Cooke, T. P. (17861864)

Cooke, T. P., an actor in melodrama; began life at sea; took to the stage; his most popular representations were William in “Black-eyed Susan” and Long Tom Coffin in the “Pilot” (17861864).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Cooke, George Frederick * Coolgardie
[wait for the fun]
Cook, Dutton
Cook, Edward T.
Cook, Eliza
Cook, James
Cook, Joseph
Cook, Mount
Cook Strait
Cooke, Sir Antony
Cooke, Benjamin
Cooke, George Frederick
Cooke, T. P.
Cooper, Anthony Ashley
Cooper, Sir Astley
Cooper, James Fenimore
Cooper, Thomas
Cooper, Thomas Sidney
Cooper's Hill


Links here from Chalmers

Adams, John
Bryant, Jacob
Cambridge, Richard Owen
Cole, William
Cooke, Elizabeth
Cooke, Mildred
Cooke, Sir Anthony
Cooke, Thomas
Eusden, Lawrence
Foote, Samuel
[showing first 10 entries of 26]