the son of Thomas Clarke, of Brackley in Northamptonshire, where it
, celebrated for his skill in oriental learning, was the son of Thomas Clarke, of Brackley in Northamptonshire, where it is supposed he was born, in 1623, and became a student at Merton college, Oxford, in 1638. He resided in that university three years, and then left it, when the town was about to be garrisoned for the use of Charles I.: but after its surrender to the parliament, he returned to his college, submitted to the visitors appointed by the powers in being; and the same year, 1648, took the degree of M. A. The year following he was designed the tirst architypographus of the university, and for his better encouragement in that office, had the grant of the superior beadleship of the civil law, when it should become vacant, given to him, and to his successors in that place for ever; but Clarke, after all, was the last in whose person these offices were united. In 1650 he was master of a boarding-school at Islington, near London, during his continuance at which place he assisted in correcting and publishing Walton’s Polyglott Bible. In 1658 he returned a second time to the university; and, in contemplation of the death of him who held the superior beadleship of law, was elected architypographus May the 14th that year, and on the 29th superior beadle of the civil law; both which places he held to the time of his death, which happened at Holy well in the suburbs of Oxford, Dec. 27, 1669.
, an English poet, the son of Thomas Cokayne, esq. of Ashbourne-hall, in Derbyshire, and
, an English poet, the son of Thomas Cokayne, esq. of Ashbourne-hall, in Derbyshire, and of Pooley, in Warwickshire, was born in 1608, at Elvaston, in Derbyshire, the seat of the family of his mother, Anne, daughter of sir John Stanhope, of Elvaston, knt, He was educated at Trinity- college, Cambridge, and in 1632 set out on his travels through France and Italy, of which he has given an account in a poem to his sou Mr. Thomas Cokayne. On his return he married Anne, daughter of sir Gilbert Kniveton, of Mercaston, in Derbyshire, knt. and retiring to his lordship of Fooley, gave himself up to his books and boon companions. Fie boasts, among his poetical friends, of Donne, Suckling/ Randolph, Drayton, Massinger, Habington, Sandys, and May; and appears also to have cultivated the acquaintance of sir William Dugdale, and other antiquaries. During the civil war, he suffered greatly for his religion, the Romari Catholic, and for what was then as obnoxious, his loyalty to Charles I. under whom he claimed the title ofa baronet. His losses also were increased by his want of ceconomy, and he was obliged to part with his estates during his life, which terminated in Feb. 1684, when he was privately buried in the chancel of Polesworth church. His poems and plays, with altered title-pages, were printed and reprinted in 1658, and are now purchased at high prices, chiefly as curiosities. His mind appears to have been much cultivated with learning, and it is clear that he possessed considerable talents, but he scarcely exhibits any marks of genius. He is never pathetic, sublime, or even elegant; but is generally characterized by a kind of familiarity which amounts to doggrel, and frequently to flatness and insipidity. Still, as our valuable authority adds, it is im possible to read notices of so many of his contemporaries, whose habits of life are recalled to our fancies, without feeling a subordinate kind of pleasure that gives these domestic rhymes a lively attraction.
, an eminent dramatic author and manager, the son of Thomas Colman, esq. British resident at the court of the
, an eminent dramatic author and
manager, the son of Thomas Colman, esq. British resident
at the court of the grand duke of Tuscany at Pisa, whose
wife was a sister of the countess of Bath, was born at Florence about the year 1733, and placed at a very early age
in Westminster-school, where he soon distinguished himself by the rapidity of his attainments, and the dawning
splendour of his talents. He was elected to Christ Church
college, Oxford, in 1751, and took the degree of M. A. in
1758. During his progress at Westminster, and while at
college, he formed those literary connections with whom
he remained in friendship till they severally dropped off
the stage of life. Lloyd, Churchill, Bonnel Thornton,
Cowper, and other celebrated wits of that period, were
among the intimate associates of Mr. Colman, and gave a
lustre to his name, by noticing him in some of their compositions. Even so early as the publication of the “Rosciad,
” Churchill proposed Mr. Colman as a proper judge
to decide on the pretensions of the several candidates for
the chair of Roscius; and only complains that he may be
thought too juvenile for so important an award.
the warmest sentiments of gratitude, whilst the smallest regard for learning subsists among us,” was son of Thomas Cotton, esq. descended from a very ancient family,
, an eminent English
antiquary, “whose name,
” says Dr. Johnson, “must always be mentioned with honour, and whose memory cannot
fail of exciting the warmest sentiments of gratitude, whilst
the smallest regard for learning subsists among us,
” was
son of Thomas Cotton, esq. descended from a very ancient
family, and born at Denton in Huntingdonshire, Jan. 22,
1570; admitted of Trinity college, Cambridge, where he
took the degree of B. A. 1585; and went to London, where
he soon made himself known, and was admitted into a society of antiquaries, who met at stated seasons for their
own amusement. Here he indulged his taste in the prosecution of that study for which he afterwards became so
famous; and in his 18th year began to collect ancient records, charters, and other Mss. In 1600 he accompanied
Camden to Carlisle, who acknowledges himself not a little
obliged to him for the assistance he received from him in
carrying on and completing his “Britannia;
” and the
same year he wrote “A brief abstract of the question of
Precedency between England and Spain.
” This was
occasioned by queen Elizabeth’s desiring the thoughts of the
society of antiquaries upon that point, and is still extant
in the Cotton library. Upon the accession of James I. he
was created a knight; and during this reign was very much
courted and esteemed by the great men of the nation, and
consulted as an oracle by the privy counsellors and ministers of state, upon very difficult points relating to the constitution. In 1608 he was appointed one of the commissioners to inquire into the state of the navy, which had lain
neglected ever since the death of queen Elizabeth; and
drew up a memorial of their proceedings, to be presented
to the king, which memorial is still in his library. In 1609
he wrote “A discourse of the lawfulness of Combats to be
performed in the presence of the king, or the constable
and marshal of England,
” which was printed in An answer to
such motives as were offered by certain military men to
prince Henry, to incite him to affect arms more than
” This was composed by order of that prince, and
the original ms. remains in the Cotton library. New projects being contrived to repair the royal revenue, which
had been prodigally squandered, none pleased the king so
much as the creating a new. order of knights, called baronets; and sir Robert Cotton, who had been the principal
suggester of this scheme, was in 1611 chosen to be one,
being the thirty-sixth on the list. His principal residence
was then at Great Connington, in Huntingdonshire; which
he soon exchanged for Hatley St. George, in the county
of Cambridge.
, the eldest son of Thomas Coventry, esq. by Anna Maria Brown, was born in C
, the eldest son of Thomas Coventry, esq. by Anna Maria Brown, was born in Cambridgeshire, and educated at Magdalen college, Cambridge,
where he took his bachelor’s degree in 1748, and his master’s in 1752. He was a young man of very considerable
talents, and would probably have been more distinguished
for polite literature, had he not been cut off in the prime
of life by the small pox, in 1759, soon after he bad been
presented by his relation, the earl of Coventry, to the donative or perpetual curacy of Edgware. He published
” an elegant poem, The hon.
Wilmot Vaughari in Wales.
” He was also the author of
a paper in the “World,
” on the absurdities of modern
gardening and of the well-known satirical romance of
“Pompey the Little,
” Pompey is the hasty production of Mr. Coventry (cousin to him you know), a young
clergyman. I found it out by three characters, which
made part of a comedy that he shewed me, of his own
” This cousin was Henry Coventry, author of the
“Letters of Philemon to Hydaspes,
” and who was one of
the writers of the “Athenian Letters.
” He was a fellow
of Magdalen college; once, we are told, a religious enthusiast, and afterwards an infidel. He died Dec. 29, 1752.
, lord keeper of the great seal of England in the reign of king Charles I. was son of Thomas Coventry, one of the justices of the court of common
, lord keeper of the great seal of England in the reign of king Charles I. was son of Thomas Coventry, one of the justices of the court of common pleas. He was born at Croome d'Abitot in Worcestershire in 1573; and at fourteen years of age became a gentleman commoner in Baliol college in the university of Oxford; where, having continued about three years, he was removed to the Inner Temple in order to pursue his father’s steps in the study of the common law. In 1616 he was chosen autumn reader of that society; on the 17th of November the same year appointed recorder of the city of London; and on the 14th of March following, solicitorgeneral, and received the honour of knighthood two days after at Theobalds. January 14th, 1620-1, he was made attorney-general; and thence advanced to the office of lord keeper of tue great seal of England by king Charles I. on the 1st of November, 1625; and on the 10th of April, 1628, dignified with the degree of a baron of this realm, by the title of lord Coventry, of Aylesborough in the county of Worcester.
, the first Protestant archbishop of Canterbury, was the son of Thomas Cranmer, esq. and of Agnes, daughter of Laurence Hatfield,
, the first Protestant archbishop
of Canterbury, was the son of Thomas Cranmer, esq. and
of Agnes, daughter of Laurence Hatfield, of Willoughby,
in Nottinghamshire. He was born at Aslacton, in that
county, July 2, 1489, and educated in grammar learning,
under a rude and severe parish-clerk, of whom he learned
little, and endured much. In 1503, at the age of fourteen, he was admitted into Jesus college, in Cambridge;
of which he became fellow, and where he studied such
learning as the times afforded, till the age of twenty-two,
For the next four or five years he applied himself to polite
literature; and for three years more, to the study of the
Scriptures. After he was M. A. he married a gentleman’s
daughter named Joan, living at the Dolphin, opposite
Jesus-lane, and having by this match lost his fellowship,
he took up his residence at the Dolphin, and became
reader of the common lecture in Buckingham, now Magdalen college; but his wife dying in child-bed within a
year, he was again admitted fellow of Jesus college. Upon
cardinal Wolsey’s foundation of his new college at Oxford,
Cranmer was nominated to be one of the fellows; but he
refused the offer, or, as some say, was on the road to Oxford, when he was persuaded to return to Cambridge. In
1523, he was made D. D. reader of the theological lecture
in his own college; and one of the examiners of those that
took the degrees in divinity. The most immediate cause
of his advancement to the greatest favour with king Henry
VIII. and, in consequence of that, to the highest dignity
in the church of England, was the opinion he gave in the
matter of that king’s divorce. Having, on account of the
plague at Cambridge, retired to Waltham-abbey, in Essex,
to the house of one Mr. Cressy, to whose wife he was related, and whose sons were his pupils at the university;
Edward Fox, the king’s almoner, and Stephen Gardiner,
the secretary, happened accidentally to come to that house,
and the conversation turning upon what then was a popular
topic, the king’s divorce, Cranmer, whose opinion was
asked, said, that “it would be much better to have this
question, e whether a man may marry his brother’s wife,
or no?' decided and discussed by the divines, and by the
authority of the word of God, than thus from year to year
prolong the time by having recourse to the pope; and that
this might be done as well in England in the universities
here, as at Rome, or elsewhere.
” This opinion being
communicate-d by Dr. Fox to the king, his majesty approved of it much; saying, in his coarse language, that
Cranmer “had the sow by the right ear.
” On this, Cranmer was sent for to court, made the king’s chaplain, ordered to write upon the subject of the divorce, furnished
with books for that purpose, and placed in the family of
Thomas Boleyn, earl of Wiltshire and Ormond. When he
had finished his book, he went to Cambridge to dispute upon
that point, and brought several over to his opinion, which
was, that, according to the Scriptures, general councils, and
ancient writers, the pope had no authority to dispense with
the word of God. About this time he was presented to a
living, and made archdeacon of Tauntpn. In 1530 he was
sent, with some others, into France, Italy, and Germany,
to discuss the affair of the king’s marriage. At Rome he
got his book presented to the pope, and offered to dispute
openly against the validity of king Henry’s marriage; but
no one chose to engage him. While he was at Rome, the
pope constituted him his pcenitentiary throughout England,
Ireland, and Wales. In Germany he was sole embassador
on the same affair; and in 1532 concluded a treaty of commerce between England and the Low Countries. He was
also employed on an embassy to the duke of Saxony, and
other Protestant princes. During his residence in Germany, he married at Nuremberg a second wife, named
Anne, niece of Osiander’s wife. Upon the death of
archbishop Warham, in August 1532, Cranmer was nominated for his successor; but, holding still to his opinion
on the supremacy, he refused to accept of that dignity,
unless he was to receive it immediately from the king,
without the pope’s intervention Before his consecration,
the king so far engaged him in the business of his divorce,
that he made him a party and an actor almost in every step
he took in that affair. He not only pronounced the sentence of divorce between king Henry and queen Catherine,
at Dunstable, May the 23d, 1533, but, according to Parker, married him to Anne Boleyn; although lord Herbert
says they were privately married by Rowland Lee, afterwards bishop of Litchfield and Coventry, in the presence
of lady Anne’s father, mother, and brother, Dr. Cranmer,
and the duke of Norfolk. However this may be, on March
30th, 1533, he was consecrated archbishop of Canterbury,
by the bishops of Lincoln, Exeter, and St. Asaph, when
he made an unusual protestation. His design was by this
expedient to save his liberty, to renounce every clause in
his oath which barred him doing his duty to God, the
king, and his country. Collier, who often argues as if he
were fee'd by the church of Rome, thinks there was something of human infirmity in this management, because it
was not made at Koine to the pope, nor by Cranmer’s
proxies there, before the obtaining of the bulls, not perceiving that Cranmer’s opposition to the power of the pope
was as uniform as it had been early, and the effect of
conviction. The temporalities of the archbishopric were
restored to Cranmer the 29th of April following. Soon
after, he forbad all preaching throughout his diocese, and
visited it this year in December. The pope threatening
him with excommunication, on account of his sentence
against queen Catherine, he appealed from his holiness to
a general council, and in the ensuing parliaments, strenuously disputed against the pope’s supremacy. All along
he showed himself a zealous promoter of the reformation;
and, as the first step towards it, procured the convocation
to petition the king that the Bible might be translated into
English. When that was obtained, he diligently encouraged the printing and publication of it, and caused it to
be recommended by royal authority, and to be dispersed
as much as he possibly could. Next, he forwarded the
dissolution of the monasteries, which were one of the
greatest obstacles to a reformation *. He endeavoured also
to restore the church of England to its original purity.
In 1535 he performed a provincial visitation, in order to
recommend the king’s supremacy, and preached upon that
subject in several parts of his diocese, urging that the
bishop of Rome was not God’s vicar upon earth, as supposed, and that that see so much boasted of, and by which
name popes affected to be styled, was but a holiness in
name, and that there was no such holiness at Rome, as he
easily proved from the vices of the court of Rome. In
, an English poet, chiefly noted for his translatious of ancient authors, was son of Thomas Creech, and born near Sherbourne in Dorsetshire, 1659.
, an English poet, chiefly noted for
his translatious of ancient authors, was son of Thomas
Creech, and born near Sherbourne in Dorsetshire, 1659.
