Charles Edward (17211789)

Charles Edward, the Young Pretender, grandson of James II. of England, born at Rome, landed in Scotland (1745); issued a manifesto in assertion of his father's claims; had his father proclaimed king at Edinburgh; attacked and defeated General Cope at Prestonpans; marched at the head of his adherents into England as far as Derby; returned, and defeated the king's force at Falkirk, but retired before the Duke of Cumberland, who dispersed his army at Culloden; wandered about thereafter in disguise; escaped to France, and died at Florence (17211789).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Charles Albert * Charles Martel
[wait for the fun]
Charles IX.
Charles X.
Charles V.
Charles VI.
Charles XII.
Charles I.
Charles II.
Charles, Archduke
Charles Albert
Charles Edward
Charles Martel
Charles of Anjou
Charles of Valois
Charles the Rash
Charles's Wain
Charlet, Nicolas Toussaint
Charlotte, Princess