Charles Albert (17981849)

Charles Albert, king of Sardinia, succeeded Charles Felix in 1831; conceived a design to emancipate and unite Italy; in the pursuit of this object he declared war against Austria; though at first successful, was defeated at Novara, and to save his kingdom was compelled to resign in favour of his son Victor Emmanuel; retired to Oporto, and died of a broken heart (17981849).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Charles, Archduke * Charles Edward
[wait for the fun]
Charles VIII.
Charles IX.
Charles X.
Charles V.
Charles VI.
Charles XII.
Charles I.
Charles II.
Charles, Archduke
Charles Albert
Charles Edward
Charles Martel
Charles of Anjou
Charles of Valois
Charles the Rash
Charles's Wain
Charlet, Nicolas Toussaint