He was educated in grammar learning under Mr. Gurganven of Sherbourne, to whom he afterwards dedicated a
translation of one of Theocritus’s Idylliums; and entered
a commoner of Wadham college in Oxford, 1675. Wood
tells us, that his father was a gentleman; but Jacob says,
in his “Lives and Characters of English Poets,
” that his
parents were not in circumstances sufficient to support him
through a liberal education, but that his disposition and
capacity for learning raised him up a patron in colonel
Strangeways, whose generosity supplied that defect.
Creech certainly distinguished himself much; and was
accounted a good philosopher and poet, and a severe student. June 13, 1683, he took the degree of M. A. and not
long after was elected probationer fellow of All-souls college; to which, Jacob observes, the great reputation acquired by his translation of Lucretius recommended him.
Wood tells us, that upon this occasion he gave singular
proofs of his classical learning and philosophy before his
examiners. In 1696 he took his degree of bachelor of
divinity, and began to be well known by the works he published; but they were of no great advantage to his fortune,
since his circumstances were always indifferent. In 1699,
having taken orders, he was presented by his college to the
living of Welwyn in Hertfordshire; but while at Oxford,
on another occasion, in June 1700, he put an end to his
life. The motives of this fatal catastrophe have been variously represented. M. Bernard informs us, in the “
Republic of Letters,
” that in 1700, Creech fell in love with a,
woman, who treated him contemptuously, though she was
complaisant enough to others; that not being able to digest
this usage, he was resolved not to survive it; and that he
hanged himself in his study, in which situation he was
found three days after. Jacob says nothing of the particular manner of his death, but only that he unfortunately
made away with himself: which he ascribes to a naturally
morose and splenetic temper, too apt to despise the understandings and performances of others. “This,
” says Jacob, “made him less esteemed than his great merit deserved; and his resentments on this account frequently
engaged him in those heats and disputes which in the end
proved fatal to him.
” But from an original letter of Arthur Charlett, preserved in the Bodleian library, it has
lately been discovered, that this unhappy event was owing
to a very different cause. There was a fellow collegian of
whom Creech frequently borrowed money; but repeating
his applications too often, he met one day with such a
cold reception, that he retired in a fit of gloomy disgust,
and in three days was found hanging in his room: and
Mr. Malone has more recently published a letter from Dr.
Tanner, by which it appears that Creech had before exhibited marks of insanity.
, knt. one of the gentlemen of the privy chamber to king Henry VIII., was the second son of Thomas Denny, of Cheshunt, in the county of Hertford, esq.
, knt. one of the gentlemen of the privy chamber to king Henry VIII., was the second son of Thomas Denny, of Cheshunt, in the county of Hertford, esq. by Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Mannock. He had his education in St. Paul’s school, London, under the celebrated grammarian Lilly; and afterwards in St. John’s college, Cambridge; in both which places he so improved himself, that he became an excellent scholar, as well as a person of great worth. His merit having made him known at court, he was constituted by Henry VIII. one of the gentlemen of the bed-chamber, groom of the stole, and a privy counsellor; and likewise received the honour of knighthood from that prince; with whom being in great favour, he raised a considerable estate on the ruins of the dissolved monasteries. In 1537, Henry gave him the priory of Hertford, together with divers other lands and manors; and in 1539, Dec. 15, the office of steward of the manor of Bedwell and Little Berkhamstead, in Herts; besides which sir Anthony also obtained the manor of Buttenvick, in the parish of St. Peter in St. Alban’s, the manors of the rectory and of the nunnery, in the parish of Cheshunt; and of Great Amwell, all in the county of Hertford. In 1541, there was a large grant made to him by act of parliament, of several lands that had belonged to the abbey of St. Alban’s, lately dissolved; and not content with all this, he found means to procure a thirty-one years’ lease of the many large and rich demesnes that had been possessed by Waltham-abbey, in Essex; of which his lady purchased aftenvards the reversion. In 1544 the king gave him the advantageous wardship of Margaret, the only daughter and heir of Thomas lord Audley, deceased. On the 31st of August, 1546, he was commissioned, with John Gate and William Clerk, esquires, to sign all warrants in the king’s name. Though somewhat rapacious, he was liberal; in this reign he did eminent service to the great school of Sedberg in Yorkshire, belonging to the college wherein he had received his education; the building being fallen to decay, and the lands appropriated thereto sold and embezzled, he caused the school to be repaired, and not only recovered, but also settled the estate so firmly, as to prevent all future alienations. He was also a more faithful servant than his brother courtiers, for when Henry VIII. was on his death-bed, he had the courage to put him in mind of his approaching end, and desired him to raise his thoughts to heaven, to think of his past life, and to call on God for mercy through Jesus Christ. So great an opinion had that capricious monarch of him, that he appointed him one of the executors of his will, and one of the counsellors to his son and successor Edward VI. and hequeathed him a legacy of 300l. He did not live long after this; for he died in 1.550. By his wife Joan, daughter of sir Philip Champeruon, of Modbury, in Devonshire, a lady of great beauty and parts, he had six children; of whom, Henry, the eldest, was father of Edward Denny, knighted in 1589, summoned to parliament in 1605, and advanced Oct. 24, 1626, to the dignity of earl of Norwich. Of sir Anthony Denny’s personal character, one of his contemporaries informs us, that his whole time and cares were employed about religion, learning, and the care of the public, and has highly commended him for his prudence and humanity. He was the early friend and patron of Matthew Parker, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury. The learned Henry Howard, earl of Surrey, wrote an excellent epitaph for him some years before his decease; tfnd sir John Cheke, who had a great esteem for him, honoured his memory with an elegant heroic poem.
, eldest son of Thomas Digges, just mentioned, was born in 1583, and entered
, eldest son of Thomas Digges,
just mentioned, was born in 1583, and entered a gentleman-commoner of University-college, in Oxford, 1598.
Having taken the degree of B. A. in 1601, he studied for
some time at the inns of court; and then travelled beyond
sea, having before received the honour of knighthood. On
his return he led a retired life till 1618, when he was sent
by James I. ambassador to the tzar, or emperor of Russia.
Two years after he was commissioned with sir Maurice Abbot to go to Holland, in order to obtain the restitution of
goods taken by the Dutch from some Englishmen in the
East Indies. He was a member of the third parliament of
James I. which met at Westminster, Jan. 30, 1621; but
was so rule compliant with the court measures, as to be
ranked among those whom the king called ill-tempered
spirits. he was likewise a member of the first parliament
of Charles 1. in 1626; and not only joined with those eminent patriots, who were for bringing Villiers duke of
Buckingham to an account, but was indeed one of the
most active managers in that affair, for which he was committed to the Tower, though soon released. He was again
member of the third parliament of Charles I. in 1628,
being one of the knights of the shire for Kent; but seemed
to be more moderate in his opposition to the court than
he was in the two last, and voted for the dispatch of the
subsidies, yet opposed all attempts which he conceived to
be hostile to the liberties of his country, or the constitution of parliament. Thus, when sir John Finch, speaker
of the house of commons, on June 5, 1628, interrupted
sir John Elliot in the house, saying, “There is a command
laid upon me, that I must command you not to proceed;”
sir Dudley Digges vented his uneasiness in these words:
“I am as much grieved as ever. Must we not proceed?
Let us sit in silence: we are miserable: we know not what
to do.
” In April of the same year, he opened the grand
conference between the commons and lords, “concerning
the liberty of the person of every freeman,
” with a speech,
in which he made many excellent observations, tending to
establish the liberties of the subject. In all his parliamentary proceedings, he appeared of such consequence, that
the court thought it worth their while to gain him over;
and accordingly they tempted him with the advantageous
and honourable office of master of the rolls, of which he
had a reversionary grant Nov. 29, 1630, and became possessed of it April 20, 1636, upon the death of sir Julius
Cæsar. But he did not enjoy it quite three years; for he
died March 8, 1639, and his death was reckoned among
the public calamities of those times. He was buried at
Chilham church, in Kent, in which parish he had a good
estate, and built a noble house.
, whether an ancestor of the preceding, does not appear, was the son of Thomas Duport of Shepshed in Leicestershire, esq. became
, whether an ancestor of the preceding, does not appear, was the son of Thomas Duport of Shepshed in Leicestershire, esq. became fellow of Jesus college, and was one of the university proctors in 1580, in which year he was instituted to the rectory of Harleton in Cambridgeshire, and afterwards became rector of Bosworth and Medbourne in his native county of Leicester. In 1583, Dec. 24, he was collated to the rectory of Fulbam in Middlesex, which Mr. Bentham calls a sinecure, and succeeded Henry Hervey, LL. D. April 29, 1585, in the precentorship of St. Paul’s, London; became master of Jesus college, Cambridge, in 1590; was four times elected vice-chancellor of the university, and in 1609 was made a prebendary of Ely. He died about, or soon after Christmas, 1617, and deserves this brief notice here, as being one of the learned men employed by king James I. in translating the Bible.
es at several courts, was born at Plymouth, in Devonshire, about 1563. He was the fifth and youngest son of Thomas Edmondes, head customer of that port, and of Fowey,
, knt. memorable for his embassies at several courts,
was born at Plymouth, in Devonshire, about 1563. He
was the fifth and youngest son of Thomas Edmondes,
head customer of that port, and of Fowey, in Cornwall,
by Joan his wife, daughter of Antony Delabare, of Sherborne, in Dorsetshire, csq. who was third son of Henry
Edmondes, of New Sarum, gent by Juliana his wife,
daughter of William Brandon, of the same place. Where
he had his education is nut known. But we are informed
that he was introduced to court by his name-sake, sir
Thomas Edmonds, comptroller of the queen’s household;
and, being initiated into public business under that most
accomplished statesman, sir Francis Walsingham, secretary of state, he was, undoubtedly through his recommendation, employed by queen Klizabcth in several embassies.
In 1592, she appointed him her resident at the court of
France, or rather agent for her affairs in relation to king
Henry IV. with a salary of twenty shillings a day, a sum
so ill paid, and so insufficient, that we find him complaining to the lord treasurer, in a letter dated 1593, of the
greatest pecuniary distress. The queen, however, in May
1596, made him a grant of the office of secretary to her
majesty for the French tongne, “in consideration of his
faithful and acceptable service heretofore done.
” Towards
the end of that year he returned to England, when sir
Anthony Mild may was sent ambassador to king Henry;
but he went back again to France in the beginning of May
following, and in less than a month returned to London.
In October, 1597, he was dispatched again M agent for
her majesty to the king of France and returned to EngJand about the beginning of May 1598, where his stay
Was extremely short, for he was at Paris in the July following. But, upon sir Henry Neville being appointed
ambassador to the French court, he was recalled, to his
great satisfaction, and arrived at London in June 1597.
Sir Henry Neville gave him a very great character, and
recommended him to the queen in the strongest terms.
About December the 26th of that year, he was sent to
archduke Albert, governor of the Netherlands, with a
letter of credence, and instructions to treat of a peace.
The archduke received him with great respect; but not
being willing to send commissioners to England, as the
queen desired, Mr. Edmondes went to Paris, and, having
obtained of king Henry IV. Boulogne for the place of
treaty, he returned to England, and arrived at court on
Sunday morning, February 17. The llth of March
following, he embarked again for Brussels and, on the 22d,
had an audience of the archduke, whom having prevailed
upon to treat with the queen, he returned home, April
9, 1600, and was received by her majesty with great favour, and highly commended for his sufficiency in his negotiation. Soon after he was appointed one of the commissioners for the treaty of Boulogne, together with sir
Henry Neville, the queen’s ambassador in France, John
Herbert, esq. her majesty’s second secretary, and Robert
Beale, esq. secretary to the council in the North; their
commission being dated the 10th of May, 1600. The two
last, with Mr. Edmondes, left London the 12th of that
month, and arrived at Boulogne the 16th, as sir Henry
Neville did the same day from Paris. But, after the commissioners had been above three months upon the place,
they parted, July 28th, without ever assembling, owing
to a dispute about precedency between England and Spain.
Mr. Edmondes, not long after his return, was appointed
one of the clerks of the privy-council; and, in the end of
June 1601, was sent to the French king to complain of
the many acts of injustice committed by his subjects
against the English merchants. He soon after returned to
England but, towards the end of August, went again,
and waited upon king Henry IV. then at Calais to whom
he proposed some measures, both for the relief of Ostend,
then besieged by the Spaniards, and for an offensive alliance
against Spain. After his return to England he was appointed
one of the commissioners for settling, with the two French
ambassadors, the depredations between England and
France, and preventing them for the future. The 20th of
May, 1603, he was knighted by king James I; and, upon
the conclusion of the peace with Spain, on the 18th of
August, 1604, was appointed ambassador to the archduke
at Brussels. He set out for that place the 19th of April,
1605; having first obtained a reversionary grant of the
office of clerk of the crown and, though absent, was
chosen one of the representatives for the Burgh of Wilton,
in the parliament which was to have met at Westminster,
Nov. 5, 1605, but was prevented by the discovery of the
gunpowder-plot. During his embassy he promoted, to the
utmost of his power, an accommodation between the king
of Spain and the States-General of the United Provinces .
He was recalled in 1609, and came back to England about
the end of August, or the beginning of September. In
April 1610, he was employed as one of the assistant-commissioners, to conclude a defensive league with the crown
of France; and, having been designed, ever since 1608,
to be sent ambassador into that kingdom , he was dispatctyed thither in all haste, in May 1610, upon the new
of the execrable murder of king Henry IV. in order to
learn the state of affairs there. He arrived at Paris, May
24th, where he was very civilly received; and on the 27th
of June, had his audience of Mary de Medicis, queen
regent; the young king (Lewis XIII.) being present. In
November following he caused an Italian to be apprehended at Paris for harbouring a treasonable design against
his master, king James I. There being, in 1613, a competition between him and the Spanish ambassador about
precedency, we are told that he went to Home privately,
and brought a certificate out of the pope’s ceremonial,
shewing that the king of England is to precede the king of
Castile. He was employed the same year in treating of a
marriage between Henrv prince of Wales and the princess
Christine, sister of Lewis XIII. king of France; but the
death of that prince, on the 6th of November 1612, put
an end to this negotiation. And yet, on the 9th of the
same month, orders were sent him to propose a marriage
between the said princess and our prince Charles, but he
very wisely declined opening such an affair so soon after
the brother’s death. About the end of December 1613,
sir Thomas desired leave to return to England, but was
denied till he should have received the final resolution of
the court of France about the treaty of marriage; which
being accomplished, he came tp England towards the end
or' January 1613-14. Though- the privy-council strenuously
opposed this match because they had not sooner been
made acquainted with so important an affair, yet, so zealous
was the king for it, that he sent sir Thomas again to Paris
with instructions, dated July 20, 1614, for bringing it ta
a conclusion. But, after all, it appeared that the court of
France were not sincere in this affair, and only proposed it
to amuse the protestants in general. In 1616 sir Thomasassisted at the conference at Loudun, between the protestants and the opposite party; and, by his journey to
liochelle, disposed the protestants to accept of the terms
offered them, and was of great use in settling the pacification. About the end of October, in the same year, he
was ordered to England; not to quit his charge, but, after
he should have kissed the king’s hand, and received such
honour as his majesty was resolved to confer upon him, in
acknowledgment of his long, painful, and faithful services,
then to go and resume his charge; and continue in France,
till the affairs of that kingdom, which then were in an uncertain state, should be better established. Accordingly
he came over to England in December; and, on the 21st
of that month, was made comptroller of the king’s household; and, the next day, sworn a privy-counsellor. He
returned to the court of France in April 1617; but took
his leave of it towards the latter end of the same year.
