Gifford, William (17571826)

Gifford, William, an English man of letters, born in Ashburton, Devonshire; left friendless and penniless at an early age by the death of his parents, he first served as a cabin-boy, and subsequently for four years worked as a cobbler's apprentice; through the generosity of a local doctor, and afterwards of Earl Grosvenor, he obtained a university training at Oxford, where in 1792 he graduated; a period of travel on the Continent was followed in 1794 by his celebrated satire the “Baviad,” and in two years later by the “Mæviad”; his editorship of the Anti-Jacobin (1797-1798) procured him favour and office at the hands of the Tories; the work of translation, and the editing of Elizabethan poets, occupied him till 1809, when he became the first editor of the Quarterly Review; his writing is vigorous, and marked by strong partisanship, but his bitter attacks on the new literature inaugurated by Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, and others reveal a prejudiced and narrow view of literature (17571826).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Gifford, Adam, Lord * Gigman
[wait for the fun]
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Gibson, John
Gibson, Thomas Milner
Giesebrecht, Wilhelm von
Gieseler, Johann Karl Ludwig
Gifford, Adam, Lord
Gifford, William
Gil Blas
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey
Gilbert, Sir John
Gilbert, William Schwenck
Gilbert Islands
Gilboa, Mount
Gilchrist, Alexander


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Ethryg, George
Ford, John