George II., king of Great Britain from 1727 to 1760, and Elector of Hanover, born in Hanover, son of preceding; in 1705 he married Caroline of Anspach, and in 1714 was declared Prince of Wales; he joined his father in the struggle with Louis XIV., and distinguished himself on the side of the Allies at the battle of Oudenarde; the period of his reign is one of considerable importance in English history; Walpole and subsequently Pitt were the great ministers of the age; war was waged against Spain and France; the last Jacobite rising was crushed at Culloden (1746); English power was established in Canada by the brilliant victory of Wolfe at Quebec (1759); an empire was won in India by Clive; the victory of Minden (1759) was gained in the Seven Years' War; Methodism sprang up under Wesley and Whitfield; while a great development in literature and art took place; against these, however, must be set the doubling of the National Debt, mainly due to the Seven Years' War, and a defeat by the French at Fontenoy (1745) (1683‒1760).
Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)
George I. * George III.Links here from Chalmers
Aland, Sir John Fortescue
Almon, John
Anson, George
Barnard, Sir John
Bathurst, Allen
Blackwell, Thomas
Bowyer, William
Boyce, William
Bradley, James
Brett, Sir Piercy, Knt
[showing first 10 entries of 97]