And, on the 19th of January, 1617-18, was advanced to
the place of treasurer of the household; and in 1620 was
appointed clerk of the crown in the court of king’s bench,
and might have well deserved the post of secretary of state
that he had been recommended for, which none was better
qualified to discharge. He was elected one of the burgesses
for the university of Oxford, in the first parliament of king
Charles I. which met June 18, 1623, and was also returned
for the same in the next parliament, which assembled at
Westminster the 26th of February following; but his election being declared void, he was chosen for another place.
Some of the speeches which he made in parliament are
primed. On the 11th of June 1629, he was commissioned
to go ambassador to the French court, on purpose to carry
king Charles’s ratification, and to receive Lewis the XIIIth’s
oath, for the performance of the treaty of peace, then
newly concluded between England and France: which he
did in September following, and with this honourable commission concluded all his foreign employments. Having,
after this, enjoyed a creditable and peaceful retreat for
about ten years, he departed this life, September 20, 1639.
His lady was Magdalen, one of the daughters and co-heirs
of sir John Wood, knight, clerk of the signet, by whom
he had one son, and three daughters. She died at Paris,
December 31, 1614, with a character amiable and exemplary in all respects. Sir Thomas had with her the manor
of Albins, in the parishes of Stapleford-Abbot, and Navestoke in Essex, where Inigo Jones built for him a mansion house, delightfully situated in a park, now the seat of the
Abdy family. Sir Thomas was small of stature, but great
in understanding. He was a man of uncommon sagacity,
and indefatigable industry in his employments abroad;
always attentive to the motions of the courts where he
resided, and punctual and exact in reporting them to his
own; of a firm and unshaken resolution in the discharge of
his duty, and beyond the influence of terror, flattery, or
corruption. The French court, in particular, dreaded his
experience and abilities; and the popish and Spanish
party there could scarcely disguise their hatred of so
zealous a supporter of the protestant interest in that kingdom. His letters and papers, in twelve volumes in folio,
were once in the possession of secretary Thurloe, and
afterwards of the lord chancellor Somers. The style of
them is clear, strong, and masculine, and entirely free
from the pedantry and puerilities which infected the
most applauded writers of that age. Several of them,
together with abstracts from the rest, were published by
Dr. Birch in a work entitled “An historical view of the
Negotiations between the Courts of England, France, and
Brussels, from the year 1592 to 1617. Extracted chiefly
from the ms State-papers of sir Thomas Edmondes, kt.
ambassador in France, &c. and of Anthony Bacon, esq.
brother to the lord chancellor Bacon,
” London, 1749, 8vo.
Several extracts of letters, written by him in the early
part of his political life, occur in Birch’s “Memoirs of
queen Elizabeth,
” and other letters are in Lodge’s “Illustrations of British History.
, was born about 3691. He was the eldest son of Thomas, fifth lord Fairfax, of Cameron, in the kingdom of
, was born about 3691. He was the eldest son of Thomas, fifth lord Fairfax, of Cameron, in the kingdom of Scotland, by Catherine, only daughter and heiress of Thomas lord Culpepper; in whose right he afterwards possessed Leeds Castle, with several manors and estates in the county of Kent, and in the Isle of Wight; and that immense tract of country comprised within the boundaries of the rivers Potowmac and Rappahannoc in Virginia, called the Northern Neck; containing by estimation live millions seven hundred thousand acres. He had the misfortune to lose his father while young; and at his decease, he and his two brothers, Henry and Robert, and four sisters, one of whom, Frances, was afterwards married to Denny Martin, esq. of Loose, in Kent, came under the guardianship of their mother and grandmother, the dowager ladies Fairfax and Culpepper, the latter of whom was a princess of the house of Hesse Cassel.
, an early English dramatic author, the second son of Thomas Ford, esq. a gentleman in the commission of the peace,
, an early English dramatic author, the
second son of Thomas Ford, esq. a gentleman in the commission of the peace, was a native of Ilsington in Devonshire, where he was born in 158G, probably in the beginning of April, as he was baptised on the 17th of that month
at Ilsington. It does not appear where he was educated,
but on Nov. 16, 1602, he entered as a member of the
Middle Temple, for the purpose of studying law. While
there he published, in 1606, “Fame’s Memoriall, on the
earle of Devonshire deceased; with his honourable life,
peaceful end, and solemne funerall,
” a small quarto of
twenty-eight leaves. This poem, considered as the production of a youth, is creditable to the talents of Ford, as
it exhibits a freedom of thought and command of language,
of which there are few contemporaneous examples. At
this time Ford was in his twenty-first year, and deeply
engaged, but unfortunate, in an affair of the heart; and
being disappointed also by the death of lord Mountjoy,
the liberal friend of the poet Daniel, to whom he was
about to look up as a patron, he determined to seek relief
in travel. Whether he actually went abroad, or finding a
nymph less cruel, and an avenue to fame without individual patronage, remained in England, is matter of conjecture: but we next hear of him on the stage. With a
forbearance, however, unusual with those who have once
adventured before the public, Ford abstained from the
press from 1606 to 1629, when he printed his tragicomedy of the “Lover’s Melancholy.
” But this was not
his first attempt on the stage, as his play entitled “A bad
beginning makes a good ending,
” was acted at court as
early as A Letter to William Gifford, esq.
” Censura Literaria,
” has attributed to him an
excellent little manual, entitled “A Line of Life, pointing
at the immortalitie of a vertuous name,
, an eminent prelate, and the munificent founder of Corpus Christi college, Oxford, was the son of Thomas Fox, and born at Ropesley, near Grantham, in Lincolnshire,
, an eminent prelate, and the munificent founder of Corpus Christi college, Oxford, was the son of Thomas Fox, and born at Ropesley, near Grantham, in Lincolnshire, about the latter end of the reign of Henry VI. His parents are said to have been in mean circumstances, but they must at least have been able to afford him school education, since the only dispute on this subject between his biographers, is, whether he was educated in grammar learning at Boston, or at Winchester. They all agree that at a proper age he was sent to Magdalen-college, Oxford, where he was acquiring distinction for his extraordinary proficiency, when the plague, which happened to break out about that time, obliged him to go to Cambridge, and continue his studies at Pembrokehall. After remaining some time at Cambridge, he repaired to the university at Paris, and studied divinity and the canon law, and here, probably, he received his doctor’s degree. This visit gave a new and important turn to his life, and introduced him to that eminence which he preserved for many years as a statesman. In Paris he became acquainted with Dr. Morton, bishop of Ely, whom Richard III. had compelled to quit his native country, and by this prelate he was recommended to the earl of Richmond, afterwards Henry VII. who was then providing for a descent upon England. Richmond, to whom he devoted himself, conceived such an opinion of his talents and fidelity, that he entrusted to his care a negotiation with France for supplies of men and money, the issue of which he was not able himself to await; and Fox succeeded to the utmost of his wishes. After the defeat of the usurper at the battle of Bosworth, in 1485, and the establishment of Henry on the throne, the latter immediately appointed Fox to be one of his privy-council, and about the same time bestowed on him the prebends of Bishopston and South Grantham, in the church of Salisbury. In 1487, he was promoted to the see of Exeter, and appointed keeper of the privy seal, with a pension of twenty shillings a day. He was also made principal secretary of state, and master of St. Cross, near Winchester. His employments in. affairs of state both at home and abroad, were very frequent, as he shared the king’s confidence with his early friend Dr. Morton, who was now advanced to the archbishopric of Canterbury. In 1487, Fox was sent ambassador, with sir Richard Edgecombe, comptroller of the household, to James III. of Scotland, where he negociated a prolongation of the truce between England and Scotland, which was to expire July 3, 1488, to Sept. 1, 1489. About the beginning of 1491, he was employed in an embassy to the king of France, and returned to England in November following. In 1494 he went again as ambassador to James IV. of Scotland, to conclude some differences respecting the fishery of the river Esk, in which he was not successful. Having been translated in 1492 from the see of Exeter to that of Bath and Wells, he was in 1494 removed to that of Durham. Jn 1497, the castle of Norham being threatened by the king of Scotland, the bishop caused it to be fortified and supplied with troops, and bravely defended it in person, until it was relieved by Thomas Howard, earl of Surrey, who compelled the Scots to retire. Fox was then, a third time, appointed to negociate with Scotland, and signed a, seven years truce between the two kingdoms, Sept. 30, 1497. He soon after negociated a marriage between James IV. and Margaret, king Henry’s eldest daughter, which was, after many delays, fully concluded Jan. 24, 1501-.
, an English law-writer, was the son of Thomas Fulbeck, who was mayor of Lincoln at the time of his
, an English law-writer, was the
son of Thomas Fulbeck, who was mayor of Lincoln at the
time of his death in J 566. He was born in the parish of
St. Benedict in that city in 1560, entered as a commoner
of St. Alban hall, Oxford, in 1577, and was admitted
scholar of Corpus Christi college about two years after. In
1581 he took his bachelor’s degree, and the next year
became probationer fellow. He then removed to Gloucester-hall (now Worcester college) where he completed
the degree of M. A. in 1584. From Oxford he went to
Gray’s Inn, London, where he applied with great assiduity to the study of the municipal law. Wood says, he
had afterwards the degree of civil law conferred on him,
but where he had not been able to discover, nor is the
place or time of his death known. From an extract from,
bishop Kennet, in the new edition of Wood, it seems not
improbable that he took orders. His works are, 1. “Christian Ethics,
” Lond. An historical collection of the continual factions, tumults, and massacres -of
the Romans before the peaceable empire of Augustus
” ibid. A direction or
preparative to the study of the Law,
” ibid. A parallel or conference of the civil, the canon, and the common law,
” ibid. The Pandects of the Laws of
Nations; or the discourses of the matters in law, wherein
the nations of the world do agree,
” ibid.
, a herald and heraldic writer, was the son of Thomas Glover, of Ashford in Kent, the place of his nativity.
, a herald and heraldic writer, was
the son of Thomas Glover, of Ashford in Kent, the place
of his nativity. He was first made Portcullis Poursuivant,
and afterwards in 1571, Somerset herald. Queen Elizabeth permitted him to travel abroad for improvement. In
1582, he attended lord Willoughby with the order of the
garter, to Frederick II. of Denmark. In 1584, he waited
with Clarenceux on the earl of Derby, with that order to
the king of France. No one was a greater ornament to the
college than this gentleman; the suavity of his manners
was equal to his integrity and skill: he was a most excellent,
and very learned man, with a knowledge in his profession
which has never been exceeded, perhaps been paralleled;
to this, the best writers of his own and more recent time*
bear testimony. He left two treatises, one “I)e Nobilitate politica vel civili
” the other “A Catalogue of Honour
” both of which were published by his nephew, Mr.
Thomas Milles, the former in 1608, the latter in 1610,
both folio, to “revive the name and learned memory of
his deceased friend and uncle, whose private studies for the
public good deserved a remembrance beyond forgetful
” His answer to the bishop of Ross’s book, in which
Mary queen of Scots’ claim to the crown was asserted, was
never published. He made great collections of what had
been written by preceding heralds, and left of his own
labours relative to arms, visitations of twenty-four counties,
and miscellaneous matters belonging to this science, all
written by himself. He assisted Camden in his pedigrees
for his Britannia; communicated to Dr. David Powell, a
copy of the history of Cambria, translated by H. Lloyd;
made a collection of the inscriptions upon the funeral
monuments in Kent; and, in 1584, drew up a most curious
survey of Herewood castle, in Yorkshire. Mr. Thoresby
had his collection of the county of York taken in 1584, and
his catalogue of northern gentry whose surnames ended
in son. He died in London, says Stow, April 14, (Lant and others, 10), 1588, aged only forty-five years, and was
buried in St. Giles’s church, Cripplegate. His loss was
severely felt by all our lovers of English antiquities. His
“Ordinary of Arms
” was augmented and improved by
Edmondson, who published it in the first volume of his
Body of Heraldry.
, a worthy English prelate, was the son of Thomas Greene of St. Peter’s Mancroft in Norwich, where he
, a worthy English prelate, was the son of Thomas Greene of St. Peter’s Mancroft in Norwich, where he was born in 1658, He was educated in the freeschool of that city, and in July 1674, admitted of Bene't college, Cambridge, of which he obtained a scholarship, and in 1680 a fellowship, and became tutor. He took his degree of A. B. in 1679, and that of A. M. in 1682. His first step from the university was into the family of sir Stephen Fox, grandfather of the late hon. Charles Fox, to whom he was made domestic chaplain through the interest of archbishop Tenison, who soon after his promotion to the see of Canterbury, took him under the same relation into his own palace; and collated him April 2, 1695, to the vicarage of Minster in the isle of Thanet; he being, since 1690, D. D. by the archbishop’s faculty. To the same patron he was likewise obliged for a prebend in the cathedral of Canterbury, into which he was installed in May 1702; for the rectory of Adisham cum Staple in Kent, to which he was collated Oct. 2, 1708, and for the archdeaconry of Canterbury, into which he was installed the next month, having been chosen before one of the proctors of the clergy in convocation for that diocese. Upon these preferments he quitted the vicarage of Minster, as he did the rectory of Adisham upon his institution (in Feb. 1716) to the vicarage of St. Martin’s in the Fields, Westminster; to which he was presented by the trustees of archbishop Tenison, for the disposal of his options, of whom he himself was one. This he held in commendam with the bishopric of Norwich, to which he was consecrated Oct. 8, 1721, but was thence translated to Ely, Sept 24, 1723.
, founder of Guy’s hospital, was the son of Thomas Guy, lighterman and coal-dealer in Horseleydown, Southwark.
, founder of Guy’s hospital, was the son of Thomas Guy, lighterman and coal-dealer in Horseleydown, Southwark. He was put apprentice, in 1660, to a "bookseller, in the porch of Mercers’ chapel, and set up trade with a stock of about 200l. in the house that forms the angle between Cornhill and Lombard-street. The English Bibles being at that time very badly printed, Mr. Guy engaged with others in a scheme for printing them in Holland, and importing them; but, this being put a stop to, he contracted with the university of Oxford for their privilege of printing then), and carried on a great Bible trade for many years to considerable advantage. Thus he began to accumulate money, and his gains rested in his hands; for, being a single man and very penurious, his expences were very trifling. His custom was to dine on his shop-counter, with no other table,-cloth than an old newspaper; he was also as little nice in regard to his apparel. The bulk of his fortune, however, was acquired by the less reputable purchase of seamen’s tickets during queen Anne’s wars, and by South-sea stock in the memorable year 1720.
