
Berne, a fine Swiss town on the Aar, which almost surrounds it, in a populous canton of the same name; since 1848 the capital of the Swiss Confederation; commands a magnificent view of the Bernese Alps; a busy trading and manufacturing city.

Population (circa 1900) given as 47,000.

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Bernauer, Agnes * Berners, John Bouchier, Lord
[wait for the fun]
Bernadotte, Jean Baptiste Jules
Bernard, Claude
Bernard, St.
Bernard, Simon
Bernard of Menthon
Bernard of Morlaix
Bernardin de Saint-Pierre
Bernardine, St., of Siena
Bernauer, Agnes
Berners, John Bouchier, Lord
Berners, Juliana
Bernese Alps
Bernhard, Duke of Weimar
Bernhardt, Sarah
Berni, Francesco
Bernier, The Abbé
Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo


Links here from Chalmers

Abbadie, James
Albon, Claude Camille, Francois Count D'
Althamerus, Andrew
Altmann, John George
Aretius, Benedictus
Bertrand, Elias
Bianchi, Vendramino
Biondi, John Francis
Boccaccio, John
Bongars, James
[showing first 10 entries of 44]