Gibraltar, a promontory of rock, in the S. of Spain, about 2 m. square and over 1400 ft. in height, connected with the mainland by a spit of sand, forming a strong fortress, with a town (25) of the name at the foot of it on the W. side, and with the Strait of Gibraltar on the S., which at its narrowest is 15 m. broad; the rock above the town is a network of batteries, mounted with heavy cannon, and the town itself is a trade entrepôt for N. Africa; the rock has been held as a stronghold by the British since 1704.
Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)
Gibeon * Gibson, JohnGibraltar in Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase & Fable
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Blair, John [No. 3]
Boscawen, Right Hon. Edward
Breval, John Durant De
Byng, George
Carter, Francis
Collingwood, Cuthbert, Lord
Collins, David
Craig, Sir James Henry
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