, a learned Englishman, was the younger son of Thomas Hales, of Hales’-place, at Halden in Kent, and was
, a learned Englishman,
was the younger son of Thomas Hales, of Hales’-place, at
Halden in Kent, and was liberally educated, although at
no university. He became an excellent scholar in the
Latin, Greek, and Hebrew tongues, and was well skilled
in the municipal laws and antiquities. In the reign of
Henry VIII. he was clerk of the ha,naper for several years^
and in 1548 was appointed a commissioner to inquire into
inclosures, decayed houses, and the unlawful converting
of arable land into pasture, for the counties of Oxfordj,
Berks, &c. On this occasion he made an excellent charge,
which is printed at length by Strype. He obtained a good
estate in Warwickshire and elsewhere, upon the dissolution
of the monasteries, and founded a free-school at Coventry.
For the use of the scholars there, he wrote “Introductiones ad Grammaticam,
” Latin and English. He was also
the author of the “High way to Nobility,
” Lond. 4to; and
translated into English “Plutarch’s Precepts for the preservation of good health,
” Lond. An Oration to Queen Elizabeth
at her first entrance to her reign,
” which was, however,
not spoken, but delivered in manuscript to the queen.
He also wrote a treatise in favour of the succession of the
house of Suffolk to the crown on the demise of Elizabeth,
who was so displeased with it, as to commit the author to
the Tower. It was answered by Lesley, bishop of Ross.
Mr. Hales, whose imprisonment was probably of no long
duration, died Jan. 28, 1572, and was buried in the church
of St. Peter le Poor, Broad-street, London. Some of his.
Mss. are in the Harleian collection.
hilosopher, particularly distinguished by his experiments on the physiology of plants, was the sixth son of Thomas Hales, esq. of Beakeborn, or Beckesbourn, Kent, and
, an eminent natural philosopher, particularly distinguished by his experiments on the physiology of plants, was the sixth son of Thomas Hales, esq. of Beakeborn, or Beckesbourn, Kent, and grandson of sir Robert Hales, bart. of Beckesbourn, where he was born, Sept. 17, 1677, and was admitted a pensioner of Bene't college, Cambridge, under the tuition of Mr. Moss, June 19, 1696, where, after taking his first degree in arts, he was admitted a fellow, Fob. 25, 1702-3. He proceeded M. A. at the next commencement, and was admitted B. D. in 1711. The degree of D. D. was conferred on him by the university of Oxford in 1733. Botany and anatomy formed his studies of relaxation while at Cambridge, his companion in which was the celebrated antiquary Dr. Stukeley. He was advanced successively to the perpetual curacy of Teddington, Middlesex, and to the livings of Portlock, Somersetshire, and Farringdon, Hampshire. He married Mary, the daughter and heiress of Dr. Henry Newce of Much-Hadham, in the county of Hertford, and rector of Halisham in Sussex. This lady died at the end of two years, leaving no issue, nor did he ever marry strain. He resided to the end of his life at Teddington, wliere he was visited by persons of rank and taste, amongst others by Frederick late prince of Wales, after whose death Dr. Hales was made clerk of the closet to the princess dowager, who always entertained a high respect for him, and after his decease erected a handsome monument to his memory in Westminster-abbey, near that of Handel. On this is liis bust in a large medallion, supported by a female figure representing Botany, accompanied by Religion. The epitaph is in Latin. He refused a canonry 01 Windsor, that he migbt continue to devote himself to his parochial duties, and his favourite scientific pursuits; and as piety, truth, and virtue were the principles of his character, he lived in universal esteem to the age of eighty-four, dying at Teddington, January 4, 1761, where he was buried, under the church tower, which he had rebuilt at his own expence.
, an English lawyer, the son of Thomas Hawles, gent, was born at Salisbury in 1645, and educated
, an English lawyer, the son of Thomas Hawles, gent, was born at Salisbury in 1645, and educated at Winchester school, whence he entered as a
commoner of Queen’s college, Oxford, in 1662, but, like most
men intended for the study of the law, left the university
without taking a degree. He removed to Lincoln’s Inn,
and after studying the usual period, was admitted to the
bar, and, as Wood says, became “a person of note for
his profession.
” On the accession of king William, he
more openly avowed revolution-principles, and published
“Remarks upon the Trials of Edward Fitzharris, Stephen
Coiledge, count Coningsmarke, the lord Russel, &c.
” Lond.
The Magistracy
and Government of England vindicated; or a justification
of the English method of proceedings against criminals, by
way of answer to the Defence of the late lord Russel’s
” ibid.
, a learned and amiable English clergyman, the second son of Thomas Heber, &sq. of Marton-hall in the deanery of Craven,
, a learned and amiable English
clergyman, the second son of Thomas Heber, &sq. of Marton-hall in the deanery of Craven, one of the oldest families
in that district of Yorkshire, was born at Marton, Sept. 4,
1728, O. S. He had his school education under the rev.
Mr. Wilkinson at Skipton, and the rev. Thomas Hunter at
Blackburn, Lancashire, afterwards vicar of Weaverham,
Cheshire, author of “Observations on Tacitus,
” and other
works of credit. From Blackburn he ‘removed to the freeschool at Manchester, and on March 4, 1746--7, was entered a commoner of Brazen-nose college; where his elder’
brother, Richard Heber, was at that time a gentleman
commoner. In October 1752, his father died, and his mother in the month of March following. He was admitted
to the degree of M. A. July 5, 1753, and chosen fellow of
the college November 15 following, having previously in
that year been ordained deacon by bishop Trevor, Match
18, and priest by bishop Hoadly, Nov. 1, to qualify himself for the fellowship founded in 1533 by William Clifton,
subdean of York, for which he was a candidate. He had
private pupils when he was only B. A. and was afterwards
in much esteem as a public tutor, particularly of gentlemen commoners, having at one time more than twenty of
that rank under his care. In July 1766, his brother died,
and, as he left no male issue, Mr. Heber succeeded to a
considerable estate at Hodnet in Shropshire, which was
bequeathed in 1752 to his mother, Elizabeth Heber, by
Henrietta, only surviving daughter and heiress of sir Thomas Vernon of Hodnet, bart. who chose for her heir the
daughter, in preference to the son, of her niece Elizabeth
wife of Richard Atherton, esq. ancestor of Henrietta wife
of Thomas lord Liftbrd. Dec. 5, 1766, he was inducted
into the rectory of Chelsea, the presentation to which had,
several years before, been purchased for him by his brother and another kind relative. He resigned his fellowship
July 1, 1767. Finding the rectorial house at Chelsea bad
and unfinished, he in part rebuilt and greatly improved the
whole, without asking for dilapidations, as the widow of
his predecessor, Sloane Elsmere, D. D. was not left in
affluent circumstances. In 1770, he exchanged Chelsea
for the Upper Mediety of Malpas, Cheshire, into which
he was inducted, July 25, on the presentation of William.
Drake, esq. of Ainersham, Bucks; whose eldest son, the
late William Drake, esq. had been one of his pupils in
Brazen-nose college. In the long incumbency, and latterly non-residence, of his predecessor, the honourable and
rev. Henry Moore, D. D. chaplain to queen Anue, and son
of the earl of Drogheda, who was instituted to Malpas,
Nov. 26, 1713, the parsonage was become ruinous. Mr.
Heber therefore built an excellent new house, on a new
site, which commands an extensive view of Flintshire and
Denbighshire, and some other counties.
very eminent and learned puritan divine, was descended from the royal family of England. He was the son of Thomas Hildersham, a gentleman of an ancient family, by Anne
, a very eminent and learned puritan divine, was descended from the royal family of England. He was the son of Thomas Hildersham, a gentleman of an ancient family, by Anne Pole (or Poole), his second wife, daughter to sir JefTery Pole, fourth son of sir Richard Pole, cousin-german to Henry VII. This sir Richard Pole’s wife was Margaret countess of Salisbury, daughter to George duke of Clarence, second brother to king Edward IV. by Isabella, eldest daughter and co-heiress of Richard earl of Warwick and Salisbury. All this will appear from the pedigree of cardinal Pole (who was Mr. Hildersham’s great uncle), as given from* the Heralds office, by the cardinal’s biographer, Mr. Phillips, but we might perhaps have passed it over, unless for a remarkable coincidence of descent which we shall soon have to notice in our account of bishop Hildesley.
Henry Howard, earl of Surrey, was the eldest son of Thomas, the third duke of Norfolk, lord high treasurer of
Henry Howard, earl of Surrey, was the eldest son of Thomas, the third duke of Norfolk, lord high treasurer of England in the reign of Henry VIII. by Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Stafford, duke of Buckingham. He was born either at his father’s seat at Framlingham, in Suffolk, or in the city of Westminster, and being a child of great hopes, all imaginable care was taken of his education. When he was very young he was companion, at Windsor castle, with Henry Fitzroy, duke of Richmond, natural son to Henry VIII. and afterwards student in Cardinal college, now Christ Church, Oxford. In 1532 he was with the duke of Richmond at Paris, and continued there for some time in the prosecution of his studies, and learning the French language; and upon the death of that duke in July 1536, travelled into Germany, where he resided some time at the emperor’s court, and thence went to Florence, where he fell in love with the fair Geraldine, the great object of his poetical addresses, and in the grand duke’s court published a challenge against all who should dispute her beauty; which challenge being accepted, he came oft victorious. For this approved valour, the duke of Florence made him large offers to stay with him; but he refused them because he intended to defend the honour of his Geraldine in all the chief cities of Italy. But this design of his was diverted by letters sent to him by king Henry VIII. recalling him to England. He left Italy, therefore, where he had cultivated his poetical genius by the reading of the greatest writers of that country, and returned to his own country, where he was considered a one of the first of the English nobility, who adorned his high birth with the advantages of a polite taste and extensive literature. On the first of May, 1540, he was one of the chief of those who justed at Westminster, as a defendant, against sir John Dudley, sir Thomas Seymour, and other challengers, where he behaved himself with admirable courage, and great skill in the use of his arms, and, in 1542, served in the army, of which his father was lieutenant-genera!, and which, in October that year, entered Scotland, and burnt divers villages. In February or March following, he was confined to Windsor castle for eating flesh in Lent, contrary to the king’s proclamation of the 9th of February 1542. In 1544, upon the expedition to Boulogne, in France, he was field-marshal of the English army; and after taking that town, being then knight of the garter, he was in the beginning of September 1545, constituted the king’s lieutenant and captain-general of all his army within the town and country of Boulogne. During his command there in 1546, hearing that a convoy of provisions of the enemy was coming to the fort at Oultreau, he resolved to intercept it; but the Rhingrave, with' four thdusand Lanskinets, together with a considerable number of French under the marshal de Blez, making an obstinate defence, the Englisii were routed, anil sir Edward Poynings, with divers other gentlemen, killed, and the earl of Surrey himself obliged to fly; though it appears by a letter of his to the king, dated January 8, 1545-6, that this advantage cost the enemy a great number of men. But the king was so highly displeased with this ill success, that, from that time he contracted a prejudice against the earl, and, soon after, removed him from his command, appointing the earl of Hertford to succeed him. On this sir William Paget wrote to the earl of Surrey to advise him to procure some eminent post under the earl of Hertford, that he might not be unprovided in the town and field. The earl being desirous, in the mean time, to regain his former favour with the king, skirmished against the French, and routed them; but, soon after, writing over to the king’s council, that as the enemy had cast much larger cannon than had been yet seen, with which they imagined they should soon demolish Boulogne, it deserved consideration, whether the lower town should stand, as not being defensible, the council ordered him to return to England, in order to represent his sentiments more fully upon those points, and the earl of Hertford was immediately sent over in his room. This exasperating the earl of Surrey, occasioned him to let fall some expressions which savoured of revenge, and a dislike of the king, and an hatred of his counsellors; and was, probably, one great cause of his ruin soon after. His father, the duke of Norfolk, had endeavoured to ally himaelf to the earl of Hertford, and to his brother, sir Thomas Seymour, perceiving how much they were in the king’s favour, and how great an interest they were likely to have under the succeeding prince; and therefore he would have engaged his son, being then a widower (having lost his wife Frances, daughter of John earl of Oxford), to marry the earl of Hertford’s daughter, and pressed his daughter, the duchess of Richmond, widow of the king’s natural son, to marry sir Thomas Seymour. But though the earl of Surrey advised his sister to the marriage projected for her, yet he would nol consent to that designed for himself; nor did the proposition about himself take effect. The Seymours could not but perceive the enmity which the earl bore them; and they might well be jealous of the greatness of the Howard family, which was not only too considerable for subjects, of itself, but was raised so high by the dependence of th whole popish party, both at home and abroad, that they were likely to be very dangerous competitors for the chief government of affairs, if the king should die, whose disease was now growing so fast upon him that he could not live many weeks. Nor is it improbable, that they persuaded the king, that, if the earl of Surrey should marry the princess Mary, it might embroil his son’s government, and, perhaps, ruin him. And it was suggested that he had some such high project in his thoughts, both by his continuing unmarried, and by his using the arms of Edward the Confessor, which, of late, he had given in his coat without a diminution. To complete the duke of Norfolk’s and his son’s ruin, his duchess, who had complained of his using her ill, and had been separated from him about four years, turned informer against him. And the earl and his sister, the duchess dowager of Richmond, being upon ill terms together, she discovered all she knew against him; as likewise did one Mrs. Holland, for whom the duke was believed to have had an unlawful affection. But all these discoveries amounted only to some passionate expressions of the son, and some complaints of the father, who thought he was not beloved by the king and his counsellors, and that he was ill used in not being trusted with the secret of affairs. However, all persons being encouraged to bring informations against them, sir Richard Southwel charged the earl of Surrey in some points of an higher nature; which the earl denied, and desired to be admitted, according to the martial law, to fight, in his shirt, with sir Richard. But, that not being granted, he and his father were committed prisoners to the Tower on the 12th of December 1546; and the earl, being a commoner, was brought to his trial in Guildhall, on the 13th of January following, Jbefore the lord chancellor, the lord mayor, and other commissioners; where he defended himself with great skill and address, sometimes denying the accusations, and weakening the credit of the witnesses against him, and sometimes interpreting the words objected to him in a far different sense from what had been represented. For the point of bearing the arms of Edward the Confessor, he justified himself by the authority of the heralds. And when a witness was produced, who pretended to repeat some high words of his lordship’s, by way of discourse, which concerned him nearly, and provoked the witness to return him a braving answer; the qarl left it to the jury to judge whether it was probable that this man should speak thus to him, and he not strike him again. In conclusion, he insisted upon his innocence, but was found guilty, and had sentence of death passed upon him. He was beheaded on Tower-hill on the 19th of January 1546-7; and his body interred in the church of All Hallows Barking, and afterwards removed to Framlingham, in Suffolk.
, an English writer of some abilities and learning, born Jan. 1626, was a younger son of Thomas earl of Berkshire, and educated at Magdalen college,
, an English writer of some
abilities and learning, born Jan. 1626, was a younger son
of Thomas earl of Berkshire, and educated at Magdalen
college, Cambridge. During the civil war he suffered with
his family, who adhered to Charles I. but at the Restoration was made a knight, and chosen for Stockbridge in
Hampshire, to serve in the parliament which began in
May 1661. He was afterwards made auditor of the exchequer, and was reckoned a creature of Charles II. whom
the monarch advanced on account of his faithful services,
in cajoling the parliament for money. In 1679 he was
chosen to serve in parliament for Castle Rising in Norfolk;
and re-elected for the same place in 1688. He was a
strong advocate for the Revolution, and became so passionate an abhorrer of the nonjurors, that he disclaimed all
manner of conversation and intercourse with persons of
that description. His obstinacy and pride procured him
many enemies, and among them the duke of Buckingham;
who intended to have exposed him under the name of
Bilboa in the “Rehearsal,
” but afterwards altered his
resolution, and levelled his ridicule at a much greater
name, under that of Bayes. He was so extremely positive, and so sure of being in the right upon every subject,
that Shadwell the poet, though a man of the same principles, could not help ridiculing him in his comedy of the
“Sullen Lovers,
” under the character of Sir Positive At-all.
Jn the same play there is a lady Vaine, a courtezan which
the wits then understood to be the mistress of sir Robert,
whom he afterwards married. He died Sept. 3, 1698. He
published, 1. “Poems and Plays.
” 2. “The History of
the Reigns of Edward and Richard II. with reflections and
characters of their chief ministers and favourites; also a
comparison of these princes with Edward I. and III.
” 1690,
8vo. 3. “A letter to Mr. Samuel Johnson, occasioned by
a scurrilous pamphlet, entitled Animadversions on Mr.
Johnson’s answer to Jovian,
” The History
of Religion,
” The fourth book of Virgil
” Statius’s Achilleis translated,
, a voluminous English writer, the son of Thomas Howell, minister of Abernant in Caermarthenshire,
, a voluminous English writer, the
son of Thomas Howell, minister of Abernant in Caermarthenshire, was born about 1594, and, to use his own
words, “his ascendant was that hot constellation of cancer
about the midst of the dog-days.
” He was sent to the freeschool at Hereford -, and entered of Jesus-college, Oxford,
in 1610. His elder brother Thomas Howell was already a
fellow of that society, afterwards king’s chaplain, and was
nominated in 1644 to the see of Bristol. James Howell,
having taken the degree of B. A. in 1613, left college, and
removed to London; for being, says Wood, “a pure
cadet, a true cosmopolite, not born to land, lease, house,
or office, he had his fortune to make; and being withal not
so much inclined to a sedentary as an active life, this situation pleased him best, as most likely to answer his views.
The first employment he obtained was that of steward to a
glass-house in Broad-street, which was procured for him
by sir Robert Mansel, who was principally concerned in it.
The proprietors of this work, intent upon improving the
manufactory, came to a resolution to send an agent abroad,
who should procure the best materials and workmen; and
they made choice of Howell for this purpose, who, setting
off in 1619, visited several of the principal places in Holland, Flanders, France, Spain, and Italy. In Dec. 1621,
he returned to London; having executed the purpose of
his mission very well, and particularly having acquired a
masterly knowledge in the modern languages, which afforded him a singular cause for gratitude. “Thank God,
he says, “I have this fruit of my foreign travels, that I
can pray unto him every day of the week in a separate
language, and upon Sunday in seven.
, an eminent physician and antiquary of Durham, was the son of Thomas Hunter, gent, of Medomsley, in the county of Durham,
, an eminent physician and
antiquary of Durham, was the son of Thomas Hunter,
gent, of Medomsley, in the county of Durham, where he
was born in 1675: he was educated at the free-school of
Houghton-le-Spring, founded by the celebrated Bernard
Gilpin, and was admitted of St. John’s college, Cambridge,
where he continued until he had taken his bachelor’s degree
in 1698. In 1701 he received a faculty or licence from
Dr. John Brookbank, spiritual chancellor at Durham, to
piactice physic through the whole diocese of Durham.
After some years he removed to the city of Durham; and
though he published little, was always ready to assist in any
literary undertaking. He is acknowledged by Mr. Horsley
and Mr. Gordon to be very exact and masterly in the knowledge of antiquities. Dr. Wilkins mentions him with respect in the preface to the first volume of his “Councils,
to which he furnished some materials; and Mr. Bourne was
much indebted to him in compiling his “History of Newcastle
” He published a new edition of “The Ancient
Rites and Monuments of the church of Durham,
” An Illustration of Mr. Daniel Neale’s
History of the Puritans, in the article of Peter Smart, M. A.
from original papers, with remarks.
” Antiquitates Parochiales Dioc. Dunelm.
hucusque ineditae,
” but no further progress appears to have
been made. Perhaps this might be owing to an
unfortunate accident he met with, in searching the archives of the
cathedral, where he spilt a bottle of ink on the celebrated
copy of Magna Charta, and was never afterwards permitted
to come there. In 1757 be retired from Durham, with
his family, to Unthank, an estate belonging to his wife, in
Shotley parish, Northumberland, where he died July 13
of that year, and was buried in Shotley church.
, a learned English divine, son of Thomas Jenkin, gent, of Minster in the Isle of Thanet, was
, a learned English divine, son of Thomas Jenkin, gent, of Minster in the Isle of Thanet, was born Jan. 1656, and bred at the King’s school at Canterbury. He entered as sizar at St. John’s college, Cambridge, March 12, 1674, under the tuition of Mr. Francis Roper; became a fellow of that society March 30, 1680; decessit 1691 became master in April 1711; and held also the office of lady Margaret’s professor of divinity. Dr. Lake being translated from the see of Bristol to that of Chichester, in 1685, made him his chaplain, and collated him to the precentorship of that church, 1688. Refusing to take the oaths at the revolution, he quitted that preferment, and retired to his fellowship, which was not subject then to those conditions, unless the bishop of Ely, the visitor, insisted on it; and the bishop was, by the college statutes, not to visit unless called in by a majority of the fellows. By these means he and many others kept their fellowships. Retiring to the college, he prosecuted his studies without interruption, the fruits of which he gave to the public in several treatises which were much esteemed. Upon the accession of George I. an act was passed, obliging all who held any post of 5l. a-year to take the oaths, by which Dr. Jenkin was obliged to eject those fellows who would not comply, which gave him no small uneasiness and he sunk by degrees into imbecility. In this condition he removed to his elder brother’s house at South Rungton, in Norfolk, where he died April 7, 1727, in his seventieth year; and was buried, with his wife Susannah, (daughter of William Hatfield, esq. alderman and merchant of Lynne, who died 1713, aged forty-six), his son Henry, and daughter Sarah, who both died young in 1727, in Holme chapel, in that parish, of which his brother was rector. Another daughter, Sarah, survived him. A small mural monument was erected to his memory.
works of great popularity, was born at KingVcliffe, in Northamptonshire, in 1686, and was the second son of Thomas Law, a grocer. It is supposed that he received his
, the author of many pious works of great popularity, was born at KingVcliffe, in Northamptonshire, in 1686, and was the second son of Thomas Law, a grocer. It is supposed that he received his early education at Oakham or Uppingham, in Rutlandshire, whence on June 7, 1705, he entered of Emmanuel college, Cambridge. In 1708 he commenced B. A.; in 1711, was elected fellow of his college; and in 1712 took his degree of M. A. Soon after the accession of his majesty George I. being called upon to take the oaths prescribed by act of parliament, and to sign the declaration, he refused, and in consequence vacated his fellowship in 1716. He was after this considered as a nonjuror. It appears that he had for some time officiated as a curate in London, but had no ecclesiastical preferment. Soon after his resignation of his fellowship he went to reside at Putney, as tutor to Edward Gibbon, father to the eminent historian. When at home, notwithstanding his refusing the oaths, he continued to frequent his parish-church, and join in communion with his fellow parishioners. In 1727 he founded an alms-house at Cliffe, for the reception and maintenance of two old women, either unmarried and helpless, or widows; and a school for the instruction and clothing of fourteen girls. It is thought that the money thus applied was the gift of an unknown benefactor, and given to him in the following manner. While he was standing at the door of a shop in London, a person unknown to him asked whether his name was William Law, and whether he was of King’s-cliffe; and after having received a satisfactory answer, delivered a sealed paper, directed to the Rev. William Law, which contained a bank note for 1000l. But as tlifre is no proof that this was given to him in trust tor the purpose, he is fully entitled to the merit of having employed it in the service of the poor; and such beneficence was perfectly consistent with his general character.
, an English musician, was the son of Thomas Lawes, a vicar- choral of the church of Salisbury,
, an English musician, was the son of Thomas Lawes, a vicar- choral of the church of Salisbury,
, a celebrated English judge, descended of an ancient family, was the eldest son of Thomas Westcote, of the county of Devon, esq. by Elizabeth,
, a celebrated English judge, descended of an ancient family, was
the eldest son of Thomas Westcote, of the county of Devon, esq. by Elizabeth, daughter and sole-heir of Thomas
Littleton or Lyttleton, of Frankley in Worcestershire, in
compliance with whom she consented that the issue, or at
least the eldest son, of that marriage should take the name
of Lyttleton, and bear the arms of that family. He was
born about the beginning of the fifteenth century at Frankley. Having laid a proper foundation of learning at one
of the universities, he removed to the Inner-Temple; and,
applying himself to the law, became very eminent in that
profession. The first notice we have of his distinguishing
himself is from his learned lectures on the statute of Westminster, “de donis conditionalibus,
” “of conditional
” He was afterwards made, by Henry VI. steward
or judge of the court of the palace, or marshalsea of the
king’s household, and, in May 1455, king’s serjeant, in
which capacity he went the Northern circuit as a judge of
the assize. Upon the revolution of the crown, from the
house of Lancaster to that of York) in the time of Edward
IV. our judge, who was now made sheriff of Worcestershire, received a pardon from that prince; was continued
in his post of king’s serjeant, and also in that of justice of
assi/r for the same circuit. This pardon passed in 1462,
the second year of Edward IV.; and, in 1466, he was appointed one of the judges of the court of Common Pleas.
The same year, he obtained a writ to the commissioners of
the customs of London, Bristol, and Kingston-upon-Hull,
enjoining them to pay him a hundred and ten marks annually, for the better support of his dignity; a hundred and
six shillings and eleven pence farthing, to furnish him
whh a furred robe; and six shillings and six-pence more,
for another robe called Li num. In 1473, we find him residing near St. Sepulchre’s church, London, in a capital
mansion, the property of the abbot of Leicester, which he
held on lease at the yearly rent of 1 <'>.-. In 1475 he was
created, among others, knight of the Hath, to grace the
solemnity of conferring that order upon the king’s eldest
son, then prince of Wales, afterwards Edward V. He
continued to enjoy the esteem of his sovereign and the nation, on account of his profound knowledge of the laws of
England, till his death, Aug. 23, 1481, the day after the
date of his will. He was then said to be of a good old
age, but its precise length has not been ascertained. He
was honourably interred in the cathedral church of Worcester, where a marble tomb, with his statue, was erected
to his memory; his picture was also placed in the church
of Frankley; and another in that of Hides-Owen, where
his descendants purchased a good estate. He married,
and had three sons, William, Richard, and Thomas.
Kichard, bred to the law, became eminent in thut profession; and it was for his use that our judge drew up his
celebrated treatise on tenures or titles, which will probably hand his name down to the latest posterity. The
judge’s third son, Thomas, was knighted by Henry VII.
for taking Lambert Simnel, the pretended earl of Warwick. His eldest son and successor, sir William Littleton,
after living many years in great splendour, at Frankley,
died in 1508; and from this branch the late celebrated lord
Lyttelton of Frankley co. Worcester, who was created a
baron of Great Britain, Nov. 1756, derived his pedigree;
but who, owing to the alteration in the spelling of the
name (which, however, appears unnecessary) will occur in
a future part of this work.
, a very learned English writer, was the second son of Thomas Marsham, esq. alderman of London, and born in the
, a very learned English writer,
was the second son of Thomas Marsham, esq. alderman of
London, and born in the parish of St. Bartholomew’s, Aug.
23, 1602. He was brought up at Westminster school, and
sent thence, in 1619, to St. John’s college in Oxford, where
betook, in due time, his degrees in arts. In 1625, he
went to France, and spent the winter at Paris; in 1626
and 1627, he visited most parts of that kingdom, and of
Italy, and some parts of Germany, and then returned to
London. In 1629, he went through Holland and Guelderland, to the siege of Boisleduc; and thence by Flushing to
Boulogne and Paris, in the retinue of sir Thomas Edmondes, ambassador extraordinary, who was sent to take
the oath of Louis XIII. to the peace newly concluded between England and France. During his residence in London, he studied the law in the Middle Temple; and, in
1638, was sworn one of the six clerks in chancery. Upon
the breaking out of the civil wars, he followed the king and
the great seal to Oxford for which he was deprived of
his place by the parliamentarians, and suffered a vast loss
by the plundering of his estate. After the surrender of
the garrison at Oxford, and the ruin of the king’s affairs,
he returned to London; and, having compounded for his
estate, he betook himself wholly to retirement and study.
In the beginning of 1660, he served as a burgess for the
city of Rochester, in the parliament which recalled Charles
the Second; about which time, being restored to his place
in chancery, he had the honour of knighthood conferred
upon him, and three years after was created a baronet.
He died at Bushy-hall in Hertfordshire, in May 1685; and
his body was interred at Cuckstone near Rochester, where
he had an estate. By Elizabeth his wife, daughter of sir
William Hammond of St. Alban’s, in East Kent, he left
two sons; sir John Marsham, of Cuckstone, bart. and sir
Robert Marsham, of Bushy-hall, knt. both of them studious
and learned men, and the ancestors of the Romney family.
Sir John Marsham was a very accomplished gentleman,
and had acquired a critical knowledge of history, chronology, and languages. He published in 1649, 4to, “Diatriba chronologica;
” in which he examines succinctly the
principal difficulties which occur in the chronology of the
Old Testament.“The greatest part of this was afterwards
inserted in another work, entitled
” Canon chronicus,
Ægyptiacus, Ebraicus, Groecus, & disquisitiones,“Lond.
1672, folio. The principal object of this is to reconcile
the Egyptian dynasties. The Egyptians, as is well known,
pretended to excessive antiquity, and had framed a list of
thirty successive dynasties, which amounted to a number
of years (36,525) greatly exceeding the age of the world.
These were rejected as fabulous by some of the ablest chronologers; but sir John Marsham first conjectured that
these dynasties were not successive, but collateral; and
therefore without rejecting any, he endeavoured to reconcile the entire series in this manner, to the scripture chronology. The attempt, which was highly ingenious, gained
him great reputation, and many contemporary as well as
succeeding authors, have been liberal in their praises. Mr.
Wotton represents him as the first
” who has made the
Egyptian antiquities intelligible: that most learned gentleman,“says he,
” has reduced the wild heap of Egyptian
dynasties into as narrow a compass as the history of Moses
according to the Hebrew account, by the help of a table
of the Theban kings, which he found under Eratosthenes’s
name in the Chronography of Syncellus. For, by that table, he, 1. Distinguished the fabulous and mystical part of
the Egyptian history, from that which seems to look like
matter of fact. 2. He reduced the dynasties into collateral families, reigning at the same time in several parts of
the country; which, as some learned men saw before, was
the only way to make those antiquities consistent with
themselves, which, till then, were confused and incoherent.“Dr. Shuckford, after having represented the foundation of
sir John Marsham’s Canon with regard to Egypt, says that,
” upon these hints and observations, he has opened to us
a prospect of coming at an history of the succession of the
kings of Egypt, and that in a method so natural and easy,
that it must approve itself to any person who enters truly
into the design and conduct of it.“Afterwards, having
given a view of sir John’s scheme, from the beginning of
the reigns of the Egyptian kings down to his Sesostris, or
Sesac, he observes, that,
” if the reader will take the
pains thoroughly to examine it, if he will take it in pieces
into all its parts, review the materials of which it is formed,
consider how they He in the authors from whom they are
taken, and what manner of collecting and disposing them
is made use of, he will find that however in some lesser
points a variation from our very learned author may be defensible, yet no tolerable scheme can be formed of the
ancient Egyptian history, that is not in the main agreeing
with him. Sir John Marsham has led us to a clear and
natural place for the name of every Egyptian king, and
time of his reign," &c. But although sir John Marsham’s
system has been followed by some, it has been strenuously
opposed by other writers, who have represented it as not
only false, but even prejudicial to revelation.
, an eminent civilian, the son of Thomas Martin, was born at Cerne, in Dorsetshire, and educated
, an eminent civilian, the son of
Thomas Martin, was born at Cerne, in Dorsetshire, and
educated at Winchester school, whence he was admitted
fellow of New college, Oxford, in 1539. He applied himself chiefly to the canon and civil law, which he likewise
studied at Bourges, and was admitted doctor. On entering upon practice in Doctors’ Commons, he resigned his
fellowship; and in 1555, being incorporated LL. D. at
Oxford, he was made chancellor of the diocese of Winchester. This he owed to the recommendation of bishop
Gardiner, who had a great opinion of his zeal and abilities,
and no doubt very justly, as he found him a ready and
useful assistant in the persecution of the protestants in
queen Mary’s time. Among other instances, he was joined
in commission with Story in the trial of archbishop Cranmer at Oxford. His proceedings on that occasion may be
seen in Fox’s “Acts and Monuments
” under the years Life of William of
” the munificent founder of New college, the
ms. of which is in the library of that college. It was first
published in 1597, 4to, and reprinted, without any correction or improvement, by Dr. Nicholas, warden of Winchester, in 1690, who does not seem to have been aware
how much more might be recovered of Wykeham, as Dr.
Lowth has proved. This excellent biographer says that
Martin seems not so much to have wanted diligence in
collecting proper materials, as care and judgment in digesting and composing them. But it is unnecessary to say
much of what is now rendered useless by Dr. Lowth’s work.
Dr. Martin bequeathed, or gave in his life-time, several
valuable books to New college library.
inent statesman of the sixteenth century, and founder of Emmanuel college, Cambridge, was the fourth son of Thomas Mildmay, esq. by Agnes, his wife, daughter of Read.
, an eminent statesman of
the sixteenth century, and founder of Emmanuel college,
Cambridge, was the fourth son of Thomas Mildmay, esq.
by Agnes, his wife, daughter of Read. He was educated at Christ’s college, Cambridge, where he made great
proficiency in learning, and to which college he afterwards
became a benefactor. In the reign of Henry VIII. he
succeeded to the office which had been held by his father,
that of surveyor of the court of augmentation, erected by
statute 27 Henry VIII. for determining suits and controversies relating to monasteries and abbey-lands. It took
its name from the great augmentation that was made to the
revenues of the crown by the suppression of the religious
houses. In 1547, immediately after the coronation of
Edward VI. he was made one of the knights of the carpet.
He had also in this reign the chief direction of the mint,
and the management, under several special commissions,
of the king’s revenues, particularly of those which arose
from the crown lands, the nature and value of which he
had made his chief study. In 1552 he represented the
town of Maldon, Essex, in parliament, and was a burgess
in the first parliament of Mary for the city of Peterborough,
and sat afterwards as one of the knights for the county of
Northampton. How he came co escape during this detestable reign we are not told, unless, as some think, that
“he concealed his affection to the protestant religion*;
but that was probably well known, and he was afterwards
not only a zealous protestant, but a friend, on many occasions, to the puritans. Q.ueen Elizabeth, on the lieath of
sir Richard Sackville in 1566, gave him the otiice of chancellor of the exchequer, and he became a most useful, but
not a favoured servant, for his integrity was too stiff to
bend to the politics of that reign, and his consequent popularity excited the continual jealousy of his mistress: he
was therefore never advanced to any higher post, though
in one of the letters published by Mr. Lodge, he is mentioned as a candidate fof the seals. Honest Fuller, in his
quaint way, thus expresses sir Walter’s conduct and its
consequences: “Being employed by virtue of his place, to
advance the queen’s treasure, he did it industriously, faithfully, and conscionably, without wronging the subject;
being very tender of their privileges, insomuch that he
once complained in parliament, that many subsidies were
granted, and no grievances redressed; which words being
represented with disadvantage to the queen, made her to
disaffect him, setting in a court-cloud, but in the sunshine of his country, and a clear conscience.
” In
, the learned editor of the Greek Testament, was the son of Thomas Mil!, of Banton or Bampton, near the town of Snap
, the learned editor of the Greek Testament, was the son of Thomas Mil!, of Banton or Bampton,
near the town of Snap in Westmoreland, and was born at
Shap about 1645. Of his early history our accounts are
very scanty; and as his reputation chiefly rests on his Greek
Testament, which occupied the greater part of his life,
and as he meddled little in affairs unconnected with his
studies, we are restricted to a very few particulars. His
father being in indifferent circumstances, he was, in 1661,
entered as a servitor of Queen’s college, Oxford, where we
may suppose his application soon procured him respect.
Bishop Kennet tells us, that in his opinion, he “talked
and wrote the best Latin of any man in the university, and
was the most airy and facetious in conversation — in all
respects a bright man.
” At this college he took the degree of B. A. in May 1666, and while bachelor, was selected to pronounce an “Oratio panegyrica
” at the opening of the Sheldon theatre in ready extempore preacher.
” In 1676 his countryman and fellowcollegian, Dr. Thomas Lamplugh, being made bishop of
Exeter, he appointed Mr. Mill to be one of his chaplains,
and gave him a minor prebend in the church of Exeter.
In July 1680 he took his degree of B. D.; in August 1681
he was presented by his college to the rectory of Blechingdon, in Oxfordshire; and in December of that year he
proceeded D. D. about which time he became chaplain in
ordinary to Charles II. by the interest of the father of one
of his pupils. On May 5, 1685, he was elected and admitted principal of St. Edmund’s Hall, a station particularly convenient for his studies. By succeeding Dr. Crossthwaite in this office, bishop Kennet says he had the advantage of shining the brighter; but “he was so much
taken up with the one thing, ‘his Testament,’ that he had
not leisure to attend to the discipline of the house, which
rose and fell according to his different vice-principals.
In 1704 archbishop Sharp obtained for him from queen
Anne, a prebend of Canterbury, in which he succeeded
Dr. Beveridge, then promoted to the see of St. Asaph.
He had completed his great undertaking, the new editiuu
of the Greek Testament, when he died of an apop'ectie
fit, June 23, 1707, and was buried in the chancel of Blechingdon church, where, in a short inscription on his monument, he is celebrated for what critics have thought the
most valuable part of his labours on the New Testament,
his “prolegomena marmore perenniora.
, an eminent English prelate, was the son of Thomas Moore of Market- Harborough in Leicestershire, where
, an eminent English prelate, was the son of Thomas Moore of Market- Harborough in Leicestershire, where he was born. He was admitted June 28, 1662, of Clare-hall college, Cambridge, where he took the degree of B. A. in 1665, M. A. in 1669, and D. D. in 1681. He was also fellow of that college, and afterwards became chaplain to Heneage Finch, earl of Nottingham, by whose interest he rose to considerable preferments, and in particular, was promoted to the first prebendal stall in the cathedral church of Ely. His next preferment was the rectory of St. Austin’s, London, to which he was admitted Dec, 3, 1687, but he quitted that Oct. 26, 1689, on his being presented by king William and queen Mary (to whom he was then chaplain in ordinary) to the rectory of St. Andrew’s, Holborn, vacant by the promotion of Dr. Stillingfleet to the see of Worcester. On the deprivation of Dr. William Lloyd, bishop of Norwich, for not taking the oaths to their majesties, he was advanced to that see, and consecrated July 5, 1691, and was thence translated to Ely, July 31, 1707, in which he remained until his death f He died'at Ely-house, in Holborn, July 31, 1714, in his sixty-eighth year. He was interred on the north side of the presbytery of his cathedral church, near his predecessor bishop Patrick, where an elegant monument was erected to his memory.
Essex, and by others in Oxfordshire; but the visitations of Hertfordshire inform us that he was the son of Thomas Morysin of that county (descended from a Yorkshire
, a statesman
of great learning, prudence, and integrity, is supposed by
some to have been born in Essex, and by others in Oxfordshire; but the visitations of Hertfordshire inform us
that he was the son of Thomas Morysin of that county
(descended from a Yorkshire family), by a daughter of
Thomas Merrey of Hatfield. Wood having supposed him
born in Oxfordshire, asserts that he spent several years at
Oxford university, in “Log;cals and philosophical,
” and
took a degree in arts. But Mr. Lodge says that he was
educated at Eton, and in the university of Cambridge,
from whence he went, with the reputation of an excellent
Greek and Latin scholar, to the inns of court, where he
became a proficient in the common and civil law. According, however, to Wood and others, he had previously to
this, travelled to Italy, with an intention to improve his
knowledge of the Greek and Latin languages. Padua, in
particular, was one of the places he visited, and he remained there until 1537, and soon after his return was
made prebendary of Yatminster Secunda in the church of
Salisbury, which dignity he kept until 1539. About 1541,
Henry VI 11. is said to have given him the library belonging to the Carmelites in London. The same sovereign sent
him ambassador to the emperor Charles V. and he had acquired by long habit, so thorough a knowledge of the various factions which distracted the empire, that the ministers of king Edward VI. found it necessary to continue
him in that court much against his inclination. In 1549
he was joined with the earl of Warwick, viscount Lisle, sir
William Paget, sir William Petre, bishops Holbeach and
Hethe, and other personages, in a commission to hold
visitation at Oxford, in order to promote the reformation,
and their commission also extended to the chapel of Windsor and Winchester college. The celebrated Peter Martyr
preached before them, on their entering on business, and
was much noticed and patronized by Morysin. From Edward VI. he received the honour of knighthood, and appears to have gone again abroad, as Mr. Lodge gives us a
long letter from him relating to the affairs of the imperial
court, dated Brussels, Feb. 20, 1553. He returned not
long before that prince’s death, and was employed in building a superb mansion at Cashiobury, in Hertfordshire, a
manor which had been granted to him by Henry VIIL
when queen Mary’s violent measures against the protestants compelled him to quit England, and after residing
a short time in Italy, he returned to Strasburgh, and died
there, March 17, 1556. He married Bridget, daughter
of John lord Hussey, and left a son and three daughters
sir Charles, who settled at Cashiobury Elizabeth, married, first, to William Norreys, son and heir to Henry
lordNorreys; secondly, to Henry Clinton, earl of Lincoln Mary, to Bartholomew Hales, of Chesterfield in
Derbyshire and Jane, to Edward lord Russel, eldest son
of the earl of Bedford, and afterwards to Arthur lord
Grey of Wilton. The family of Morysin ended in an
heiress, Mary (great grand-daughter of sir Richard), who
married Arthur lord Capel of Hadham, an ancestor of the
present earl of Essex.
, a learned English prelate, was born at London, Sept. 8, 1690. He was the son of Thomas Pearce, a distiller, in High Holborn, who having acquired
, a learned English prelate, was born at London, Sept. 8, 1690. He was the son of Thomas Pearce, a distiller, in High Holborn, who having acquired a competent fortune by his business, purchased an estate at Little Ealing, in Middlesex, to which he retired at the age of forty, and where he died in 1752, aged eighty-eight. His son, after some preparatory education at a school at Ealing, was removed in 1704 to Westminster school, where he was soon distinguished for his merit, and in 1707 was elected one of the king’s scholars. He remained at this school till the year 1710, when he was twenty years old. This long continuance of his studies has been attributed to the high opinion Dr. Busby entertained of him, who was accustomed to detain those boys longer under his discipline, of whose future eminence he had most expectation. That Dr. Busby had such a custom is certain, and that it was continued by his successor is probable, but Mr. Pearce could not have been under the tuition of Busby, who died in 1695. To this delay, however, without doubt, Mr. Pearce was greatly indebted for the philological reputation by which he was very early distinguished.
lds, May 16, 1675, and, as the anonymous author of his life says, was baptised by the name of Thomas son of Thomas Pengelly; but others have supposed that he was a natural
, a learned judge, was born in Moorfields, May 16, 1675, and, as the anonymous author of his life says, was baptised by the name of Thomas son of Thomas Pengelly; but others have supposed that he was a natural son of Richard Cromwell the protector, For this supposition we find no other foundation than that Cromwell, who lived very privately in the neighbourhood, had known Mr. Pengelly from his youth, afterwards kept up a friendship with him, and died at his seat at Cheshunt, in August 1712. Mr. Pengelly was brought up to the bar, and becoming eminent in his profession, was made a serjeant May 6, 1710; knighted May 1, 1719, and in June following appointed his majesty’s prime Serjeant at law, on the decease of sir Thomas Powis. He sat as member for Cockermouth, in Cumberland, in the parliaments called in 1714 and 1722. He was made chief baron of the exchequer Oct. 16, 1726, on the death of sir Jeffery Gilbert; and his conduct on the bench corresponded with the high reputation he had acquired at the bar. He died of an infectious fever, caught at Taunton assizes, April 14, 1730. He excelled in profound learning, spirit, justice, and generosity, and dared to offend the most powerful, if he thought their conduct reprehensible. He was a florid, yet convincing orator, an excellent judge, a pious Christian, and an accomplished, sprightly companion. By a humane codicil in his will, dated in 1729, he left a considerable part of his fortune to procure the discharge of persons confined for debt, which was accordingly done by his executor Mr. Webb. There is a copy of this will published in his life, but the name of his residuary legatee is for some reason omitted. The anonymous history of Oliver Cromwell, first printed in 1724, has been supposed to have been written by him, but this is doubtful. It has been also attributed to Dr. Gibson, bishop of London.
as made principal of Peckwater Inn, now part of Christ Church; and he became soon after tutor to the son of Thomas Boleyn, earl of Wiltshire.
, a man of learning, a patron of learning, and a distinguished statesman, in the four discordant reigns of Henry VIII. Edward VI. queen Mary, and queen Elizabeth, was the son of John Petre, of Tornewton, in the parish of Tor-brian, in Devonshire, and born either at Exeter or Tor-newton. After some elementary education, probably at his native place, he was entered of Exeter college, Oxford; and when he had studied there for a while with diligence and success, he was, in 1523, elected a fellow of All Souls. We may suppose that he became sensible of the importance of learning, and of the value of such seminaries, as he afterwards proved a liberal benefactor to both these colleges. His intention being to practise in the civil law courts, he took his bachelor’s degree in that faculty in July 1526, ant) his doctor’s in 1532, and the following year was admitted into the college of Advocates. It does not appear, however, that he left Oxford on this account, but was made principal of Peckwater Inn, now part of Christ Church; and he became soon after tutor to the son of Thomas Boleyn, earl of Wiltshire.
, archbishop of Canterbury, was the son of Thomas Potter, a linen draper at Wakefield in Yorkshire,
, archbishop of Canterbury, was the
son of Thomas Potter, a linen draper at Wakefield in Yorkshire, where he was born about the year 1674. He was
educated at a school at Wakefield, and it is said, made an
uncommon progress, in a short time, especially in the
Greek languague. That this, however, was a private school
seems to be taken for granted by Dr. Parr, who, after mentioning that our author’s Latin productions are not free
from faults, says that he would have been taught to avoid
these “in our best public seminaries.
” At the age of fourteen, Mr. Potter was sent to Oxford, and entered a battler
of University college in the beginning of 1688. There is
every reason to think that his diligence here was exemplary
and successful; for, after taking his bachelor’s degree, he
was employed by the master of his college, the learned Dr.
Charlett, to compile a work for the use of his fellow students, entitled, “Variantes lectiones et notae ad Plutarchi
librum de audiendis poetis, item Variantes lectiones, &c.
ad Basilii Magni orationem ad juvenes, quomodo cum fructu
legere possint Graecorum libros,
” 8vo. This was printed at
the University press, then in the Theatre, in 1693, at the
expence of Dr. Charlett, who used to present copies of it,
as a new-year’s-gift, to the young students of University
college, and to others of his friends.
, an eminent lawyer and judge, was the son of Thomas Price, esq of Geeler in Denbighshire, and born in
, an eminent lawyer and judge, was the
son of Thomas Price, esq of Geeler in Denbighshire, and
born in the parish of Kerigy Druidion, Jan. 14, 1653. After
an education at the grammar-school of Wrexham, he was
admitted of St. John’s college, Cambridge; but, as usual
with gentlemen destined for his profession, left the university without taking a degree, and entered himself a
student of Lincoln’s Inn about 1673. In 1677 he made
what was called the grand tour, in company with the earl
of Lexington, and lady and sir John Meers. When at
Florence, we are told that he was apprehended, and some
law-books taken from him; and his copy of “Coke upon
” being supposed, by some ignorant officer, to be
an English heretical Bible, Mr. Price was carried before
the pope where he not only satisfied his holiness as to this
work, but made "him a present of it, and the pope ordered
it to be deposited in the Vatican library. In 1679 he returned, and married a lady of fortune; from whom, after
some years’ cohabitation, he found it necessary to be separated, on account of the violence of her temper. In
1682 he was chosen member of parliament for Weobly in
Herefordshire, and gave nis hote against the bill of
exclusion. The same year he was made attorney-general for
South Wales, elected an alderman for the city of Hereford, and the year following was chosen recorder of Radnor. His high reputation for knowledge and integrity
procured him the office of steward to the queen dowager
(relict of Charles II.) in 1684; he was also chosen townclerk of the city of Gloucester; and, in 1686, king’s
counsel at Ludlow. Being supposed to have a leaning
towards the exiled family, he was, after the revolution,
removed from tn*e offices of attorney-general for South
Wales and town-clerk of Gloucester. In resentment for
this affront, as his biographer insinuates, or from a more
patriotic motive, he opposed king William’s grant of certain
lands in Wales to his favourite, earl of Portland, and made
a memorable speech on this occasion in the House of Commons; the consequence of which was, that the grant was
, an English topographer, was the son of Thomas Risdon, bencher of the Inner Temple, afterwards treasurer
, an English topographer, was the
son of Thomas Risdon, bencher of the Inner Temple,
afterwards treasurer of that society, and lastly, recorder of
Totness, who published some law “Readings,
” and died
in The Chorographical Description or Survey of the County of Devon, &c.
” William Chappie, of Exeter, intended a new edition of this
work, and actually issued proposals; but dying in 1781,
his design was not completed, although in 1785 a portion
of it, printed at Exeter, appeared in 4to, with many notes
and additions. There is a “continuation
” of Risdon’s
Survey, which is paged on from the first part, and very
rarely to be met with, but there are copies in the Bodleian
and in the library of St. John’s, given by Dr. Rawlinson.
, a celebrated traveller, second son of Thomas Shirley of Weston, in Sussex, was born in 1565. He
, a celebrated traveller, second
son of Thomas Shirley of Weston, in Sussex, was born in
1565. He studied at Hart-hall, Oxford, where he took his
bachelor’s decree in 1581, and in the same year was elected
probationer fellow of All Souls College. Leaving the university, he spent some time in one of tru 1 inns of court, after
which he travelled on the continent, and joined the English
troops, which, at that time, were serving in Holland. In
1596 he was one of the adventurers who went against the
Spaniards in their settlements in the West Indies; and on
his return, the earl of Essex, with whom he was a great favourite, employed him in the wars in Ireland, for his services in which he was knighted. After this he was sent by
the queen into Italy, in order to assist the people of Ferrara in their contest with the pope: but finding that before
he arrived, peace had been, signed, he proceeded to Venice,
and travelled from thence to Persia, where he became a
favourite with Shah Abbas, who sent him as his ambassador
to England in 1612. By the 'emperor of Germany he was
raised to the dignity of count, and by the king of Spain he
was appointed admiral of the Levant seas. Such honours
excited the jealousy of James I. who ordered him to return,
but this he thought proper to disobey, and is supposed to
have died in Spain about the year 1630. There is an account of his West Indian expedition in the third volume of
Hakluyt’s collection, under the following title: “A true
Relation of the Voyage undertaken by Sir Anthony Shirley,
Knight, in 1596, intended for the island San Tome, but
performed to St. Jago, Dominica, Margarita, along the
Coast of Tien a Firma to the Isle of Jamaica, the Bay of
Honduras, thirty leagues up Rio Dolce, and homewards by
Newfoundland, with the memorable Exploits achieved in
all this Voyage.
” His travels into Persia are printed separately, and were published in London in 1613, 4to; and
his travels over the Caspian sea, and through Russia, were
inserted in Purchas’s Pilgrimages.
, a law writer, of the seventeenth century, was the son of Thomas Swinburne of the city of York, where he was born.
, a law writer, of the seventeenth century, was the son of Thomas Swinburne of the city
of York, where he was born. In his sixteenth year he was
sent to Oxford, and entered a commoner of Hart-hall,
whence after some time he removed to Broadgate-hall, now
Pembroke college, and there took his degree of bachelor
of civil law. Before he left the university he married Helena, daughter of Bartholomew Lant, of Oxford, and being
then obliged to quit the college, he returned to York, and
practised in the ecclesiastical courts as proctor. He afterwards commenced doctor of civil law, and became very
eminent in his profession. On Feb. 10, 1612, he was advanced to be commissary of the Exchequer, and judge of
the prerogative court of the province of York, in which
office he continued till his death. Of this event we have
no direct memorial; but, as his will was proved June 12,
1624, we may presume he died about that time. He
was buried in the cathedral of York, leaving his dwelling
house in York to his son Toby, and a benefaction to the
poor of the city. It appears he was twice married, and that
his second wife’s name was Wentworth. He wrote a
“Treatise of Spousals, or Matrimonial contracts,
” which
was not published until Treatise of Testaments and Last Wills, compiled out of the laws, ecclesiastical, civil, and canon, as
also out of the common laws, customs, and statutes of this
” This work has passed through seven editions, 4to.
, secretary of state to the two protectors Oliver and Richard Cromwell, was son of Thomas Thurloe, rector of Abbots- Roding, Essex, where he
, secretary of state to the two protectors Oliver and Richard Cromwell, was son of Thomas Thurloe, rector of Abbots- Roding, Essex, where he was born in 1616. He was educated to the law, and afterwards recommended to the patronage of Oliver St. John, esq. a person of great eminence in that profession, and successively solicitor-general to Charles I. and lord chief justice of the common pleas; by whose interest, Jan. 1645, he was appointed one of the secretaries to the parliament commissioners at the treaty of Uxbridge. In 1647, he was admitted of LincolnVinn; and, March 1648, made receiver or clerk of the cursitor fines, under the earl of Kent, lord Grey of Werke, sir Thomas Widdrington, and Bulstrode Whitelocke, esq. commissioners of the great seal. Though his attachments were entirely on the side of the parliament, yet, with regard to the death of king Charles, he declares himself, that he was altogether a stranger to the fact, and to all the counsels about it; having 1 not had the least communication with any person whatsoever on that affair. Yet, after that extraordinary event, and the establishment of the new commonwealth, he was diverted from his employments in the law, and engaged in public business. In March 1651, he attended the lord chief justice St. John, and Walter Strickland, esq. ambassadors to the states of the United Provinces, as their secretary, with whom he returned to England in 1651, and, April 1652, was preferred to the office of secretary to the council of state; and, upon Cromwell’s assuming the protectorship in 1653, became secretary of state. In Feb. 1654, he was chosen one of the masters of the upper bench of the society of Lincoln’s-inn; and, in Aug. 1655, had the care and charge of the postage, both foreign and inland, committed to him by the protector. In 1656, he was chosen member of parliament for the Isle of Ely; and in April 1657 received the thanks of the parliament, for his vigilance in detecting the plot of Harrison and other fifth-monarchymen, and for many great services to the public. On July 13 of the same year, he was sworn one of the privy council to the protector, according to the "humble petition and advice 7> and in November was elected one of the governors of the Charter-house. Burnet relates a story, which probably happened about this time, of his having nearly forfeited Cromwell’s good opinion, by not being vigilant enough in listening to accounts of plots against his (Cromwell’s) life, but he soon effected a reconciliation, and appears to have induced Cromwell to think as he did, that too much curiosity after such matters argued an undignified fear.
lived. He was, agreeably to the terms of his second peerage, succeeded by his nephew Edward, eldest son of Thomas Thurlow, late bishop of Durham, who died in 179 1.
As a scholar lord Thurlow possessed more knowledge than the world gave him credit for, and his profound acquaintance with the Greek language is testified in a dedication to him by his friend Dr. Horsley. In early life, he lived much with men of gaiety and wit, and always preserved a high respect for literary merit. In his latter years, he would not probably have defended the laxity in which much of his time had been spent. He never was married, but left three daughters by a lady with whom he had long lived. He was, agreeably to the terms of his second peerage, succeeded by his nephew Edward, eldest son of Thomas Thurlow, late bishop of Durham, who died in 179 1.
, dean of Canterbury, was the son of Thomas Turner of Heckfield in Hampshire, alderman and mayor
, dean of Canterbury, was the son
of Thomas Turner of Heckfield in Hampshire, alderman
and mayor of Reading in Berkshire; and was born in the
parish of St. Giles’s in that borough, in 1591. In 1610 he
was admitted on the foundation at St. John’s college, Oxford, and had for his tutor Mr. Juxon, afterwards archbishop
of Canterbury. His application to learning was assiduous
and successful, and having entered into holy orders, he immediately distinguished himself as a divine of merit. Ira
1623 he was presented by his college to the vicarage of St.
Giles’s in Oxford, which he held with his. fellowship, but
relinquished it in 1628. Laud, when bishop of London,
made him his chaplain, and in 1629, at which time Mr.
Turner was B. D. collated him to the prebend of Newington in the church of St. Paul, and in October following to
the chancellorship of the same church, in which also he
was appointed by Charles I. a canon-residentiary. The
king likewise made him one of his chaplains in ordinary,
and gave him the rectory of St. Olave, Southwark, with
which he held the rectory of Fetcham in the county of
Surrey. In 1633, when Charle> I. resolved on a progress
to Scotland for his coronation, Turner was commanded to
attend his majesty; previous to which he was, April 1,
1633-4, created D D. by the university of Oxford. In
1641 he was preferred to the deanery of Rochester, and on
the death of Ur. Eglionby to that of Canterbury, but of this
last he could not obtain possession until the restoration.
After the death of the king, to whom he had adhered with
inflexible loyalty and attachment, he shared the fate of the
other loyal clergymen in being stript of his preferments,
and treated with much indignity and cruelty. On the
restoration, in August 1660, he entered into full possession
of the deanery of Canterbury, and might have been rewarded with a mitre, but he declined it, “preferring to
set out too little rather than too much sail.
” Instead of
seeking further promotion, he soon resigned the rectory of
Fetcham, “desiring to ease his aged shoulders of the burthen of cure of souls; and caused it to be bestowed upon
a person altogether unacquainted with him, but recommended very justly under the character of a pious man, and
a sufferer for righteousness.
, son of Thomas, and grandson of John Twyne, was born in 1579, and
, son of Thomas, and grandson of John Twyne, was born in 1579, and admitted a scholar of Corpus Christi college in December 1594. After he had taken the degrees in arts, he was admitted probationer fellow in 1605, and entering into holy orders took the degree of bachelor of divinity in 1610. In 1614 he was made Greek reader of his college, in which office he acquitted himself with credit, but about 1623 left college to avoid being involved in some dispute between the president and fellows; because in this affair, Wood informs us, he could not vote on either side without the hazard of expulsion, having entered college on a Surrey scholarship, which, it seems, was irregular. He was afterwards presented to the vicarage of Rye in Sussex by the earl of Dorset, but seldom resided, passing most of his time in Oxford, where he had lodgings in Penverthing or Pennyfarthing street, in the parish of St. Aldate. He lived here in a kind of retirement, being, as Wood says, of a melancholy temper, and wholly given to reading, writing, and contemplation. Laud had a great regard for him, and employed him in drawing up the university statutes, all of which he transcribed with his own hand, and was rewarded with the place of custos archivorum, founded in 1634. He died at his lodging^ in St. Aldate’s, July 4, 1644, aged sixty-five, and was buried in Corpus chapel.
cott, in Warwickshire, said to be descended, according to family tradition, frona Leonard, a younger son of Thomas West, lord De la Warr, who died in 1525. He was educated
, a gentleman of literary talents, and long known for his fine library and museum, was the son of Richard West, esq. of Alscott, in Warwickshire, said to be descended, according to family tradition, frona Leonard, a younger son of Thomas West, lord De la Warr, who died in 1525. He was educated at Baliol college, Oxford, where he took his degree of M. A. in 1726. He had an early attachment to the study of antiquities, and was elected F. S. A. in 1726, and was afterwards one of the vice-presidents. Of the Royal Society likewise he became a fellow in the same year, and was first treasurer, from Nov. 1736 to Nov. 1768, when he was elected president, and held that honourable office until his death, July 2, 1772. In 1741 he was chosen one of the representatives in parliament for St. Alban’s, and, being appointed one of the joint secretaries of the treasury, he continued in that office until 1762. His old patron, the duke of Newcastle, afterwards procured him a pension of 2000l. For what services so large a sum was granted, we are not told.
, a brave officer in the reign of queen Elizabeth, was the son of Thomas Williams, of Penrose in Monmouthshire, and educated
, a brave officer in the reign of
queen Elizabeth, was the son of Thomas Williams, of Penrose in Monmouthshire, and educated at Oxford, probably
in Brasenose college. After leaving the university, he became a volunteer in the army, and served under the duke
of Alva. In 1581, he was in the English army commanded
by general Norris in Friesland, where Camden says the
enemy’s troops were defeated by sir Roger Williams at
Northern, who probably therefore was knighted for his
gailant exploits before this time, although Wood says that honour was not conferred upon him until 1586. In this lastmentioned year he appears again in the army commanded
by the earl of Leicester in Flanders. When the prince of
Parma laid siege to Venlo in Guelderland, Williams, with
one Skenk, a Frieslander, undertook to pierce through the
enemy’s camp at midnight, and enter the town. They
penetrated without much difficulty, as far as the prince of
Parma’s tent, but were then repulsed. The attempt, however, gained them great reputation in the army.* In 1591,
Williams was sent to assist in the defence of Dieppe, and
remained there beyond August 24, 1593. What other exploits he performed, we know not, but it is probable that
he continued in the service of his country during the war
in the Low Countries, of which war he wrote a valuable
history. He died in London in 1595, and was buried in
St. Paul’s, attended to his grave by the earl of Essex, and
other officers of distinction. “He might,
” says Camden,
“have been compared with the most famous captains of
our age, could he have tempered the heat of his warlike
spirit with more wariness and prudent discretion.
” Wood
calls him a colonel, but it does not clearly appear what
rank he attained in the army. From his writings, which
are highly extolled by Camden, he appears to have been
a man of strong natural parts, and sound judgment. His
principal writing is entitled “The Actions of the Low
” Lond. A brief discourse of War, with his opinion
concerning some part of military discipline,
” ibid. Actions
of the Low Countries,
” a “Discourse of the Discipline of
the Spaniards;
” and in Rymer’s Fcedera is his “Advice
from France, Nov. 20, 1590.
” Some of his Mss. and
Letters are in the Cotton Library in the British Museum.
born Sept. 14, 1682, at Blandford in Dorset. He was grandson to the preceding Dr. Willis, and eldest son of Thomas Willis, esq. of Bletchley, in Bucks. His mother was
, an eminent antiquary, was born
Sept. 14, 1682, at Blandford in Dorset. He was grandson
to the preceding Dr. Willis, and eldest son of Thomas
Willis, esq. of Bletchley, in Bucks. His mother was daughter of Robert Browne, esq. of Frampton, in Dorsetshire.
He had the first part of his education under Mr. Abraham
Freestone at Bechampton, whence he was sent to Westminster-school, and during his frequent walks in the adjoining abbey imbibed that taste for architectural, particularly
Ecclesiastical, antiquities, which constituted the pleasure
and employment of his future life. At the age of seventeen he was admitted a gentleman commoner of Christ
church, Oxford, wilder the tuition of the famous geographer Edward Wells, D. D. and when he left Oxford, he
lived for three years with the famous Dr. Will. Wotton. In
1702, he proved a considerable benefactor to Fenny-Stratford, by reviving the market of that town. In 1705, he
was chosen for the town of Buckingham; and, during the
short time he was in parliament, was a constant attendant,
and generally upon committees. In 1707, he married Catharine, daughter of Daniel Elliot, esq. of a very ancient
family in Cornwall, with whom he had a fortune of 8000l.
and by whom he had a numerous issue. She died Oct. 2,
1724. This lady had some literary pretensions. She wrote
a book entitled “The established Church of England the
true catholick church, free from innovations, or diminishing the apostolic doctrines, the sacraments, and doctrines
whereof are herein set forth,
” Lond.
, a teacher of considerable note, and a publisher of some school-books of reputation, was the second son of Thomas Willymot of Royston, in the county of Cambridge, by
, a teacher of considerable
note, and a publisher of some school-books of reputation,
was the second son of Thomas Willymot of Royston, in the
county of Cambridge, by his wife Rachel, daughter of Dr.
Pindar of Springfield in Essex. He was born, we are not
told in what year, at Royston, and admitted scholar of
King’s- college, Cambridge, Oct. 20, 1692. He proceeded
A. B. in 1697, A. M. in 1700, and LL. D. in 1707. After
taking his master’s degree he went as usher to Eton, where
Cole says “he continued not long, but kept a school at
Isleworth in Middlesex:
” Harwood, however, says that
he was many years an assistant at Eton, and was the editor
of several books for the use of boys educated there* Harwood adds that he was tutor, when at King’s college, to
lord Henry and lord Richard Lumley, sons of the earl of
Scarborough; and Cole informs us that he was private
tutor in the family of John Bromley, of Horseheath-hall,
in Cambridgeshire, esq. father of Henry lord Montfort;
“but here endeavouring to pay his addresses to one of the
ladies of the family, he was dismissed. 7 ' When he left
Eton is uncertain, but in 1721 we find him master of a
private school at Isleworth, and at that time one of the
candidates for the mastership of St. Paul’s school, in which
he did not succeed. By an advertisement then published
by him, it would appear that his failure arose in son>$,
measure from his being suspected of an attachment to the
pretender, which he denies. Some time before this he had
studied civil law, and entered himself of Doctors’-comtnons, but changing his mind, returned to college, took
holy orders, and was made vice-provost of King’s college
hi the above year, 1721, at which time he was senior fellow.
In 1735 he was presented to the rectory of Milton near
Cambridge, after a contest with the college, which refused
him, in consideration of his not having remained and performed the requisite college exercises. Even with this,
Cole says, he was soon dissatisfied, and would have returned to his fellowship had it been possible. He died
June 7, 1737, of an apoplexy, at the Swan Inn, at Bedford, on his return from Bath. Among his publications for
the use of schools arej 1.
” The peculiar use and signification of certain words in the Latin tongue,“&c. 1705, 8vo.
” Particles exemplified in English sentences, &c.“1703,
8vo. 3.
” Larger examples, fitted to Lilly’s grammarrules.“4.
” Smaller examples, &c.“5.
” Three of Terence’s comedies, viz. the Andria, the Adelpbi, and th
Hecyra, with English notes,“1706, 8vo. 6.
” Select
stories from Ovid’s Metamorphoses, with English notes.“7.
” Phscdrus Fables, with English notes,“&c. &c. He
published also
” A collection of Devotions for the Altar,“2 vols. 8vo
” Lord Bacon’s Essays,“2 vols. 8vo. and
” A
new translation of Thomas a, Kempis,“1722, The com*
mon copies are dedicated
” To the Sufferers by the South
Sea.“It was originally dedicated to Dr. Godolphin, provost of Eton, but as he had abused the fellows of the college in it, upon recollection he called it in,
” so,“says
” this curious dedication is rarely to be met with."
queen Elizabeth, celebrated for the politeness of his style and the extent of his knowledge, was the son of Thomas Wilson of Stroby in Lincolnshire, by Anne daughter
, a statesman and divine in the reign of queen Elizabeth, celebrated for the politeness of his style and the extent of his knowledge, was the son of Thomas Wilson of Stroby in Lincolnshire, by Anne daughter and heir of Roger Comberwortb, of Comberworth in the same county. He was educated at Eton, and atKing’scollege, Cambridge; and went thence into the family of Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk, who intrusted him with the education of his two sons. During the reign of Mary, to whose persecution many fugitives owed their qualifications for future honours, he lived abroad, received the degree of doctor of laws at Ferrara, and was for some time imprisoned by the inquisition at Rome, on account of his two treatises on rhetoric and logic, which he had published in England, and in the English language, several years before. He is said to have suffered the torture, and would have been put to death, on refusing to deny his faith, had not a fire happened, which induced the populace to force open the prison, that those confined there might not perish > by which means he escaped; and, returning to England, after queen Mary’s death, was appointed one of the masters of requests, and master of St. Katherine’s hospital near the Tower. This was in the third year of queen Elizabeth, at which time he was her majesty’s secretary; but finding his patent for the mastership of St. Catherine’s void, because he was not a priest, according to queen Philippa’s charter, he surrendered the office, and had a new patent, with a non obstante, Dec. 7, 1563. According to Dr. Ducarel, his conduct in this office was somewhat objectionable, as he sold to the city of London the fair of St. Katherine’s, for the sum of 700 marks, surrendered the charter of Henry VI. and took a new one 8. Elizabeth, leaving out the liberty of the aforesaid fair; and did many other things very prejudicial to his successors. In 15lhe had been admitted a civilian; and in 1576 he was sent on an embassy to the Low Countries, where he acquitted himself so well, that in the following year he was named to succeed sir Thomas Smith as secretary of state; and in 1579 obtained a deanery of Durham. He died in 1581, and was buried in St. Katherine’s church. He was endowed with an uncommon strength of memory, which enabled him to act with N remarkable dispatch in his negociations. Yet he was more distinguished as a scholar than as a minister, and was perhaps unfortunate in having served jointly with the illustrious Walsingham, whose admirable conduct in his office admitted of no competition. Sir Thomas Wilson married Anne, daughter of sir William Winter, of Lidney in Gloucestershire, and left three children: Nicholas, who settled at Sheepwash in Lincolnshire; Mary, married, first, to Robert Burdett, of Bramcote in Warwickshire, secondly to sir Christopher Lowther, of Lowther in Westmoreland; and Lucretia, wife of George Belgrave, of Belgrave in Leicestershire.
, an eminent English antiquary and biographer, was the son of Thomas Wood, bachelor of arts and of the civil law; and was
, an eminent English antiquary and
biographer, was the son of Thomas Wood, bachelor of arts
and of the civil law; and was born at Oxford, December
17, 1632. He was sent to New-college school in that city
in 1641; and three years after removed to the free-school
at Thame in Oxfordshire, where he continued till his admission at Merton, 1647. His mother in Tain endeavoured
to prevail on him to follow some trade or profession; his
prevailing turn was to antiquity: “heraldry, music, and
painting, he says, did so much crowd upon him, that he
could not avoid them; and he could never give a reason
why he should delight in those studies more than others;
so prevalent was nature, mixed with a generosity of mind,
and a hatred to all that was servile, sneaking, or advantatageous, for lucre-sake.
” He took the degree of B.A.
1652, and M.A. in 1655, As he resided altogether at Oxford, he perused all the evidences of the several colleges
and churches, from which he compiled his two great worts,
and assisted all who were engaged in the like designs; at
the same time digesting and arranging all the papers he
perused; thus doing the cause of antiquity a double service. His drawings preserved many things which soon
after were destroyed. In 1665, he began to lay the foundation of “Historia & Antiquitates Universitatis Oxoniensis;
” which was published in But at length having obtained the knack,
says Wood, “he went forward with the work; yet all the
proofs, that came from the press, went through the doctor’s hands, which he would correct, alter, or dash out, or
put in what he pleased; which created a great deal of
trouble to the composer and author, but there was no help.
He was a great man, and carried all things at his pleasure
so much, that many looked upon the copy as spoiled and
vitiated by him. Peers was a sullen, dogged, clownish, and
perverse, fellow; and when he saw the author concerned
at the altering of his copy, he would alter it the more, and
study to put things in that might vex him, and yet please
his dean, Dr. Fell.
” And he afterwards complains, how
“Dr. Fell, who printed the book at his own charge, took
so much liberty of putting in and out what he pleased, that
the author was so far from dedicating or presenting the
book to any one, that he would scarcely own it.
” Among
the “Genuine Remains of Barlow, bishop of Lincoln, published by sir Peter Pett in 1693,
” 8vo, are two letters of
that prelate, relating to this work. In the first letter we
have the following passage: “What you say of our late
antiquities is too true. We are alarmed by many letters,
not only of false Latin, but false English too, and many bad
characters cast on good men; especially on the Anti-Arminians, who are all made seditious persons, schismatics, if
not heretics: nay, our first reformers are made fanatics.
This they tell me; and our judges of assize, now in town,
say no less^. I have not read one leaf of the book yet; but
I see I shajl be necessitated to read it over, that I may
with my own eyes see the faults, and (so far as I am able)
endeavour the mending of them. Nor do I know any
other way but a new edition, with a real correction of all
faults; and a declaration, that those miscarriages cannot
justly be imputed to the university, as indeed they cannot,
but to the passion and imprudence, if not impiety, of one
or two, who betrayed the trust reposed in them in the managing the edition of that book.
” In the second letter,
after taking notice that the translation was made by the
order and authority of the dean of Christ-church; that not
only the Latin, but the history itself, is in many things
ridiculously false; and then producing passages as proofs
of both; he concludes thus: “Mr. Wood, the compiler of
those antiquities, was himself too favourable to papists;
and has often complained to me, that at Christ-church
some things were put in which neither were in his original
copy nor approved by him. The truth is, not only th
Latin, but also the matter of those antiquities, being erroneous in several things, may prove scandalous, and give
our adversaries some occasion to censure, not only the university, but the church of England and our reformation.
Sure I am, that the university had no hand in composing
or approving those antiquities; and therefore the errors
which are in them cannot de jure be imputed to the university, but must lie upon Christ-church and the composer
of them.
” This work, however, is now in a great measure
rescued from misapprehension by the publication of Wood’s
ms. in English by the rev. John Gutch, 3 vols. 4to.